The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1055 Arrangements and Bottlenecks

More than two months later, at the bottom of the melting cave in the Body Refinement Pavilion, several strange weapons were suspended in the center of the room.

One of them is a half-arc gray shield that is five feet high and two feet wide. It is interwoven with gray muscle lines, and there is a magic power in the early stage of the formation of elixir.

The gray muscles twitched from time to time, giving people an extremely weird feeling, as if this meat shield was some kind of deformed creature.

Next to the meat shield are a pair of palm-shaped gloves. They are twice the size of an ordinary human hand. They are interwoven with gray palm lines. In the thick fingers, bones and joints can be seen, and a magic breath is inside. Circling endlessly.

In addition to these two weapons, there is also a seven-foot-long bone, one end is pale white, the other end is gray, except that the two ends are round bones, and the middle is a block of thick joints similar to vertebrae.

The round skulls at both ends are not small, and the spine is like a pole carrying heavy objects, bent into an arc.

This strange object is not wrapped in gray muscles, and there is no magic in it, it doesn't look like a weapon.

"The Six Origin Shield and the Whirlpool Claws fuse the essence of your flesh and blood, and there is magic power and fluid in the world, which is enough to make up for your respective deficiencies. Put it away first, and when the magic power inside it completely refines it, you can drive the battle. ."

Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan couldn't wait to take these two treasures in their hands and participated in the refining. They knew their power very well, and it was even a bit bigger than what the master said.

And Lu Kun stretched out his hand, took the spine in his hands, and showed a satisfied smile.

Although the slurries he ingested did not seem to be much, they were enough to support the refining of the four battle treasures. Except for the Zhenyuan brick and the disciple's two weapons, the rest were refined into what he saw.

This is the energy storage magic weapon that Lu Kun has thought of in various ways, but has not been refined.

Now he has added a spinal bone structure to the double skull. This structure can not only store spiritual thoughts, but also make the magic energy in a more stable semi-separated state. With the injected slurries, the magic energy will not burst at all.

He only needs to hold the spinal joint in the middle and cooperate with the inner consciousness to quickly absorb the magic energy stored in it.

Lu Kun simply tested it, this thick double-headed spine can store at least 30% of the magic energy.

After playing for a while, he put it away, looked at the two disciples, and said slowly:

"The bottleneck of the bone transformation stage is not high for the disciples of physical training, and the number of physical practitioners in the bone transformation stage is the key if the body refining pavilion is to be truly strong."

Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan were refreshed, and it sounded that their master had a way to increase the chance of breakthrough.

Lu Kun continued: "Even if one's aptitude is high, there is still some risk in the bone transformation stage. The difficulty of breaking through this realm is even higher than that of the Nascent Soul stage in the traditional immortal cultivation system. To ensure the number of bone transformation stages, there must be a sufficient number of them. The Bone Treasure Great Adult Body Repair."

He needs to spend time on his own cultivation and the improvement of follow-up exercises, and he can't think of a good way to improve the probability of breaking through the bone metamorphosis stage in a short time.

And the disciple named Xiong Shan from Hualing Pavilion seems to have just entered the bone-hardening stage. When that kid enters the coagulation stage, the secret technique of transforming the half-demon body will progress.

In the case of uncertainty, Lu Kun can only use the most stupid method, which is the number of heaps.

If one of the five Bone Treasure Masters can make a breakthrough, then the base number of fifty means that there will be ten Bone Transformation Stage Body Cultivators.

The Body Refinement Pavilion needs more resources!

"With the existence of the Poison Refinement Pavilion, the resources from the muscle training period to the visceral training period are quite abundant, but for the bone treasure period, the poison has no effect, and the cultivation of blood magic power requires the activation of the true devil. Demonic energy is in great demand."

"In another hundred years, the second and third generations of disciples will all grow up. By that time, there will be a round of outbreaks of the Bone Treasure Stage of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and this Demon Abyss will not be enough."

