The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1046 Undercurrent

Qi State Nanzhou.

In the depths of the Gorefiend Mountains, there is the famous Gorefiend Cave of the Blood Refining Sect. The disciples who want to practice Gorefiend must go through the test before they can successfully condense the blood magic power.

The Gorefiend Cave is divided into four floors. The first three floors correspond to the Foundation Establishment Stage, the Core Formation Stage, and the Nascent Soul Stage. Each level of the Gorefiend Art must be obtained here.

The deepest fourth floor is where the two magic pools are located.

A magic pond is shrouded in layers of restrictions, and it is connected to the Gore Demon Cave above, and next to the other magic pond, sitting cross-legged is an old man with red hair.

His body exudes an incomparably thick magical aura. A dozen or so rope-like magic lights protrude from his body, connecting to a magic pool not far away. In the magic pool is soaked in a hideous monster with purple scales and bone spurs in its joints. stiff.

This old man is the current chief elder of the Blood Refining Sect, Qian Jingshan.

After an unknown amount of time, the magic light surrounding his body gradually dissipated. He opened his eyes, feeling the surging magic power in his body, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Phantom Demon Child Mother Gong and Demon Cultivation Art are simply complementary to each other. Through the medium of Demon Zombie Body, the risk of entering the body of true demons is avoided. It is equivalent to continuously taking pure water of true demons. After more than a hundred years of practice, The cultivation base has reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul."

Then he looked at the demon zombie immersed in the magic pool, who just opened his eyes, filled with purple bloodshots, exuding a cruelty that shocked him.

"But this monster..."

Qian Jingshan's hand moved slightly, and this demonic face flashed a few hints of struggle. After a while, he jumped, left the magic pool, and stood not far in front of him.

Qian Jingshan frowned and said, "The longer the immersion in the demon, the greater the resistance to the phantom demons, and the tendency to give birth to a sense of autonomy."

A flash of light flashed in his hand, a jade bottle appeared, and he hit a few magic tricks, and a Nascent Soul villain, more than one inch tall, with closed eyes, was thrown out by it.

Mo Zong's eyes glowed brightly, and he opened his mouth with sharp fangs and swallowed Nascent Soul in one gulp. The tumultuous and brutal thoughts gradually melted away.

After feeling for a moment, Qian Jingshan sighed softly: "The Nascent Soul captured alive in the Battle of the Gorefiend Mountain Range has been exhausted, and the special magic power in the Demon Zombie is gradually weakening. Difference."

"If it goes on like this, it will be difficult to use it to break through the great realm of the God Transformation Stage."

He pondered in his heart: "There is still a hundred years before the opening of the one-yuan secret realm. After taking the longevity elixir, my lifespan will only be one hundred and fifty years left."

"If the disciples under the sect can get a few demon zombie bodies in the one-yuan secret realm, supplement the child's special magic power, and use the magic refining art to break through the bottleneck, it will be a bit bigger."

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Qian Jingshan made a move with one hand, and a series of jade slips flew out from a miniature magic circle in the distance.

"Hey, that little guy Xu Junwen actually controls the Yin-Yang Holy Sect?"

Qian Jingshan's expression condensed, the first jade slip described the changes in the yin and yang sacred religion.

According to the investigation by the disciples of the Blood Refinement Sect, the Yin-Yang Holy Sect experienced a short-term civil strife 20 years ago. Junwen suddenly entered the middle stage of Yuanying.

This person showed a kind of terrifying supernatural power of Yin-Yang twins, and his combat power completely reached the level of a great monk, which shocked the other elders. After that, he shared his original secret technique, won the power of the sect in one fell swoop, and became the new Yin-Yang Holy Master. .

"Xu Junwen is practicing the Yin-Yang Magical Magic Art, which has been sealed by the Yin-Yang Holy Sect for a long time, but it is actually the practice of cultivating the double-young soul!"

Qian Jingshan took a few more glances, put the jade slip aside, and picked up the next one.

"A large amount of pure magic energy has emerged from the Demon Dragon Mountain in Xizhou. It is suspected that there is a magic pool in the world. The forces of Xizhou are fighting around the Demon Dragon Mountain. The ordinary Saint Poison Sect has suddenly emerged many Nascent Soul-level powerhouses, and some people who use their physical bodies as The cultivator of Zhan is likely to be a disciple of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"At present, the four major forces of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, the Holy Poison Sect, the Cultivation Family and the Small Sect are deadlocked with each other."

He looked a little thoughtful.

"The place where the Body Refinement Pavilion first appeared was the Sea of ​​Chaos in the State of Chu, which was adjacent to the Western State of the State of Qi. From this point of view, the Holy Poison Sect was probably the sect supported by it."

"The mountain gate of the Body Refinement Pavilion is located in the Yunling Mountains, which shows that the body training method has a great demand for demonic energy. Could it be that this guy Lu Kun is still coveting the territory of our country of Qi."

