Since Lu Kun participated in the battle of the Chu Kingdom, rumors about the Body Refinement Pavilion began to spread in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Chu Kingdom.

Some people say that the strength of the Refinement Pavilion is terrifying. There are at least twenty or thirty people in the Nascent Soul period, and there are many disciples under the sect, which are inherited from the ancient fairy sect.

Some people scoffed, thinking that the Body Refinement Pavilion was nothing but a fake. If there were so many disciples, why didn't they see any body cultivators walking around the immortal world of Chu State?

With more and more rumors about the Body Refinement Pavilion, many loose cultivators and immortal cultivators began to think a little and wanted to enter the Wei Kingdom for cultivation. resources, and in the vast area of ​​the Wei Kingdom, there is only one sect, at least a little soup to drink.

It wasn't until these people passed through the land of death that they discovered that the Body Refinement Pavilion had set up a ban on the border between Chu and Wei. If they wanted to enter Wei, they had to have a tracking technique on their bodies, and they couldn't stay for a long time.

This kind of regulation made these people swear in their hearts. There was even a Nascent Soul cultivator who wanted to break in, but after a few rounds, he was beaten by Shi Yin'er and the Nascent Soul escaped. Since then, there has been no Immortal cultivators push the boundaries.


In the middle of the dead land, there is a narrow canyon, and there are dense ancient restrictions left in it.

This is the famous One-Line Sky. Deep in the ground, there is a cave dwelling full of gloomy and cold air.

A beautiful-looking woman sat cross-legged on the jade pupa, and the spiritual energy and the cold energy poured into her moist gray skin, and the whole person exuded an incomparably cold aura, as if it could freeze people's hearts.

This woman is Lu Kun's silver armored corpse, Shi Yin'er.

Her breath at this time was extremely deep, and the fluctuations emanating from her even reached the peak of the early Nascent Soul.

If Lu Kun was here, he would be extremely surprised. It would take hundreds of years for an ordinary eighth-level silver-armored corpse to cultivate to the peak of eighth-level coldness. It only took over a hundred years.

In fact, the main reason is Lu Kun's blood.

Nascent Soul monks control the silver-armored corpse. No matter what kind of god-control technique they use, every once in a while, the soul will be eroded by bloodthirsty thoughts. Only by feeding the silver-armored corpse with their own blood can this effect be eliminated.

Therefore, most of the powerhouses who control the corpse are in a state of skinny and blood deficiency.

But Lu Kun is different. His blood is more than a hundred times stronger than those of these Nascent Soul monks. After every time Shi Yin'er runs the corpse pill to absorb it, not only the spiritual consciousness of the spiritual platform is clear, but the physical body changes subtly.

In particular, the blood essence that Lu Kun delivered last time was close to the peak of the early stage of bone transformation. Shi Yin'er felt that after refining her body, not only was her physical body a bit stronger, but even the Dantian meridians in her body were no different from those of immortal cultivators.

Moreover, Shi Yin'er devoured Shen Mengyao's blood essence, inherited her body of Yin, and the efficiency of transforming Yin and Cold Qi was increased by 50-60%.

This made her cultivation speed extremely astonishing.


After an unknown amount of time, Shi Yin'er slowly opened her eyes, stretched her waist, and her graceful figure did not look like a zombie at all.

Slowly standing up, Shi Yin'er suddenly let out a small whimper, as if she had found something, and looked down at her body.

She tilted her head, blinked her eyes twice, and a strong energy of qi and blood rose up in her body. A pale silver aura appeared on her moist skin, and the temperature in the cave dropped a lot in vain.

She stroked it with her slender hands and found that this layer of aura was extremely hard, like a layer of silver armor, covering her skin. In addition to the power of cold, it was also filled with the power of blood and corpse.

"Interesting, after refining the blood essence of the pavilion master, such a strange magical power was actually born. Through the operation of the blood essence, all the corpse qi in the body can be mobilized to form a corpse qi armor."

