The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1038 Beastmaster

As the sun sets, a man and a brown bear are walking briskly on a desolate plain in western Ruzhou.

The man is sturdy, wearing an unknown animal skin, with messy hair, covering half of his face, with two axes attached to his waist, one of which is composed of a dark black axe blade and a brown wooden handle, with a deep axe intertwined between them. Yellow rattan.

The other is all silver, about the size of a palm, and seems to be forged from some kind of unique metal.

The brown bear beside him is five feet high at the shoulders and ten feet long, with four thick bear paws with sharp black claws, stepping on the ground alternately.

"Cough cough..."

The burly man suddenly stopped, covered his mouth and coughed. The brown bear immediately turned his head, and in his small dark eyes, an anthropomorphic expression of worry appeared. It arched the man's shoulders and whimpered.

"Don't worry, I've been doing a lot of work recently, but I can hold it, let's speed up..."

The man waved his hand and accelerated his pace. His left palm was opened, and there was a thick dark red blood clot on it.


A helpless smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth: "You don't need to carry me, your physical condition is similar to mine, and it is best to save your physical strength. As long as you arrive at the Holy City of Martial Artists, the senior Martial Saints there will definitely be able to help us."

The brown bear lightly nodded his head, leaned closer to the burly man, and stepped up a bit.


This man in animal skin, called Xiong Shan, took his name by himself. He didn't even remember who his parents were. In his childhood memory, he had been begging outside.

Until the age of fifteen, a martial artist discovered Xiong Shan's martial arts qualifications and brought him into the well-known sect of Jin, Wan Beast Villa.

In addition to him, there are hundreds of children of the same age, all orphans that Ten Thousand Beasts Villa found from all over the place.

Originally, Xiong Shan was supposed to do chores to practice basic skills, but after being checked by an old woman, he moved into a luxurious manor.

In the manor, there are people who take care of Xiong Shan's diet, and there is also a one-on-one teacher teacher. The only thing this old lady wants him to do is to practice a practice.

You can have food by practicing the exercises. For Xiong Shan at that time, it was like a fairy life, and he agreed with his mouth.

It took him two years to cultivate this technique to the third level, but what greeted him next was hell-like torture.


It was only later that Xiong Shan learned that the old woman was in her 90s at the time. She was the great-grandmother of the village owner, and a cultivator who practiced the technique of immortality.

Due to the lack of aptitude, the old woman could not break through the realm to increase her lifespan, so she put her hope in a flawed secret technique.

Immortal cultivators have the method of seizing the house, which cannot increase the lifespan, nor the monster.

This secret technique is whimsical. It transforms the bodies of humans and monsters into each other, so that the physical bodies of the two are connected, so as to exchange souls, use the body of the monsters to continue their lives, inherit the aptitudes of monsters, and even cultivate the power of monsters.

The rest of the old woman's time was spent on the perfection of secret techniques, and the Myriad Beasts Villa was her cover. Unfortunately, the experiments between ordinary people and beasts did not inspire her much.

Fortunately, she had a good chance, not only caught a first-level demon bear, but also brought a litter of bear cubs.

So the old woman looked for children with spiritual roots and let them cultivate to the third level, so that she could conduct experiments.

There is no one in ten thousand people with spiritual roots. With Xiong Shan, three are found. The first two have been killed, and Xiong Shan is her last hope.

In the next few years, in the bloody underground stone room, the bodies of Xiong Shan and a bear cub were dissected by the old woman day by day, and the bones of one man and one demon were replaced with each other.

With the help of the recovery spells of the cultivators and some strange elixir, the replaced bones gradually merged with their respective bodies.

Xiong Shan was bound by a powerful prohibition, and he couldn't even commit suicide. The feeling of being ripped apart was simply worse than death.

He spent three years in such pain, and if he hadn't been accompanied by a bear cub, he would have gone mad.

Three years later, under the influence of the old woman's secret technique, the alien bones in Xiong Shan's body became the size of a human race. His meridian dantian was not affected, and the basic exercises were confused into the fourth layer.

