The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1047 Breakthrough of the Five Cultivation (Part 1)

Wei State, the border between Zhongzhou and Luzhou, a strong middle-aged man and a skinny old man stood in the void.

The burly man has a burly body, and his full muscles give people a very strong sense of explosion. At the same time, he also has an extremely heavy breath, like a towering mountain, heavy and stable.

On the man's head was a little golden monkey that looked like an ordinary beast. The little guy looked at the mountains below with a nervous expression.

Although the other old man was skinny and weak, there was a strong and incomparably sharp aura surging in his body, as if there were countless sharp swords hidden in his body, which could be unsheathed at any time, which made people shudder.

These two are Lu Kun and Yue Longfei.

"I didn't expect Brother Yue's mana to have reached the peak of the mid-Nascent Soul, and his sharp power is stronger than before. I feel a little sorry for interrupting your retreat." Lu Kun felt Yue Longfei's mana breath and apologized slightly.

Yue Longfei said humbly: "Where is the pavilion owner, without the pavilion owner's method of strengthening the meridians and the help of the Geng Jinshi, Yue would not be able to reach this step. Besides, this time it is to repair the law for the five bodies, and Yue should be present."

Speaking of this, he showed a puzzled look: "However, the pavilion master, the first generation of disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion, why did they cross the calamity at the same time? Much bigger."

Hearing this, Lu Kun sighed and said, "Why does Lu don't know this, although I have explained the breakthrough process and the situation of the body repair thunder calamity, but their situation is different from mine, it is inevitable that there will be special circumstances. ."

"Furthermore, in the face of the Thunder Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, if you are not careful, your body will be damaged. The five disciples of mine have a very good relationship. Everyone is rushing for the first to cross the Tribulation.

Having said that, Lu Kun paused and said, "And I did this to prevent an accident."

Yue Longfei was stunned and said, "What accident?"

Lu Kunyao looked at the sky, frowned and said, "There are only two or three thunder tribulations of ordinary monsters, and their greatest power is only the peak of Nascent Soul's initial stage."

"But when I broke through to the bone transformation stage, the thunder tribulations I experienced were extremely terrifying. There are nine thunder tribulations, and the power of the last thunder calamity may have the power of the god-transforming stage."

"Deity Transformation Period!"

Yue Longfei was taken aback. He looked at Lu Kun next to him, and his eyes were full of horror. Even in the late Nascent Soul stage, I am afraid that he would not be able to resist the attack of the monks in the spiritual transformation period. The pavilion master actually broke through Nascent Soul. Just did it.

Lu Kun said with a dignified expression: "Maybe because I am the number one physique cultivator, this world wants to prevent such cultivators from appearing, so that such a terrifying thunder calamity can be brought down."

"However, this is just an inference. We don't know what the power of other body repair's thunder tribulations is. The five of them cross the calamity at the same time, just to prevent the thunder tribulation from being too powerful.

Yue Longfei looked down, and within a range of dozens of miles, there were five temporary cave dwellings in turn, with black and white formations flashing on them. It was the Primordial Formation once owned by the Demon Spirit Sect, which could gather both magical energy and spiritual energy at the same time.

He couldn't help asking: "Five people crossing the tribulation at the same time, can it reduce the power of the thunder tribulation?"

Lu Kun said slowly: "After observing the transformation of the thunder tribulation several times, I found that this kind of power of heaven and earth needs to gather enough energy of heaven and earth."

"Different from monsters, in addition to the heaven and earth's vitality, the lightning calamity of body repair also needs to gather the devil's vitality. If there are five body repair thunder tribulations at the same time, then the convergence speed of vitality will definitely be greatly reduced."

"Others can't be guaranteed, but the interval between each thunderstorm will definitely become longer, giving a great buffer to body repair."

Having said that, Lu Kun looked in the direction of Qi Kingdom in the north and said, "At that time, Qi Kingdom's demonic energy will probably be inspired. With the two of us in charge, even if the Blood Refinement Sect comes, we will not be afraid at all."

"By the way, Brother Yue is at the peak of the middle stage of Nascent Soul. In the environment of strong vitality, maybe he can understand something, which will help him break through."

"It's still the pavilion master who has thought about it carefully." Yue Longfei's eyes showed a bit of joy, and he released his consciousness to sense the changes in the surrounding aura.

Lu Kun looked at the five cave dwellings below with a worried expression. He had taught all the experience he was supposed to impart. Whether he could successfully break through to the bone transformation stage would depend on the fortunes of these disciples.


In Zhao Qingtian's temporary cave, a pale green human skeleton was lying on the ground, with a string of wooden beads hanging from its neck. The surface of the skeleton was faintly emitting pale green smoke.

