The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1042 Unexpected Things

The violent power of thunder and lightning turned into an incomparably thick thunder column, with a palpitating power of destruction, smashed the defensive aura of the transformation circle, and hit the body of the yellow fat bear.

This demon cultivator was trembling, his small eyes flashed with fear, and a layer of dark blue aura gradually emerged from his body, intertwined with the lightning.

Under the bombardment of the power of destruction, the fur of the demon bear was only a little black, and it seemed that with the help of this layer of aura, it resisted the power of thunder tribulation.

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun showed a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

This sea bear beast is called Xiong Da, and it is a clan that the eighth-level bear demon mainly cultivated. As early as sixty years ago, it reached the seventh-level peak and can make breakthroughs at any time.

After the wild bear was destroyed by Lu Kun, Xiong Da became Fang Xiaobo's spirit beast under the coercion of the Spirit Transformation Sect contract, and reluctantly helped the latter to cultivate.

But it didn't take long for Xiong Da to discover that its demon spirit power was also being tempered repeatedly in the Spirit Transformation Art. It gradually became purer and its strength increased a lot. In the next few years, it even actively urged Fang Xiaobo to practice. .

Today, it contains a string of demon soul wood that can assist in transcending the robbery. With the help of this magical transformation circle, the probability of breaking through is almost the same as it was decades ago.

Seeing that Xiong Dani can easily deal with the thunder calamity, Lu Kun raised his head and looked at the black cloud that gave birth to the thunder calamity in the sky.

He is very curious about the thunder tribulation of this world. Whether it is a demon cultivator or him, the cultivation base has reached the limit of transformation. Power.

Lu Kun encountered thunder tribulation before, either by himself or by fighting the enemy. He hadn't observed it carefully. Now is a good time.

If you can see the mystery of how the vitality of heaven and earth works, maybe it will help your cultivation.


Xiong shook his fat body, looking at the somewhat charred fur, his eyes showed fear and happiness, only after experiencing it personally, he knew that the power of the transformation thunder tribulation was beyond imagination.

Not to mention other things, as soon as the thick Lei Zhu appeared, the demon spirit power in the body shrank unconsciously. If Fang Xiaobo had not provided temporary demon spirit power through the transformation circle, it would have been severely injured.

Next, the second thunder calamity bred by the robbery cloud is countless dark purple thunder balls, falling one by one.

Xiong Daqiang suppressed the fear in his heart, inciting twice the peak of the seventh-level demon spirit power, and the pair of bear paws flashed with a strong spiritual light, and took the initiative to meet Lei Jie.

Although the sea bear beast is not a monster with talent against the sky, its physical body is extremely powerful, and the resilience of its water-type monster is even close to the effect of an indestructible body with the blessing of double the monster's spiritual power.


The violent power of destruction surged from this place in all directions, and this strong thunder tribulation aura spread thousands of miles around.

The current state of Wei has long been the site of the Body Refinement Pavilion, so Xiong Da needn't worry about anything.

In the end, the entire body turned charred black, and the original fat body shrunk in a circle. It lay on the ground, and a powerful pressure gradually emerged from its body, and a dark blue aura wrapped its body.

At this moment, Lu Kun's pupils shrank, as if he had discovered something unbelievable. He glanced at Xiong Da, and then looked at Jieyun, which was beginning to dissipate in the sky. high altitude.

After a few breaths, he came to the robbery cloud, his arms skyrocketed, and a layer of silver light film like flowing water poured out of his body. Shutting back and forth in the black clouds, a net of thunder was intertwined, and the black tribulation clouds collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, Lu Kun's body returned to its original shape, and he was quietly suspended in the blue sky. He stared at his right palm. At some point, a small cloud of milky white liquid appeared on it, exuding a kind of endless life. unique atmosphere.

His eyes flashed with amazement: "In the thunder tribulation that is about to dissipate, there is actually the essence of life?"

Not long ago, he was sensing the movement of the heaven and earth vitality in the thunder tribulation, but at the end of the thunder disaster, those heaven and earth vitality suddenly appeared different fluctuations, the destructive energy, in this fluctuation, transformed into A familiar breath rushed into Xiong Da's body.

And the remaining power of destruction in the robbery cloud was also transformed. The aura gave him the same feeling as the essence of life. He tried to intercept it with the jeet-kun combat technique, but he didn't expect to really fish it out of the robbery cloud.

Holding the small mass of liquid, Lu Kun frowned: "No, the breath is a little different, it seems to be purer than the essence of life."

He looked down at Xiong Da's body that was transforming into a human form, and pondered: "After this energy entered the body of the monster, the transformation occurred, but it is somewhat different from the power of life."

Lu Kun remembered that when he broke through the body-refining thunder tribulation, every time he passed through a thunder tribulation, a trace of life force entered his body.

Now it seems that it is not the power of life, but the energy given by the catastrophe and his body, which is produced.

"If it weren't for the 60 years I have been using the essence of life to cultivate, coupled with the unique spiritual sense of the physical body, I am afraid that I would not be able to sense this special energy."

"It should be the real source of the life force of body cultivation and demon cultivation, but I don't know what is the difference between it and the essence of life."

"Hey, this energy is dissipating."

Lu Kun's face changed, and he immediately spit out a drop of silver blood, wrapping the milky white liquid, but then he found that this thing is different from the essence of life, even if it is wrapped in blood, it is still quickly dissipating.

He just hesitated, then opened his mouth and swallowed the liquid.

After the milky white liquid entered the body, it directly turned into a cool breath, which rushed to the meridians and dantian everywhere in the body, and disappeared without a trace in a short time.

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, and then he turned his physical consciousness and sensed it quietly.

After a while, he showed a thoughtful look: "This energy seems to have the effect of moisturizing the dantian of the meridians, but my body is too strong, and these enhancements have no effect."

"For the monster beast, the power of life is to transform the body and generate the meridian dantian. This mass of liquid was born in the shape-changing thunder tribulation, so it is related to the meridian dantian?"

"In this case, can the thunder tribulation of physical cultivation also produce such a thing, and will the effect be to stabilize the magic energy?"

Lu Kun pondered, although he had survived the ninth thunder tribulation, but at the time he was focused on transcending the calamity, and he was not very sensitive to the vitality of heaven and earth, so naturally he couldn't find anything.

"In the future, when other body-cultivation disciples cross the calamity, they can observe it."

Sensing the liquid disappearing in the body, Lu Kun's expression changed: "This energy is quite gentle, although it has no effect on physical cultivation, it is different for immortal cultivators, especially sword cultivators, this kind of spiritual liquid that nourishes the dantian of the meridians, Absolutely a rare treasure."

"I don't know if this energy has been discovered by immortal cultivators. It comes from the thunder tribulation of the heavens and the earth, and it is in the form of a liquid. For the time being, it is called the slush of the heavens and the earth."

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