The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1035 Extraction (Part 2)

Lu Kun looked at the corpse with green wrinkled skin, his eyebrows were a little excited, and he recalled the method of devouring and extracting that he had created before.

The manifestations of the power of life between the transformation demon repair and the bone transformation period are different. One helps transform and generates Dantian meridians, and the other stabilizes the fusion of magical energy.

Even so, they are all energies bestowed by the Thunder Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and the essence is the same, so the energy of the demon cultivator's qi and blood absorbed by the force of life, and the flesh and blood of the body cultivator, must have one thing in common.

Lu Kun tested the corpses of two transformed monsters, eliminated the blood power of the monsters, filtered the residual monsters' spiritual power and the flesh and blood components different from the human race, and finally created a method of devouring, which can extract this from the flesh of the monsters. Common point, the essence of life.

He found that the recovery of body essence and blood is slow. The main reason is that the essence of life takes a lot of time to generate. The essence of life extracted from the flesh and blood of the demon race is equivalent to some kind of medicine for restoring essence and blood, which saves a lot of training time. .


Lu Kun took two steps forward, his mouth slightly opened, and a silver line of blood spat out, gathered in mid-air, and turned into the size of a watermelon in the blink of an eye.

Then the silver blood essence disappeared into the wound on the back of the tortoise monster, and then there were bursts of creepy chewing noises, as if there were bloody mouths eating flesh and blood.

After half an hour, the sound of chewing slowly disappeared, and a large mass of thick silver blood squeezed out from the gap on the back of the corpse, nearly twice as big as before, and in the middle was a thick and incomparably thick meat foam. .

Lu Kun stretched out his hand, and the silver-red blood turned into a stream of blood, mixed with still squirming flesh and blood, pouring into his mouth, as if he was swallowing the flesh of a monster.

If it is an ordinary person, just seeing these disgusting flesh and blood will have a strong sense of rejection, but for Lu Kun, as long as it can help the cultivation of the flesh, it is nothing.

In order to create a demon zombie body, Hong Yuntian of the One Yuan Sect even ate the demon zombie body. It took hundreds of years to eat it. Compared with Lu Kun's devouring the flesh and blood of demon beasts, it was nothing compared to that.

After a while, this large mass of flesh and blood all entered the body, but they did not pour into the esophagus or internal organs, but entered the bone treasure from various blood vessels under the decomposition of silver blood.

The flesh and blood of the tortoise demon contains powerful bloodline power, demon spirit energy, and even the genes of many demon beasts, all of which need to be filtered out.

Lu Kun's method of devouring and extracting is to repeatedly circulate these flesh and blood essences inside and outside the bone treasure, and purify them with tough bones and destructive magic energy.

The demon spirit power is destroyed by the domineering magical energy, and the flesh and blood impurities and blood power of the demon beast are filtered through the blood and marrow cavity.

With the flow of energy in Lu Kun's body, clumps of dirty flesh mixed with green and purple were spat out by him and fell on the ground beside him, exuding a strong smell of monsters.

Another quarter of an hour later, three jade bottles appeared out of thin air in his hand, his mouth opened slightly, and he spat out a cloud of white liquid and two tiny drops of blood.

Lu Kun looked at the cloud of milky white liquid with joy.

This mass of liquid that exudes a strong aura of life is the essence of life extracted, which gives him a very strong feeling, far exceeding the flesh and blood of an eighth-level monster, and the amount extracted is even more than he expected.

"As expected of the existence of a half-step demon king, in addition to a strong physical body, I am afraid that the power of life in the body is also extremely strong, resulting in an extremely rich life essence."

Lu Kun looked at the huge corpse and was in a good mood. It seemed that the life essence extracted by this tortoise monster would greatly exceed his expectations and would be enough for him to practice for a long time.

Then he spat out a drop of silver blood, turned it into a pale silver film, wrapped the milky white life essence, and put it into a jade bottle.

Lu Kun had felt before that this essence of life would gradually dissipate over time, and only by wrapping it in powerful blood could it maintain its activity.

Then he looked at the other two drops of liquid, one was purple, the other was pale green, it seemed to be some kind of concentrated blood essence, exuding a different aura.

"This drop has a strong thunder and lightning aura, it should be the blood of the thunder turtle. What is the other drop, it seems to be a powerful blood."

Lu Kun showed a bit of surprise. When he purified the flesh and blood of the bear demon and the wolf demon before, the blood power in the opponent's corpse was directly filtered into residue by his blood essence and was not separated. The blood of the turtle demon Not only was it not filtered out, but the essence was extracted.

"The green bloodline seems to carry a power of devouring, very similar to the magic power of blood, but it doesn't have that evil feeling."

Lu Kun touched his chin and pondered: "The technique of phagocytosis and extraction can actually extract the bloodline essence from the flesh and blood of the demon race, but the weaker bloodline cannot be extracted."

He couldn't help thinking: "In the memory of the bloodline of the gibbous ape, the old guys in the One Yuan Sect extracted the blood and essence of the gibbous ape's blood through a unique method of refining medicine."

"From the information I know, the cultivators do not have the means to extract the bloodline essence of the monsters alone."

He waved his hand and put the two drops of blood essence into the jade bottle respectively, with some anticipation in his eyes: "These bloodlines may not be able to be used for the transformation of the half-demon body."

"Looking from Fang Yuan's situation last time, there are two basic conditions for the transformation of the demon spirit art into a half-demon body. The first is that body cultivation and demon bloodline are not mutually exclusive, which can be solved by practicing demon spirit art."

"Secondly, through the temporary demon spirit power and the bloodline of the demon beast, the unique blood energy of the demon beast is formed in the bone marrow cavity of the body repair. Through this energy, the marrow is refined to generate blood, and the power of the bloodline is integrated with the body repair, thereby enhancing the aptitude of the physical body. "

"But qi and blood energy can only be generated by temporary demon spirit power at the transformation level, which is very troublesome."

Lu Kun rubbed the two jade bottles in his hands, frowning lightly: "Now I can extract the pure blood essence from the monster's body, I don't know if I can create some kind of medicinal pill or secret technique, avoid these two points, and directly strengthen the body. Qualifications for repair?"

Lu Kun couldn't help but think of himself. When he first came to this world, he was infused with the blood of the gibbous ape. As he cultivated, this blood gradually merged with his body. During the coagulation period, it was completely integrated. .

But what he couldn't figure out was that he didn't practice the Demon Spirit Jue, why when the bloodline of the arm demon ape first entered the body, there was no rejection, and it seemed that some kind of change had taken place that he didn't know about.

"Fang Xiaobo has been ordered by me to retreat. When he tries to break through the Nascent Soul, he will carefully study the transformation method of the lower half-demon body."

Lu Kun put the two jade bottles aside, he was not at all interested in this thunder turtle bloodline and another strange bloodline.

No matter how strong these two bloodlines are, how can they compare to him.

After years of tempering, Lu Kun believed that his bloodline was no less than that of the Armored Demon Ape, and the body-refining technique he practiced included the five elements and demonic attributes, which corresponded to the Chaos Demonic Body of the Armored Demon Ape.

If he mixes other bloodlines, it is equivalent to lowering his qualifications in disguise. Lu Kun would not do such a stupid thing.

Although he doesn't need it, the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion are different. The improvement of aptitude means that it is easier to cultivate to a higher level. Only when this secret technique is created, the number of body cultivation in the Body Refinement Pavilion will be guaranteed in the future.

Next, Lu Kun continued to extract the essence of life. In any case, his cultivation ranked first, and the study of other secret arts ranked last.

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