The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1036 Carding

Half a month later, there were more than a hundred jade bottles in front of Lu Kun, each with a pale silver luster, and not far away there were several shriveled monster skins.

In addition to the tenth-level peak turtle monster, there were tenth-level silver-headed sharks, ninth-level silver-headed sharks, and the remnants of the burning sea crocodile.

These corpses only have bones and a few skin sacs, and the flesh and internal organs have all been converted into life essence. Unfortunately, except for the flesh and blood of the turtle demon, no blood vessels have been extracted from the other flesh.

Lu Kun looked at these jade bottles, and his eyes flashed with satisfaction. According to his estimation, hundreds of bottles of life essence are enough to cultivate for more than a hundred years.

Although the life essence of the eighth-level demon cultivator has little effect, the ninth-level essence still has some effect on the recovery of blood essence. He plans to use the ninth-level life essence with poor effect first, and then use the tenth-level life essence, so it cannot be wasted.

It can be said that Lu Kun has gained a lot this time, but King Kui Niu and the others should not suffer.

The role of Leizhu Lu Kun is not very clear, but the tenth-level peak demon pill of the tortoise monster must be extremely helpful to the cultivation of King Kui Niu. will return to the demon pill.

In other words, in addition to the powerful demon spirit power, the tenth-level demon pill also has the life force of the turtle demon. The thunder turtle is the top thunder attribute monster, and the Kui Niu King can save at least a hundred years of hard work.

A flash of light flashed in Lu Kun's hand, and a light blue demon pill appeared. It was the demon pill of the ninth-level silver-headed shark. The golden light flashed in his eyes, he observed it carefully, and sighed in his heart.

"Although there is a storage of life force in it, it can't be used at all. When I used to refine the war treasure, I also fantasized about using the life force of the demon cultivator to bless it. Now it seems that it is a bit whimsical."

"The power of life of the demon cultivator is different from that of the body cultivator, and there is no way to stabilize the magic energy."

Putting away the demon pill, Lu Kun showed a jade slip and a gray war treasure in his hands respectively. While observing the war treasure, he recorded what he thought into the jade slip.

"After every fierce battle, there is damage inside the war treasure. It needs to be nurtured by the internal magic power of flesh and blood. It cannot support long-term battles, and there are still defects."

Lu Kun recalled the scene of fighting the tortoise monster. After the magic energy was injected into the war treasure, while activating the magical powers, the domineering aura of destruction continued to destroy the internal structure of the war treasure.

If it wasn't for him refining Zhanbao's internal muscles into a honeycomb shape, which played a buffering role, I am afraid that after several attacks, Zhanbao would have suffered serious damage, rather than slightly damaged spirituality.

"The power of life of the demon cultivator can't be blessed to Zhanbao, so you can only use your body to cultivate yourself, but for the early stage of Gubao, the power of life is very rare and cannot be easily wasted."

"Then there is only one way left, to allow the war treasure to transmit the power of life smoothly. In this case, the magic energy and the force of life can be injected together, the power of destruction is greatly reduced, and the power of the war treasure can be guaranteed at the same time."

"When the magic energy is absorbed into the body, these life forces also return at the same time, the war treasure is equivalent to an alternative body repairing treasure, through the control of life force, the damage degree of the war treasure can be adjusted, after all, the repair of multiple damages, It can indirectly improve its material.”

"Zhanbao is made of materials such as demon bones, not a physical body for physical cultivation, and it is more fragile than bone treasure. If you want it to transmit the power of life..."

Lu Kun narrowed his eyes slightly and made a mark on the jade slip.

"The breaking point is likely to be in the spine."

When he researched the cultivation method, he found that whether it is demon cultivation or physical cultivation, the spine is a turnover bridge for the power of life. It seems that there is something unique through which the power of life can enter the relatively fragile internal organs organ.

If you want to make war treasures, such as foreign objects, to transmit the power of life, you can try to find a way from the spine.

With a single wave of his hand, Lu Kun put Zhanbao and Yujian away. The immortal-cultivation kingdoms around Wei are in a state of recuperation, and the perfection of Zhanbao can be delayed.

Next, he took out another jade slip, and his consciousness sank into it.

What is described here is the Destruction Ball and the Great Five Elements Force Field.

The power of the Destruction Ball comes from the power of destruction in Lu Kun's magic power. With his magic power, the maximum power is only the peak of the early Nascent Soul, but Lu Kun believes that as long as he enters the middle stage of bone transformation, the power of this self-exploding magic weapon can be further enhanced.