He even felt a connection with the brown bear.

Even so, Xiong Shan's body is getting weaker and weaker, his internal organs are gradually failing, his complexion is getting worse day by day, the cub is slightly better, and there are no special symptoms.

After observing the old woman, she was extremely excited. This secret technique seemed to have succeeded. As for Xiong Shan's physical condition, she didn't care about it, as long as the monster's body was normal.

After she was ready, she couldn't wait to enter the secret room to retreat, and brought the cub inside.

After that, I don't know what happened. There were bursts of miserable roars from the secret room, and a terrifying power erupted. Even the walls of the secret room were blown apart.

Xiong Shan was stunned by the air waves, and when he woke up, he found that the old woman was gone, the body of a huge brown bear lay on the ground, and the cub whimpered beside him.

In the end, he learned all of this through the old lady's relics. Bear Shan, who had regained his freedom, was furious in his heart, and with the same sad and angry little brown bear, he slaughtered the Villa of Ten Thousand Beasts.


Thinking back on everything more than ten years ago, Xiong Shan couldn't help touching his waist. There was a storage bag hanging there, feeling the twenty tokens inside, and he showed a happy expression.

"If it wasn't for the Holy Martial Order, I'd be dead long ago."


After killing the owner of Ten Thousand Beast Villa, he accidentally discovered the Holy Martial Order.

This seems to be the magic weapon of the cultivator, but the strange thing is that it can be opened with blood without magic or consciousness.

After the blood and the Holy Martial Order were fused, there was also a strange restriction that acted on the soul, and it seemed that it was impossible to reveal the contents to others.

Inside is a practice called "Canglan Jue".

This exercise is designed to train the body, and there are only five layers, corresponding to the first-level to fifth-level warriors. The fourth-level warrior described in it is equivalent to a super-first-class master, and the complete exercise seems to have the sixth and seventh layers. .

The seventh-level Dacheng has entered the realm of the Martial Saint, and the martial artist in this realm can even kill the immortal cultivator who is flying in the sky.

Xiong Shan was taken aback. He destroyed the Myriad Beast Villa. He knew how huge the gap between immortal cultivators and warriors was. Even if he only had the fourth level of Qi refining, he could destroy a sect with the help of a talisman, and Wu Sheng could actually kill immortal cultivators. .

With his physical body greatly collapsed, he had no way to continue cultivating immortals. He began to practice Cang Lanjue without hesitation. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the symptoms of physical collapse actually eased.

Later, it took Xiong Shan ten years to cultivate to the fifth level of Great Perfection. Unfortunately, Cang Lan can only slow down the speed. After another ten years, the physical body will still collapse.

The disheartened Xiongshan traveled around with the brown bear. The name of the Beastmaster Xiongshan gradually spread in the martial arts. He also inquired about some news of the Holy Martial Order, and a little hope was ignited in his heart.

In the rumored period of twenty years, Sheng Wuling suddenly sent a message to Xiong Shan's mind, that he must rush to the Hengduan Mountains west of Ruzhou within a year and enter the holy city of warriors, otherwise his soul will be destroyed.

The Holy Martial Order can sense other tokens within a hundred miles. If the holder can seize twenty of them, they can worship the holy city of warriors, and even have the opportunity to practice the law of immortality with the body of a mortal.

After Xiong Shan got this message, he regarded it as the last straw.

As far as he knows, the spiritual root is a natural talent. Without the spiritual root, it is impossible to cultivate immortals. This warrior holy city can change his life against the sky, so the problem of his physical collapse can not be solved easily.

So he set off for Ruzhou, met the owner of the Holy Martial Order on the way, and destroyed it without hesitation.


One person and one bear walked for another half an hour, and a cloud gradually appeared in front of him, and the holy martial order in Xiong Shan's hand became hot.

Xiong Shan patted the brown bear beside him, coughed and said, "It's the magic circle of the cultivator, old man, we're almost there."

In the afterglow of the setting sun, one person and one bear leaned on each other and walked into the vast mist.

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