Thinking back to the fight over a hundred years ago, Qian Jingshan frowned. His illusions seemed to be restrained by the opponent's magical powers.

Even if his cultivation has improved a lot now, he still doesn't have much confidence that he can defeat the opponent. Next, he will focus on breaking through the realm, and it is not appropriate to fight with the Body Refinement Pavilion.

Shaking his head, Qian Jingshan continued to watch.

"Han Feng of the Falling Cloud Sect of the Chu State became a great cultivator. The Dao-yi real person of Daoyi tried to break through the period of spiritual transformation, and triggered the vision of heaven and earth. In the end, the vision collapsed and the breakthrough failed."

He showed a bit of complexity: "The breakthrough of the spirit transformation period is not so easy."

"What, there are a large number of disciples of the Holy Demon Sect in the Seven Demon Sect!"

Qian Jingshan's face changed for a while, and the magic art in his hand flashed, and he played a sound transmission, which shot at the miniature magic circle outside.

After a cup of tea, a skinny old man appeared in the cave and said respectfully, "See the Great Elder!"

This person was a demon cultivator who entered the secret realm of the Yuan Dynasty that year, extremely demonic. After many years, he successfully entered the initial stage of Nascent Soul with the help of the pure and true demon water he collected.

Qian Jingshan said in a deep voice, "Extreme Demon, let me ask you, is the news that the disciples of the Holy Demon Sect appeared in Qisha Sect is true."

When Ji Mo heard the words, he said solemnly, "Reporting to the great elder, the news is true. A few months ago, the younger brother encountered the old monster from the Qisha Sect. This guy was seriously injured, so I killed him."

"As a result of the soul search, it was found that the senior members of Qisha Gate were all Yuanying monks of the Holy Demon Sect. The original Qisha True Monarch and Yuansha Old Demon seemed to have disappeared, while Feng Laowei was killed by the Holy Demon Sect. The third elder of the Demon Sect was injured."

Qian Jingshan's face became heavy when he heard this.

The geographical distribution of Beizhou is close to Tongtian River and the closest to Dazhou. The Beizhou was mixed with fish and dragons ten thousand years ago, and it was gradually unified by Qishamen.

"Could it be that the people of the Holy Demon Sect have taken a fancy to Qi's masterless devil energy, and want to impact the god-turning stage in Qi's territory?"

After becoming the chief elder of the Blood Refining Sect, Qian Jingshan obtained the maximum authority of the sect, found the experience of the God Transformation senior of the Blood Refining Sect in the depths of the treasure house, and understood the mystery of the breakthrough of the God Transformation Stage.

The fusion of the heavens and the earth has resulted in insufficient essence of the heaven and earth vitality, and this is even more so with the external energy such as demonic energy. The magic cultivator's breakthrough in the method of transforming into a god is a method of pseudo-god transformation, which requires a vast and unmaintained demonic vitality.

Although Dazhou has a vast territory and sufficient resources, the competition is also fierce, and the demons are more cruel. It is the safest and safest to choose other regions to attack the bottleneck.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the fact that Qi State had experienced wars, even if the Holy Demon Sect was the fifth-ranked sect in Great Zhou, it would still be no better than the alliance of our three major Demon Sects."

At this time, Old Demon Pang came to Qian Jingshan's mind. Although he killed the master with his own hands, he had to admit that Da Zhou Demon Sect was afraid of the presence of this giant of the devil's way.

Pang Laomo once killed a great monk of the magic way who broke into the state of Qi. He is famous and has six complete sets of blood demon swords. Under the magic power of Pang Laomo's double monks, the terrifying power can even be compared with legends. Tongtian Lingbao in the middle is shoulder to shoulder.

"Hmph, if Old Demon Pang didn't die back then, there would be no way for me, Qian Jingshan, to survive, and what about the Holy Demon Sect, don't even think about robbing Qi's devil energy!"

Ji Mo lowered his head. Although he couldn't see Qian Jingshan's expression, he could still feel the solemnity in the air. He had never been to Da Zhou, so he was a little puzzled. Is the Holy Demon Sect really that scary?

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from his ear: "Extreme Demon, I have something for you to do."

"Elder, please order."

Qian Jingshan said coldly, "I want you to arrange for someone to go near the Qisha Gate to spread the news about the Body Refinement Pavilion, especially their kind of exercises for tempering the physical body. The more powerful they are, the better."

"The Body Refinement Pavilion is quite mysterious, and the Holy Demon Sect is even more unfathomable. Simply let them fight first, and this sect can stand on the sidelines and preserve its strength."

"Yes, pavilion master!" Ji Mo was stunned for a moment, then responded, and slowly backed out.

After the extreme demon left, Qian Jingshan sent out a few more syllables to go out, then closed his eyes and began to condense his magic power and consolidate his own cultivation.

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