The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1037 Holy Martial Order

Jin State is located in the east of Wei State, with a vast territory and popular martial arts. Even ordinary people will have one or two hands to harvest crops. The royal family of the imperial court started out with martial arts, and unified the entire Jin State with absolute force. Super-class warrior.

Due to the strength of the imperial court, although there are many warriors in the state of Jin, it remains relatively stable. Even if you are a top expert, you cannot do it in a city under the official jurisdiction, otherwise you will be hunted down by the imperial court.

Although there are many super-first-class masters in the major sects, they are dwarfed by the imperial court, and they can only succumb to their jurisdiction.

However, these sects are not stupid. With their powerful force, they have penetrated into all walks of life. Most of the private industries have the shadow of the martial arts sect behind them. They and the court have formed a special balance.


One day at noon, the scorching sun is on the horizon.

Ruzhou, Jin State, on the official road outside Daliang City, many walking merchants and farmers are hurrying on their way, wanting to enter Daliang City early to avoid the scorching sun, and there are also many people who are not in a hurry, resting at the wine shop beside the road .

This restaurant is about ten feet long and wide. It is built between the official road and a small forest. It is made of bricks, and a layer of lime is poured on the surface. The plaque hanging on the railing on the second floor is printed with the words "Daliang Restaurant". .

This is a tavern built by the government. It is strictly forbidden for martial artists to do anything. It is the only safe area outside the city. Even a martial artist with a life-and-death revenge enters this tavern, and at most, they will scold a few words.

"At this critical moment, the head of the Diancang faction, Yu Sect, unleashed a swift sword. Like a hurricane, he shot out a little bit of stars and shrouded the gates of the old ghost of the blood swordsmen."

"But the old ghost Ma is not an ordinary person. The blood knife in his hand turned into a double knife with a click. The weeping blood knife technique is not a single-sword technique at all, but a double-sword secret book, which integrates offense and defense. …”

On the big table in the middle of the second floor of the restaurant, a wretched old man who looked in his 60s was holding this feather fan in his hand.

In addition to the traveling merchants, there are also many martial artists dressed as warriors in the restaurant. They drink tea and eat wine and vegetables, listening to it with relish.


Suddenly there was a loud noise outside, and the entire wine shop shook, and the storytelling stopped abruptly.

The guests were all startled, and they all looked out, only to see a huge meteor hammer appearing in vain on the official road not far away.

It looked half the size of a man, covered with steel spikes, covered with rust and blood, the meteor hammer was half buried in the dirt, and a person seemed to be struggling below, grasping the meteor hammer with his exposed palm, trying to push it away.

"The official roads are all reinforced with mud and stone, but they were smashed into a half pit. Is it a super-class master!"

"This person is still alive, what kind of cross-training kung fu is he practicing?"

These thoughts just flashed through the minds of the people in the tavern. A burly man with a shirtless upper body and chains tied around his waist rushed from a distance, and the ground was rumbling. Brute force is running.

"Haha, Fang Hua, you were finally caught up by Gu, it's up to you to escape this time."

The burly man quickly came to the side of the meteor hammer, and with a single hand, he threw out the chain around his waist, and its tail was delicately buckled on the two steel thorns. With a flick of his arm, he lifted the meteor hammer. .

On the ground was a man in brocade clothes, his face was bloody, and one of his eyes was stabbed. Hearing the voice of the burly man, the man was very frightened, and his legs slammed on the ground, trying to escape.


There was another loud noise, and the man's legs were hit by the meteor hammer and smashed into the ground, and a scream came out of his mouth: "Ah, Gu Yu, Shengwu ordered me not to, and kill me!"

The burly man looked grim: "Fang Hua, if you want to blame it, you have cultivated the exercises inside. Only by killing you can you remove the mark of this holy martial order, go to hell."

He frantically waved the meteor hammer in his hand and slammed the opponent's head fiercely. The powerful brute force smashed the bottom surface with a rumbling sound, causing waves of sand and dust.

At this moment, the face of the burly man changed, and in the woods behind the tavern, a Xuanhua axe flew out, like a black whirlwind, with a heavy roar, flying rapidly.

The burly man's hands were dancing the meteor hammer to ram the man on the ground. He couldn't defend himself. He simply let go of the weapon in his hand and crossed his arms to block in front of him.

"Bang!" A sound.

The Xuanhua flat axe directly cut off the two forearm bones of the burly man, and chopped it on his sternum.

At this time, a small bright silver weapon drew an arc in the air and hit the burly man's neck. It turned out to be a small silver axe the size of a palm.

The burly man's eyes bulged, his expression was extremely frightened, and his mouth was squirming: "Beastmaster...Bear..."

With the sound of falling to the ground, a sturdy man wearing animal skins and dark skin walked out of the woods. He had thick hair and couldn't see his face clearly, like a savage, with a brown giant bear beside him.

