The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1044 The Secret Technique of the Seven Devils

The northern state of Qi Kingdom, although the area here is a little wider than other states, but it is much desolate. The place with the strongest demonic energy is a valley like a huge pit.

The scene outside the valley was shrouded in a layer of light gray mist, exuding a heart-pounding vicious aura. From time to time, there were magic cultivators in black robes entering and leaving the valley.

This is where the gate of Qisha Gate of Qi State is located, Yuansha Valley.

Twenty thousand years ago, this name was not called here, until one day, a strange evil spirit suddenly emerged from the depths of the ground.

Many demon cultivators found that absorbing this kind of demonic energy mixed with suffocating qi would affect the mind to some extent, but the cultivation speed was astonishing, and there were many unique magical powers, and many surrounding demon sects began to compete for this place.

Finally, a sect with the method of using evil spirits, with the advantage of secret methods, completely occupied this place. After more than 10,000 years of development, it has become a magic sect with the practice of evil spirits as the core, Qishamen.

In the deepest part of Yuansha Valley, there is a seven-corner-shaped pit with a radius of 100 feet. It is shrouded in a mysterious formation prohibition, which is the forbidden area of ​​Qishamen.

On this day, in the seven corners of the forbidden area, there was a magic cultivator sitting cross-legged. Below them was the gray-black rock floor, inscribed with complex patterns. , a look of pain flashed across his face from time to time.

These people are the famous Qisha Zhenjun, each of them has the cultivation base of the middle Nascent Soul, and even the ordinary great monks are not their opponents.

In the middle of the pothole, there is an old man with long beard. He is suspended above a gray-black pool, and he is holding an extremely complicated spell in his hand. One after another spiritual light is driven into the pool below, and the magic circle on the edge of the pool is illuminated at the same time. Seven auras of various colors emerged, rushing in all directions.

This old man exudes an incomparably thick magical aura, even close to the peak of the late Nascent Soul.

I don't know how long it took, the eyes of a Qisha True Monarch suddenly stared, and there seemed to be some kind of terrifying energy gushing out of his body, and his body burst open with a bang, and even Nascent Soul disappeared, only a ball left. A suffocating magic light that exudes a strong aura.

The next moment, this suffocating magic light was divided into six parts, following the formation pattern on the ground, rushing to the other six directions, and the remaining six Qisha True Monarchs, the breath on their bodies instantly increased, as if they had eaten something. Great tonic.

A few hours later, another Qisha Zhenjun exploded and died, and the evil energy he transformed into continued to be transmitted to others.

Just like this, a few days later, True Monarch Qisha blew himself up and died one after another. In the end, only an ordinary-looking middle-aged man was left. Seven colors of aura were flashing all over his body, his face was hideous, and he seemed to endure extremely great pain.

Gradually, the various auras on the surface of the body merged with each other, turning into a pure black aura and submerging into the body. The middle-aged man's body stopped shaking, and an astonishing momentum rose into the sky, reaching the level of the late Nascent Soul.

He slowly opened his eyes, and a deep magic light flashed in his eyes. Looking at the long-bearded old man sitting by the pool not far away, he slowly said: "The second stage has been reached, Great Elder, let's start."

The old demon Yuansha looked at this person with a hint of surprise in his eyes and said: "The old man thought that the blood evil would be able to last until the end, but I didn't expect it to be your soul evil."

Then he said indifferently: "Why, don't you take a break first? Next, between you and me, only one person can survive."

The middle-aged man was the True Monarch of the Soul Demon. He felt the incomparably thick evil magic power in his body, and said with a blank expression: "The source of the seven evil spirits that has just been merged has amazing vitality. If it is night, I will have no chance."

The old demon Yuansha nodded and said, "The source of evil spirit that was just merged is also suitable for this old man to break through the current realm, come on."

When True Monarch Soulsha heard the words, his body levitated, turning into a streamer, and levitating in front of Yuansha Old Demon.

The two of them stretched out their hands at the same time, palms facing each other in the sky above the pool, a strong black magic light poured out of their bodies, and an inexplicable suffocating pressure filled the air.

