The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1045 Devil's true intention

The True Monarch Soul Demon motivated the fusion of the two original evil spirits, and a trace of willpower that contained the fierce evil spirit gradually emerged from the body, protecting his fleshly body and isolating the true devil's meaning.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, released a bit of consciousness, and probed the top of his head, the ban that sealed the magic pool.

"This is a trapped enemy ban!"

It was found that this forbidden magic circle was arranged inside the magic stone of the magic pool, and it was almost difficult to detect. Moreover, this light golden aura contained a power that made him feel frightened, and it obviously absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth, and its power was amazing.

"How can there be such a ban in the magic pond in the forbidden area of ​​this sect!"

Soul Sha Zhenjun felt uneasy, his mind quickly sank into the body, the soul absorbed by the soul condensing secret technique was very complete, and he quickly read the memories of Yuan Sha old demon.

"Except for the Seven Demons on the ground, there are no other restrictions in the forbidden area, so what is in front of me!"

Soul Demon's face became heavy, and he had a strong sense of crisis. Due to the fusion of the original evil spirit, he couldn't do other actions at all except for a small part of his consciousness, let alone break the prohibition on the top of his head.

If he was outside the magic pond, he would find a middle-aged man in a light yellow brocade suit suddenly appeared in the silent forbidden area.

The person's breath was erratic, and he was playing with a ban token in his hand. He looked at the ban on the magic pool and said:

"I didn't expect the winner of this session to be a young disciple. It seems that it won't be long before the Shamo Pond, which has been cultivated by this sect for many years, will finally take shape."

True Monarch Hunsha suddenly heard this voice, and his face changed greatly: "Who is it!"

He raised his head, but unfortunately the size of the magic pool in the sky was limited, and with the restrictions, he couldn't detect the situation outside at all.

The middle-aged man said with a hint of arrogance: "This seat is the Great Elder of the Holy Demon Sect, Huang Chong."

The Soul Demon Lord was stunned for a moment, and then showed an incredible color: "The fifth sect in Dazhou, the Holy Demon Sect? Why did you appear here, wait, the Demon Pool you mentioned earlier..."


Suddenly, an astonishing black spiritual light blasted out from the magic pool and hit the forbidden Lingguang Mountain on that floor, but the light curtain was only shaken twice before it returned to its original state.

Huang Chong said with a look of contempt: "Little guy, this dual-element magic array was created by the seniors of this sect, and it can absorb a lot of magic energy. In this kind of magic pond, even if you have a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, you will not be able to do so in a short time. get rid of."

"Let's obediently integrate the original evil spirit in it."

Soul Sha Zhenjun's face was pale, and his eyes were full of bloodshots. He just forcibly shot, causing a fault in the true meaning of the devil, and a lot of the true meaning of the devil poured into the body. If he doesn't want to be disturbed by the meaning of the true devil, he can't stop. The fusion of the original evil spirit.

Soul Demon Lord gritted his teeth and said, "What is the Demon Pond that your Excellency is talking about? Could it be that in the Seven Demons True Demon Judgment inherited by this sect, the smelting of the original evil spirit and breaking through the secret method of transforming into a god has something to do with this Demon Pond?"

Huang Chong looked around and said with a chuckle, "You still have a lot of questions. I'm in a good mood today, so I can explain a thing or two to you."

He paused and said: "Compared with other exercises, the difficulty of breaking through the magic stage is far more difficult than other cultivators. You should understand the key."

"Your Excellency, do you mean soaking in the water of true demons?"

Huang Chong said inexplicably: "Soaking in the water of true demons is just an appearance, in fact, it is to let your divine soul and the meaning of true demons fuse to form a demonic soul only possessed by the ancient demons, and only then can you enter the realm of god transformation. "

"But in this way, if you want to ascend in the future, you will not go to the interface of the immortal cultivator, but to the demon world where the demon clan is located, and such a god-turning stage demon cultivator, facing the real ancient demon clan, is restricted everywhere, unable to Unleash your full strength.”

Having said this, Huang Chong said with a look of admiration: "Ten thousand years ago, an astonishingly talented senior in this sect wanted to study a secret method that would not transform the devil's soul, but also allow the devil to enter the spirit-transforming stage."