As for the Great Five Elements force field, it can be said to be an extremely important discovery. It transfers the source force field of physical cultivation in the form of prohibition. Lu Kun even refined the three-source monument, a treasure that flexibly stimulates the force field.

If there is no other force field exerted by the Three Origins Heavy Monument, he may not be able to do anything about the Thunder Escape Technique of the tortoise monster.

In addition to the three-source monument, this kind of force field restriction is also arranged in many important places in the body refining pavilion.

If you want to break through this unique restriction, you must either use a tyrannical body to resist, or you can use a powerful force field to break the Broken Dragon Stone that wraps the prohibition disk.

"Unfortunately, at that time, there was still no treasure for storing magical energy."

After this battle, Lu Kun found that although he could fight against a tenth-level demon cultivator, his mana stock was very tight, and he could only support a short-term battle. After a long time, he would definitely be at a disadvantage.

Therefore, the treasures that store magical energy must be researched.

Lu Kun pondered for a moment and marked it in this jade slip.

"The key to storing magical energy is the transfer of life force. A structure like the double skull may not be feasible. You can try the structure of the vertebrae."

He closed his eyes, and suddenly there was a strong power of divine consciousness from the spine of his back. Since the power of divine consciousness changed half a month ago, he has been storing it in his spinal cord.

"War treasures that store magical energy need to maintain the stability of magical energy at all times, and after the power of life is separated from the body, it is best to use spiritual consciousness to control it. Can we use spinal cord transplantation to separate a trace of physical spiritual consciousness and store it in the storage. Can it be inside the magic weapon, so as to stabilize the energy inside?"

After recording this sentence, Lu Kun closed the jade slip and sighed in his heart.

If he hadn't studied the power of life of the demon cultivator, he probably wouldn't have paid attention to the vertebrae. Now it seems that this unique group of bones plays an unparalleled role in the flesh.

It is not only a transit station for the power of life, but also a sojourn for the spiritual consciousness of the flesh.

Then he took out the third jade slip and recorded some unique features of the Yaoling Art and Hualing Jue, as well as the characteristics of the method of swallowing and purifying, and extracting the essence of high bloodline.

When Fang Xiaobo enters the Great Consummation of Formation Pill, Lu Kun will definitely observe the opponent's breakthrough and find a simplified way to transform the body of a half-demon.


After entering the stage of bone transformation, body repair seems to have entered a unique realm, which can derive many wonderful treasures and magical powers.

Lu Kun exhaled slowly, suppressed the colorful thoughts in his heart, turned around and walked to the stone house where the treasures were placed in the original Demon Spirit Gate, sorting out other gains in his mind.

The psychic fire monkey family had already been placed in the Lingming Mountains by him. Although the boulder transformed by the Lingming Stone Monkey was not there, there was still a lot of demonic energy left, especially suitable for ape monsters.

Dahei's mountain black ape family lived there, and now with the addition of the psychic fire monkey, the somewhat dead mountain range has become alive.

Walking into the stone house, he took off a storage bag from his waist, which contained the high-level spiritual stone obtained from the storage space of the turtle demon, and lightly tossed it and placed it on a wooden frame that was isolated from the demonic energy.

There are more than 80 high-grade spirit stones left in it, and the other dozen or so and the half of the top-grade spirit stones are placed on him.

Then a large amount of monster materials, as well as conch shells, were also put aside.

After that, he took out several stone boxes and a jade slip. The stone boxes contained the Essence of Different Fire that he had obtained from the depths of the Horseshoe Mountain.

The jade slip next to it is the method of refining the strange fire that Lu Kun exchanged from the Black Flame Daoist of the Lieyang Sect with the soul and materials of the burning sea crocodile.

Originally, the Lieyang Sect would not spread this special method, but Daojun Heiyan seems to have a great demand for the burning sea crocodile's demon soul, and coupled with his intention to befriend Lu Kun, this is how he exchanged the most basic refining method. come out.

Lu Kun planned to wait for Yuxuan to enter the middle stage of Gubao, and then throw it over for him to study.

In the bone transformation stage, there is no Nascent Soul True Fire, and it will be a headache when refining weapons. If you can control these abnormal fires, in addition to assisting the disciples in their cultivation, they can also create a place for refining weapons.

In the end, Lu Kun took three spirit beast bags from his waist and placed them in an isolation circle, which were filled with the bodies of spirit-devouring insects.

After clearing the storage space, Lu Kun walked back and collected the life essence on the ground.

"Qingtian and the others are all in the early stage of Gubao. We should first perfect the second stage of Sensing Divinity, and then go into seclusion and practice..."

With the rumbling sound of the Broken Dragon Stone Gate falling, Lu Kun walked into the Rongyuan Demon Cave.

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