This man and a bear seemed to be walking, but in fact they were very fast. They soon came to the corpse of the burly man. The burly man pinned two axes, one large and one small, to his waist, and he and the brown bear each carried a corpse. , returned to the woods.

It was not until this person disappeared, that the people near the tavern and the official road came back to their senses.

Although there are no martial arts masters among them, they still have eyesight.

That burly man can swing the huge meteor hammer so flexibly, and even smash the official road into half a pothole. I am afraid that his strength is two or three thousand catties. With this kind of strength alone, he is comparable to a super-class master.

But such a warrior was easily killed by a man wearing animal skins. The speed of the two axe was not seen clearly by any warrior around, which showed that his strength was terrifying, and he was likely to be a real super-class master.

"I didn't expect the Holy Martial Order to appear again!" The wretched old man who told the story murmured in a low voice.

Although his voice was not high, the tavern was silent. Everyone heard the old man's words and looked over, showing doubts, but some warriors' eyes flashed, as if they remembered something.

"The storyteller, what is the Holy Martial Order? Yue Mou has been in the world for more than ten years, and he has never heard of it."

"Actually provoked a super-first-class master to shoot, is it involving the ultimate secret book, or a golden treasure?"

The wretched old man glanced at everyone, his eyes rolled around, seeing everyone looking at him, and then he coughed lightly: "About this holy martial order, hey, why is the tea gone..."

"Dong dong..."

A warrior threw a piece of silver directly and said impatiently: "Old man, these silver taels are equivalent to your two months' tea money, hurry up and tell the young master."

The old man smiled, put the silver taels into his cuffs, poured a cup of tea, moistened his throat and said, "Speaking of which, this Holy Martial Order first appeared sixty years ago, when the little old man was just born."

"According to the master, amazing visions appeared in many cities in Jin that day, and colorful beams of light shot straight into the sky, and the source of these visions was a token with three 'Sacred Martial Orders' carved on it. Character."

"In the city? A beam of light?"

The old man continued: "Later, according to the statistics of the warriors, there were at least two or three thousand Holy Martial Orders. Those who got the tokens found that there was a kind of cultivation technique inside."

"Gong method?"

"Martial arts secrets?"

Many of the warriors in the tavern are fiery. They have practiced for more than ten years, and they are still second- and third-rate warriors. It is because their cultivation techniques are so common. Go to the government to find a job.

The wretched old man was a little dissatisfied with the person who interjected, and he curled his lips and said: "No one knows what the practice is, I heard that only the holder of the Holy Martial Order knows it, but the strange thing is that if they leak a little bit, they will have seven holes. Bleeding to death is very strange."

"Sixty years ago, because of the martial arts of the Holy Martial Order, there was a bloody storm in the martial arts. In the end, the Holy Martial Order was divided up by the major sects, and only a small part fell into the hands of idle warriors."

"Since then, many physically powerful warriors have gradually appeared in the martial arts. Everyone suspects that the exercises in the Holy Martial Order are some kind of powerful horizontal practice."

"But although this kung fu is powerful after training, it is still a little worse than the inheritance exercises of the major sects."

"Twenty years later, these martial artists who practiced horizontal kung fu began to kill each other for some unknown reason, as if they were going to seize the other's holy martial order. This situation only lasted for half a year, and these martial artists disappeared."

"The strange thing is that not long after they disappeared, thousands of Holy Martial Orders reappeared all over Jin."

The wretched old man took another sip of his tea and said, "It seems that there is a cycle behind it. The Holy Martial Order appears every 20 years, and thousands of warriors also disappear."

"The strange thing is that the imperial court did not ask about the appearance of the Holy Martial Order, and the major sects kept silent. In addition, the warriors who killed each other did not deal with others. The strangeness of the Holy Martial Order did not cause any sensation."

"Calculating the time now, it's just sixty years since the first Holy Martial Order came into existence, tsk tsk, it's also the 60th birthday of the little old man."

After listening to the old man's words, a warrior suddenly asked, "Where are the warriors who practiced the Holy Martial Order martial arts, it's impossible for them all to die."

The old man shook his head and said, "I don't know, most people in the martial arts feel that the exercises they practice are flawed, and they are easy to go crazy."

"There are also a small number of people who actually think that this is the way the immortals choose their disciples. The surviving warriors all entered the immortal gate and practiced the technique of immortality."

The old man said with contempt: "These people don't even think about it. If they are practicing the technique of immortality, why is the court not interested in it."

Most of the warriors in the tavern sneered. There is no such thing as the technique of flying and immortality in this world. Only some people's expressions changed slightly.

After a light cough, the old man opened the feather fan again: "Little old man went back to the last time, saying that the old horse..."

There was another cadence of storytelling in the tavern, but the warriors below had their minds elsewhere, and a few left in a hurry...

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