Speaking of this, Lu Kun's eyes showed a cold look and said: "When these two treasures are refined, you will choose a group of disciples and go to Xizhou of Qi State. The teacher will also arrange sister and brother Fang Yuan to go together. Within 30 years, you must win the Descend the Demon Dragon Mountain!"

Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan heard the words and quickly understood that in the past few years, a vision has appeared in the Magic Dragon Mountain. It is rumored that a magic pond is about to appear in the world, and the master wants to take that place as his own.

Huang Xiaoyun hesitated and said: "Master, Xizhou's power is not bad, but if the three major demon sects take action..."

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "The alliance contract between the Body Refinement Pavilion and the Blood Refinement Sect is mainly limited to Nanzhou and Wei, and Qi's Xizhou is not among them."

"If the Nascent Soul Stage of the Three Great Demon Sects shoots, you don't need to worry, just kill them."

"If the great cultivator behind them makes a move, I'll take a trip in person as a teacher!"

"Let's make arrangements. If something happens, you can directly transmit the sound through the Wanli Talisman."

"Yes, Master!"


After arranging the task, Lu Kun returned to the cave in the depths of the Demon Abyss.

He took out the relics of several disciples and placed them in the center of the treasure house solemnly. He closed his eyes and stood silently.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Kun opened his eyes, let out a sigh of relief, and his expression became more focused.

With the passing of his disciple, in addition to his grief, he also deeply experienced the difficulty of the road of physical cultivation. The bottleneck of the bone metamorphosis stage was broken through dangerous and dangerous, and the later bottlenecks were equally difficult.

Now, more than 120 years have passed since Lu Kun returned to Wei State. The life essence extracted from the tenth-level demon body was exhausted, and he barely cultivated to the peak of the early stage of bone transformation.

Without the help of these life essences, even if he perfected the cultivation method of this small realm, it would probably take three or four hundred years.

The power of life in his body is extremely strong now, more than twice as much as when he first entered the bone metamorphosis stage, but no matter how much he continues to cultivate, this energy cannot grow.

During this period, the life force that the internal organs can accommodate has increased a lot. Under the cultivation of this energy, the internal organs seem to be somewhat different from before. It is not the improvement of the material, but another change.

What effect this change has, Lu Kun still doesn't know, his focus is on other parts of the body.

Muscles and blood have undergone considerable changes, the material of the former has greatly increased, but when the muscles are tightened, the material is still a little bit different than the magic weapon of maturity.

And the concentration of blood in his body has also reached a terrifying realm. If all the power of qi and blood is released, it will be much inferior to the tenth-level demon king.

At this level, the muscles and blood have reached a node, and no matter how hard he trains, he can't grow any more.

Lu Kun walked into the Rongyuan Demon Cave slowly, raised his right arm, a silver light surged in his muscles, and after a while, his arm trembled, and the silver aura gradually dissipated.

He sighed: "Although the power of life is enough, the strength of flesh and blood is still a little bit worse. There is no way to store magic energy. The current magic energy reserve can be said to be similar to Xiaoyun and the others."

Then a terrifying blood flowed out of Lu Kun's body, and the muscles of the whole body became stronger, even turning dark red, flashing a layer of crystal luster, as if the whole body was like a treasure.

He loosened his body and returned to his original state, frowning tightly: "Blood and muscles blend with each other. Although the two can be interchanged, it is different from what I thought before. The fighting state cannot be blessed together."

"If a part of the blood turns into muscle fibers and is blessed into the muscles, part of the muscles will turn into blood and return to the body. Only after the force of life is separated from the magic energy, can the two be completely transferred."

"The key point of breakthrough seems to be in muscle and blood."

Thinking of this, a double-headed spine appeared in Lu Kun's hand, and the pure spiritual energy and magic energy around him began to gather. He pondered while injecting magic energy into the energy storage magic weapon.

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