The magic circle around the gray-black pool below, also under the influence of this coercion, launched a bright light, and a gray-black mist rose up and poured into the bodies of these two people.

I don't know how long it took, the black aura gradually oscillated, and a layer of bloodshot appeared on the surface of their skin, as if their bodies were greatly oppressed.

At this moment, an astonishing power of the soul suddenly poured out of Soul Sha's body, and a black light burst out from his body, wrapping both of them at once.

"Boom", a layer of strong evil spirit centered on them, surging outwards, the entire heptagon-shaped deep pit seemed to be hung with hurricanes, and even the forbidden light curtains all around began to tremble, as if I can't bear this pressure.

Gradually, the evil hurricane gradually subsided, and the black aura above the pool also dissipated, and the two people inside sat by the gray pool at some point.

The old demon Yuansha suddenly said, "What kind of secret technique is this?"

True Monarch Soul Sha lightly said: "Condensing the soul, the ability to condense the soul of the Nascent Soul in a short period of time is the secret method I got by accident."

The old demon Yuansha nodded lightly and said, "It's a good method. In addition to the physical body, only the difference between the soul and the soul can affect the result of this kind of magic fusion technique."

Then he sighed and said, "If I hadn't fought against the Yin-Yang Holy Master first, the old man would not have been attacked by the Gorefiend Sword, causing his body to be injured. If he was in a perfect state, he would not necessarily lose."

The corners of the soul of Zhenjun's mouth were slightly raised: "Elder, go with peace of mind, I will accept the source of your soul, and when you enter the spirit transformation period, the seven evil gates will dominate the entire Qi Kingdom."

Hearing this sentence, the old demon Yuansha sighed: "Among the great elders of all dynasties, three have successfully obtained two copies of the original evil spirit, but no one has ever made a breakthrough. I hope you can do it."

Then his eyes dimmed, and his body was like broken porcelain, with cracks appearing, shattered into dust, leaving only a dark ball of energy the size of a watermelon.

True Monarch Hunsha looked serious, and a complex spirit was flashing in his hand. From this dark energy ball, a faint gray mist floated out and submerged into his body. For a while, the power of his divine soul seemed to grow stronger again. a bit.

Then he stretched out his hand and swallowed the black ball containing the source of evil energy directly into his mouth.

The top secret technique of Qishamen is to refine and devour the source of evil spirits, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid progress in cultivation.

After the Qishazi in the Core Formation Stage broke through to Nascent Soul, it was the human-shaped elixir of the Seven Devils. The source of refining evil spirits.

The seven different evil spirits of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, blood, and soul are integrated with each other, and the cultivation base surges to the late Nascent Soul, and the source of evil spirits is born in the body.

The last two cultivators at the level of cultivators will devour them, and the winner will possess the other party's original suffocating energy.

According to the records of Qishamen, when the two sources of evil spirits are fused and refined, they will produce a true meaning of evil spirits. In addition to resisting the invasion of true evil spirits, it has an incredible effect on breaking through the bottleneck.

"After absorbing the old demon of Yuansha, my soul power and cultivation base are at the peak of Yuanying period. Now I have the greatest chance of breaking through, and it will be dangerous if it is too late."

True Monarch Soul Demon felt the surge of evil magic power in his body, glanced at the gray-black pool water under him, hesitated a little, and jumped in directly.

The real devil pool in the Qisha access control area, I don't know if it is affected by the evil spirit. In addition to the true devil's meaning, there is also an astonishing evil spirit mixed with it.

But just after Soul Sha jumped down, a yellow aura suddenly appeared on the inner wall of the pool, turning into a layer of forbidden light curtain, which directly sealed the pool mouth.

Before the Soul Demon Lord could react, the meaning of the real devil in the pond boiled and poured into his body crazily. He had to fully integrate the source of evil spirits and stimulate the true meaning of the devil to protect the body, otherwise he would be distracted if he was a little distracted. The meaning of true devil erosion.

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