The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1043 Arrangement and Development

In the sky above Qingzhou, the colorful clouds of spiritual energy gradually disappeared into nothingness, and there were still amazing spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air.

Fang Xiaobo was sitting on the ground motionless, a woman wearing a short white-haired short skirt and short jacket stood aside, it was the eighth-level phantom fox, Xiaobai.

She held the middle-level spiritual stone in both hands, and transformed the spiritual energy inside into a strong demonic energy, submerging it into Fang Xiaobo's body.

Xiong Da has turned into a fat bear man. He looked at the master curiously. In his body, he felt a very kind aura. It seemed that this human race was a sea bear beast.

About ten feet away, Lu Kun sighed softly, and a trace of spiritual thoughts, like nothing, escaped from Fang Xiaobo's spine.

Fang Xiaobo used Fairy Fang Yuan's method, not only successfully promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, but also successfully transformed into a half-demon body with the help of Xiong Da's temporary demon spirit power. Now he is in the stage of absorbing demon energy and stabilizing his bloodline.

During this process, Lu Kun not only operated the golden eye supernatural power, but also observed through the physical body and spiritual consciousness, and basically understood the mystery of the transformation of the half-demon body.

The key to this process is to use the energy of Qi and blood to refine the blood of the monster in the bone marrow cavity.

The newly promoted eighth-level monster needs a period of time to stabilize the physical body. As long as it is in the body state, the monster spirit power will combine with the power of the blood in the body, generate qi and blood energy, and spontaneously strengthen the physical body.

When the physical body stabilizes to the eighth-level realm, the monster will be transformed into a human form for cultivation. At that time, the role of qi and blood energy will become the power to enhance life.

The temporary demon spirit power in Fang Yuan's sister and brother has the instinct to strengthen the physical body. After entering their body, they subconsciously regard it as the body of a demon beast, which is compatible with the bloodline of the demon beast, and generates qi and blood energy.

With the help of the mana and consciousness of the Nascent Soul, this energy entered the bone marrow cavity along with the mana of the bones, attacked the bottleneck of the coagulation period, and refined the marrow to generate blood. .

Although the newly promoted eighth-level demon spirit power, as well as the Nascent Soul-level mana and consciousness, are not something that low-level body cultivators can possess, the energy of blood and blood is not necessarily available.

"If the body repair is at the peak of bone quenching, the body has the energy of blood that can be stimulated, then it takes time to refine the blood in the bone marrow cavity."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun couldn't help but ask Fairy Fang Yuan next to him: "Fairy, is there any way for the transformation circle to generate temporary demon spirit power below the third level?"

Fang Yuan was stunned and said: "Pavilion Master, the transformation circle is specially prepared for the transformation of monsters and beasts. It can only transform the peak demon spirit power of the seventh level. Even if it is lowered by other methods, it cannot be lower than the seventh level."

Hearing this, Lu Kun frowned.

According to his research on the body of the demon race, qi and blood energy must be generated by the combination of the demon spirit power and the corresponding bloodline.

No matter whether it is through the Demon Spirit Art or the Spirit Transformation Art, the human race can't cultivate the real demon spirit power, so it cannot generate qi and blood energy.

"Strange, then how did I fuse the bloodline of the arm demon ape."

Even with Lu Kun's current cultivation, he couldn't imagine what kind of power broke the space and sent it to the world of immortal cultivation, let alone what mutation happened in the process.

He only remembered one thing, the earliest bloodline was like a blood mark, engraved on his chest, and then somehow, it was integrated into the body, and it was not officially integrated until the coagulation period.

"Right, that little guy..."

Lu Kun touched his chest, and suddenly thought of the disciple he met not long ago. For some reason, the body of that man was exchanged with the bones of the monster, or even half-fused together.

A flash of light flashed in his mind: "Yes, since the blood energy of the monster cannot gradually come out of the human body, why not send a part of the human body to the monster for tempering?"

