Just as the purple turtle shell fell from the void, there was a sound of air being squeezed around, and Lu Kun's sturdy figure had already landed on it.

He narrowed his eyes, did not use the power of the void, but raised his right hand, a layer of silver streamer shone on it, five concentrated silver vortices appeared on his fingers, and reached into the mouth of the shell again.

"Get me out!"

With a loud shout, the muscles on Lu Kun's right arm squirmed horribly, and he pulled out a huge head like a sea turtle bit by bit.

The pale green skin with folds grows on it, the eyes are dim, and it seems to be in a state of dizziness. There is a five-finger claw mark on its lower jaw, and the blood in the slightly open mouth is blurred, and there is a faint smell of destruction.

Lu Kun's right hand, like a claw-shaped magic weapon, was inserted into the back of the head's neck. In his other hand, there appeared the war treasure that turned his head, directly facing the turtle monster's head, ruthlessly. Hit hard.

"Bang bang bang..." The 1.2 million jins of terrifying power kept shaking, forming a continuous wave of air that rolled around.

In just a few breaths, Lu Kun smashed ten heavy blows. At the same time, a large area of ​​gray sand and dust appeared around his body, covering a range of six feet, like a gray fog balloon.

Although Gui Chongshan is a peak tenth level monster, the monster spirit power in his body is disordered, and he can't protect his head. With the strength of flesh and blood alone, how can he resist such a brutal and brutal ramming blow.

After only ten breaths, the skull of the turtle demon was forcibly ripped apart, the brain inside turned into a pool of blood, and a purple phantom rushed out with lightning speed and hit the fog balloon directly.

These gray sand and dust seemed to be controlled by some kind of power, and they quickly closed together, and in an instant they condensed into a gray stone ball the size of a watermelon. Although there was a rumbling sound inside, the stone ball remained motionless.

Seeing this, Lu Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After many battles, he found that the void force field would be broken by powerful magic techniques, so he thought of adding broken dragon stone sand to the force field, combining the real and the virtual, which directly trapped the soul of this top-level monster.

Putting away the broken dragon stone ball, Lu Kun looked at King Kui Niu and the others not far away, and smiled slightly: "Everyone, Lu consumes a lot of money, first restore the mana, the swallowing insect has entered the depths of the inner sea, and in a short time Can't come back."

After he finished speaking, he carried the tortoise monster's body and flew to the coral island not far away. After the fierce battle of everyone, this small island has been smashed into a large piece, almost parallel to the sea level, and a lot of sea water poured into it. Like a swampy mud.

A group of demon cultivators and immortal cultivators felt relieved when they felt the lifeless corpse of the turtle monster. Although there were some twists and turns, the tenth-level peak turtle monster was still dead.

They looked at Lu Kun's back with some respect. The battle just now was almost entirely led by Pavilion Master Lu. Without the support of this terrifying teammate, they would probably have been forced to death by this tortoise monster.

In the depths of the pupils of King Kui Niu and Dao Yizhen, there were extremely fearful and worried colors flashing.

They have some understanding of the realm of the half-step demon king. The turtle demon's attack not only reached the peak of the tenth level, but also contained a trace of the demon king's thoughts.

In addition to the strong physical defense, this pavilion Lu's defense is so amazing that even the soul's defense is so amazing that they even suspected that Lu Kun's exposed mid-Yuan Ying consciousness was just an illusion.

In the joint contract concluded by the two parties, the distribution of the spoils of death is stipulated, only thunder beads, demon pills and flesh and blood, as for other parts, to be distributed according to the contribution in the battle after the battle.

They thought that with the combined power of self-exploding bull horns and ethereal profound light, they would definitely dominate. Who knew that this terrifying supernatural power would only interrupt the promotion of the turtle monster, and even help it solve a hidden danger.

The following battles all depended on this Pavilion Master Lu, and as a result, they were at an absolute disadvantage in the allocation.

The other few people did not have these troubles. The Golden Lion King and Badger Six completely obeyed the instructions of King Kui Niu. Daoist Baiyun was Dao Yizhen's junior brother. Han Feng and Chen Mingzhu also had deals with him. Bobo discussed how to distribute those silver-headed sharks.

Next, everyone also landed on the coral island with Lu Kun. After Chen Mingzhu arranged some restrictions, everyone took out the spirit stone pills and began to recover.

In the battle just now, they all took the tortoise monster's attack hard. In addition to the loss of vitality, their spiritual sense was also damaged. For a time, the most violent battlefield in Xiyuan Prefecture became calm.


For some reason, Lu Kun didn't put away the tortoise monster's body, but sat on its tortoise shell, running the body training exercises and restoring the magical energy in his body.

Although the battle time just now was extremely short, the consumption was amazing, and the magic energy in his body was about to be exhausted.

The magical power of the arm, the squeezing force field of the physical source, and the urging of the two hundred and six bone treasures, these consumption of magic energy are extremely amazing, if the battle continues for a while, he may not be able to support it.

And in order to confront the thunder and lightning attack of the turtle demon, Lu Kun added a lot of blood essence to his muscles to enhance his physical defense and resilience.

It seems that he uses his physical body to resist the powerful lightning supernatural power, but if there is no strong blood essence blessing, even with the help of lightning resistance, the flesh and blood will collapse long ago. After all, the strength of his muscles is still far from Gubao.

At present, only about 30% of the blood essence in his body is left.

Looking back on the battle just now, Lu Kun couldn't help but feel a cold sweat in his heart. Others might not be able to see it, but through his golden eye supernatural power, he noticed that most of the demon spirit power in the opponent's body was in a disordered state.

The reason why the Ball of Destruction was able to work was because the tortoise monster's demon spirit power was all retracted into the body, which was then stuffed into the body. Exploding in the tortoise monster's body can hurt the opponent.

The state of the tenth-level tortoise monster shows that the previous attacks of Daoyi Zhenren and Kui Niu King have severely damaged each other, but the turtle monster has not been revealed, and the spirit-transforming thoughts hidden by the senior may not be that simple. .

According to Lu Kun's judgment, this tortoise monster is only in half state. This monster can suppress Kui Niuwang and others because of the terrifying thunderbolt technique and madness. Thunderbolt technique can ensure that the tortoise monster dodges all kinds of attacks. , the meaning of frenzy greatly increases its attack power.

Unfortunately, Lu Kun is not afraid of these two points.

With the help of the whole body and the void, his short-distance burst speed is not weaker than that of the Thunder Escape Technique, and the hidden magical powers of spiritual consciousness can even resist the madness of the senior Lingming Stone Monkey, not to mention this monster.

However, Lu Kun did not feel the joy of winning, but felt a little heavy in his heart, and felt more and more the importance of cultivation.

If it is the turtle demon in the best state, he is not its opponent at all.

The opponent has the spirit of the demon king, and the Jeet Kune magical power cannot intercept the vitality of heaven and earth, and the defensive power of the turtle monster is not bad at all compared to him.

Although the power of Void Squeeze can limit the teleportation supernatural power, he must activate the source power after the arm supernatural power is activated. The magic power cannot last for too long. After a long battle, it will definitely be at a disadvantage. After the defeat, he may not even be able to escape.

"Cultivation is still not enough. Magic energy is consumed too fast. After returning this time, the treasures that restore magic energy must be researched. There are problems with the previous structure, but if you replace it with..."

While thinking about it, Lu Kun continued to absorb spiritual energy and magic energy, restoring the almost dry magic energy and blood essence in his body.

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