"Although the senior entered the late Nascent Soul at the age of 400, and he could have the remaining life essence, he couldn't study anything. In order to prolong his life span, the senior had to soak in the true magic pool and use the traditional method to advance to the magic path as a cultivator."

Soul Demon True Monarch was horrified for a while.

Not to mention any new breakthrough methods, even the road of immersing in the true magic pool has blocked countless magic powerhouses.

The senior in the mouth of the great elder of the Holy Demon Sect sounded like he couldn't find a new method. In desperation, he had to use the True Demon Pond to make a breakthrough and easily enter the God Transformation Stage.

This is too incredible.

Huang Chong didn't seem to be able to see the expression of Soul Sha in the Demon Pond, and he said to himself: "Finally, this senior finally found a way, that is to transform the willpower unique to the Demon Clan, the meaning of the True Demon, into It is another willpower with the attributes of true demons, the true meaning of demons."

When True Monarch Hunsha heard the words, he suddenly thumped in his heart, and the source of evil spirit fused in his body slowed down. He said in an unnatural tone: "The true meaning of evil spirits that your Excellency said, is it..."

Huang Chong said: "The evil spirit is a unique energy that is separated from the magic path and the attributes of the five elements. It is born with slaughter. The true meaning in your body is the evil spirit condensed from the evil spirit through a special method, not the true meaning of the evil spirit. "

"Because there is no such thing as suffocating energy in the world of immortal cultivation, immortal cultivators cannot use this power of will to advance into a god, but the power of will in suffocation is similar to the meaning of true demons, and there is not much between the two. exclusion."

"Senior's method is to fuse the meaning of ferocity with the meaning of true demons to form a true meaning of evil spirits that is dominated by evil spirits and supplemented by evil spirits. The meaning of true demons is equivalent to the additional attributes of this idea."

Having said that, Huang Chong looked at the magic pond in front of him with an expression like a treasure: "And the devilish pool is the place where the true meaning of the devil is nurtured."

"Senior wants to follow the example of the ancient Yuan Dynasty, and use the method of transforming the real magic pool to transform it into the true meaning of evil spirits."

"In this way, by soaking in the Demon Pond, there is a high chance that the late Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator will break through to the Divine Transformation Stage, and will not be transformed into a Demon Soul."

Hunsha looked at the water of true demons mixed with evil spirits around his body, and murmured: "Transforming the evil pool, the seven evil spirits, is it our Qishamen is a sect founded by the Holy Demon Sect, the purpose is just to transform the evil spirits. The magic pool..."

The corners of Huang Chong's mouth were slightly upturned: "That's right, Qisha True Demon Jue was created by that senior, in order to refine the power of will in the evil spirit, the evil spirit is a special energy that is produced by killing and can only be carried out if it is attached to the flesh. Purification and transformation."

"So the meaning of ferocity must be purified many times with the cultivator as the furnace. The power of will generated in your body is exactly the meaning of ferocity."

"Although the Seven Demons True Demon Jue is wonderful, it takes too long. After more than 10,000 years, only four evil spirits are integrated into the True Demon Pond."

"Now with your share, it finally reaches the standard of transforming the Sha Demon Pool."

Huang Chong showed a sigh: "I didn't expect that the fruit of this sect's arrangement of ten thousand years would finally fall on the head of this sect."

After listening to True Monarch Hunsha, his body in the magic pond trembled a little. In addition to his anger, there was also a hint of helplessness. He just tried to give up the fusion of the original evil spirit, but these two energies were only slowing down, but they were still slowly merging. Produce a vicious meaning.

This idea is outside the attributes of the Five Elements and the Devil's Way. Even if he merges with it, he can't mobilize the surrounding devil's energy, and breaking through the transformation of the gods is doomed to fail.

"There are countless seniors in the Seven Demon Sect, who practiced the Seven Demons, devoured each other, and finally made wedding dresses for others..."

With Hunsha's wry smile, endless true demonic intentions poured into his body, and his consciousness was gradually washed away.

Huang Chong quietly watched the changes in the True Demon Pond, raised his right hand, and the lavender jade bracelet on his wrist lit up slightly, he said, "Three elders, pass on the decree of this seat, and the disciples of the Holy Demon Sect begin to take over the Qisha Sect in an all-round way. Come down to this seat to refine the Demon Pond."

"Yes, Great Elder." A clear voice came from the jade bracelet.

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