"Physical training can temper a small bone like the sternum into a magic weapon, and that monster can completely use the bones of the body-cultivating body in the pure bone stage as a magic weapon and integrate it into the body, equating it with sharp claws, sharp horns, and fur. existence like that.”

Lu Kun couldn't help but ponder, Dugu Yiming's Qi and Blood Demon Sword Embryo used the sternum to refine the weapon to store Qi and blood magic power, absorb the essence of other people's bodies, and deny himself.

Then, through a certain refining method, a certain bone is integrated into the body of the spirit beast, making it a part of the body of the beast, and using it as a medium, the energy of blood in the beast can be denied to the body of the body, thereby Refining the blood of the monster, transforming the body of a half-demon.

"This path seems feasible, but someone needs to try it. By the way, the little guy before has to cultivate the Demon Spirit Art to the third level in order to solve the bloodline conflict. He happened to test this method."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun instructed Fairy Fang Yuan next to him to arrange this matter. He only needed to find the general direction and let the people below do the details.

Then he glanced at Fang Xiaobo, who was still absorbing the demonic energy, and turned into an aura that flew towards the cave.


Compared with 60 years ago, the strength of the current body training pavilion has greatly increased. The first generation of body training disciples, with the personal assistance of Lu Kun, have all entered the middle stage of bone treasure.

The miniature arrays that these people portrayed on the bone treasures are only Xiaojin and Pan Yan, who practiced the Elemental Earth Refinement Technique. They are the same solid arrays as Lu Kun, and the others are different.

Zhao Qingtian depicts the Poison Treasure Magic Array, which can strengthen the poison, Zhao Xueer is the ice array pattern, Yu Xuan is the miniature magic circle that strengthens the fire attribute attack, Huang Xiaoyun is the sword treasure's exclusive sharp magic circle.

The physical strength of these disciples is much weaker than that of Lu Kun. The material of ordinary magic weapons can already withstand the recoil of the physical body. Strengthening them with their own attributes is the most suitable.

As for the second-generation disciples, there were already 12 viscera-forging stage physique practitioners, 23 blood-clotting stage, and more than 40 remaining bone-hardening stage disciples, many of whom were newly recruited spiritual root disciples.

From now on, the second generation of disciples will be counted as one generation every hundred years, and every one hundred years, the next generation of disciples will have the opportunity to challenge the next generation of disciples. After success, the seniority will rise, and the resources enjoyed in the Refinement Pavilion will be very different.

The first of the current three generations of disciples is Li Kui, a mortal warrior who succeeded in smelting the spiritual roots of the weapon sixty years ago.

This guy who was born with divine power, after possessing the root of the artifact, showed amazing talent and has entered the coagulation stage, and among the other three generations of disciples, there are nearly 100 in the bone-hardening stage.

In the current body training pavilion, there are nearly 200 body training disciples at the foundation level alone.

There are also many high-level existences. The number of monks in the formation stage of Tianjian Pavilion, Hualing Pavilion, Treasure Pavilion, and Poison Refinement Pavilion is astonishing. In addition to the newly promoted Fang Xiaobo and his spirit beasts, there are ten Yuanying-level existences. so many names.

The comprehensive strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion is even stronger than that of Shangqingmen back then.

Lu Kun was flying in the air, the information echoed in his mind, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The increase in the strength of the martial art made him relax a lot, and he did not have the strong sense of crisis as before.

What he has to do now is to break through the bottleneck in the early stage of bone transformation and enter the next realm.

In the past 60 years, Lu Kun has spent the rest of the time practicing hard work, except for the second stage of his study of the divine art in the first five years.

He was right in his judgment before, the speed of recovery of blood essence is not a little bit or two.

"The remaining life essence is enough for me to cultivate to the peak of the early stage of bone transformation. After a period of retreat, I can try to break through."

With anticipation for the next realm flashing in Lu Kun's eyes, the escape light sped up a bit, and shot towards the Yunling Mountains.

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