Under the guidance of Lu Kun, Zhao Qingtian has already completed the method of concentrating flesh and blood, and cultivated the magic power of qi and blood, devouring the blood, muscles and internal organs of the whole body, reaching the state of unity of flesh and blood.

Except for the bone treasure, other parts of the body have become a whole. As long as the bone treasure is refined with the blood and blood magic power that contains flesh and blood, the body can be integrated, and the conditions for the generation of the source power of the flesh body can be achieved.

It is not so simple to achieve the refining conditions. Zhao Qingtian Dacheng's Bone Treasure first depicts a layer of Yuanling magic formation derived from psychic puppets, and then refers to the refining method of jade bones and demons, and integrates the magic bones. Essence.

His skeletal mana is poisonous wood attribute, which is far weaker than Lu Kun's chaotic mana. The magic bone essence smelted is only at the level of dandan, which forms a balance with wood attribute.

Only the bone treasure has the magic attribute, the blood and blood magic power can refine it.

Zhao Qingtian was concentrating on controlling the blood and magic power in his body, and sighed in his heart. Only now did he really feel the importance of physical training qualifications.

Like most of the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion, he has the most basic three-star physique. After this aptitude enters the middle stage of Gubao, the blood magic power cultivated is only in the early stage of formation.

Pan Yan's six-star physique was at the peak of the early stage of forming a pill, and his master Lu Kun's blood magic power had reached the level of the middle stage of forming a pill. At this time, the level of blood magic power was closely related to aptitude.

Among their brothers, Zhao Qingtian and Yuxuan have three-star physiques. After the flesh and blood are united, their blood and blood magic power is almost at the level of the late stage of forming a pill, and Pan Yan, who has the highest qualifications, has directly reached the great consummation of pill forming.

The richer the Qi and blood magic power, the faster the speed of refining bone treasures. Zhao Qingtian used the Qi and blood magic power in the early stage to refine a mature bone treasure, the speed is very slow.

According to the experience taught by Lu Kun, if the speed is slow, the Qi and blood magic power will gradually be compatible with the bone treasure magic power. At that time, the Qi blood magic power will not have the opportunity to continue refining the bone treasure.

Although Zhao Qingtian's aptitude is not high, he is not unprepared. He thought of a method to speed up the refining speed of Qi and blood magic power. This method comes from the Holy Poison Art.

To enter the Nascent Soul stage, the Poison Cultivator of the Holy Poison Sect must refine more than one hundred kinds of poisons and transform them into the power of a hundred poisons. This highly poisonous power is equivalent to the power of the Nascent Soul.

Using this kind of magic power containing the power of a hundred poisons to refine a poisonous treasure is as smooth as breathing, and his bone treasure is equivalent to a set of poisonous treasures.

Therefore, after Zhao Qingtian entered the Bone Treasure Dacheng realm, he began to collect various poisons, refining them in his body, and integrating them into flesh and blood.

Due to the strong body and body, most of the poisons were dispelled by the powerful energy of qi and blood, and only more than 30 kinds of them were finally smelted. At this time, the qi and blood magic power of flesh and blood also possessed strong toxicity.

Sensing the refining speed of Gubao, Zhao Qingtian breathed a sigh of relief. As he judged, the refining speed of the poison-type blood and magic power was much faster, which made up for the lack of qualifications.

I don't know how long it took, a faint black gas suddenly appeared on the surface of the bones, and the light green mist that was floating before all entered the black gas, forming a dark green aura.

In this aura, there is a smell of evil, greed, and disgusting filth.

"What's the matter? After refining some of the bone treasures, the blood and blood magic actually began to devour the poison attribute mana in the bone treasures!"

Zhao Qingtian's divine consciousness fluctuated violently. At this time, nearly half of his bone treasures were successfully refined, and his blood and blood magic power suddenly used the refined bones as a site, and devoured the poisonous wood mana in the site.

"In the process of Master's breakthrough, the blood and magic power did not swallow the mana."

"Could it be that the energy level of blood magic is much higher than that of poison wood?"

Zhao Qingtian immediately transferred a large number of bone treasures that had never been refined by his spiritual sense to the part that had been refined to strengthen his control over the blood and magic power, but as soon as he had transferred his spiritual consciousness, he felt that there were unrefined bone treasures left. In the middle, there was a bone marrow-like pain.

"Not good, lose the control of the consciousness, the blood magic power strengthens the poisonous magic circle with the help of the bone treasure, the instinct devours the bones, and the consciousness cannot be transferred."

Next, the power of his divine consciousness began to surge wildly in his body. Black and green auras were constantly intertwined on the surface of the bones. On the surface of the smooth bone treasure, one or two dark green spots gradually appeared, as if they were poisoned by some kind of poison. Corroded general...

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