"After the corpse gas is discharged, the speed and reflexes of the flesh body are greatly increased, and this layer of armor also enhances the defense."

Shi Yin'er's eyes rolled around, her mind moved, and the corpse armor disappeared. At the same time, the extremely cold aura also dissipated and seemed to be hidden.

After testing back and forth a few times, Shi Yin'er was a little excited. If she used it in the opposite direction, the blood essence could hide all the energy of the body in the corpse pill, and the breath was like a mortal.

At this moment, Shi Yin'er's expression turned cold, and she snorted softly: "After so many years, there are still cultivators in the Yuan Ying period who want to sneak into the Wei country. It's really courting death."

A gray light flashed, and Shi Yin'er disappeared in the cave.


To the east of the land of death, the forbidden level of Tianjian Pavilion is arranged, and in the west of the boundary of Dongchi Prefecture, there is a prosperous city of immortal cultivators.

Yueyang City.

Although the Body Refinement Pavilion blocked the border, it did not cut off contact with the immortal world of the Chu State. Under the leadership of Lu Kun and Daoyi, the Body Refinement Pavilion and the ten major sects of the Chu State jointly formed this huge market.

For the top ten sects of the Chu State, it is possible to release some resources and let those loose cultivators and cultivators buy them, which can alleviate a lot of conflicts, and through this city, they can also exchange for the resources of the Wei State.

For the Body Refinement Pavilion, the things that the cultivators of the Chu kingdom want to get by entering the Wei kingdom can be bought in Yueyang City, so there is no need to rush in.

In addition, the art of refining treasures in the Treasure Pavilion also has its place, and many special refining methods that have been put on hold by the Yueyang Sect have also been restarted.

In the past few decades, the speed at which the Treasure Pavilion has earned spirit stones has far exceeded that of the Yueyang Sect.

Yueyang City has a Yuan Ying-level sword cultivator all year round, and it is not far from Shi Yin'er's cave, which means that there are two Yuan Ying-level guardians. Even if the treasure pavilion has earned a lot of spirit stones, no one dares to make an idea.


Outside Yueyang City, two men stood in the void.

One of the men was waving a green feather fan, with a green wind hovering under his feet. He was handsome and was Qin Yushu of Treasure Pavilion.

Another square-faced man was wearing a brocade suit, and his whole body exuded a strong metallic aura, and he could even hear the sound of a golden horse and iron horse in his body. He was the person with the highest cultivation level in the Treasure Pavilion, Xiao Hongfei.

Qin Yushu said with a bit of envy: "I didn't expect this secret technique of the Jin Ge faction to help Brother Xiao so much. I'm afraid Brother Xiao will soon be able to enter the Nascent Soul Stage."

Xiao Hongfei heard the words and said solemnly: "Xiao is only 60% sure, and the chance of failure is still not small."

Qin Yushu smiled and said, "I'm still a little short of the Great Perfection, but I have less than 30% confidence in the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage. Brother Xiao's chances are already very high."

Xiao Hongfei was silent for a while, his eyes sincerely said: "Thank you brother Qin for your help this time, otherwise the Jin Ge faction will not exchange such secret techniques. When Xiao succeeds, he will definitely share his breakthrough insights with Qin brother."

Qin Yushu's expression turned serious, and he cupped his hands and said, "You and I are both disciples of the Treasure Pavilion. You don't need to be so born. First, I wish Brother Xiao a successful baby birth!"

"Brother Qin's auspicious words!" After speaking, Xiao Hongfei turned into a streamer and flew towards the land of death. After a while, Qin Yushu returned to Yueyang City.


Xiao Hongfei's mana is pure and pure, and the speed of escaping light is much higher than that of ordinary Dandan Great Perfection, like a golden streamer, flying rapidly in the dark sky of the land of death.

"Although my consciousness is not weak, the illusion of demons should not be underestimated. To be safe, I still ask the pavilion master for a string of demon soul wood."

Suddenly, Xiao Hongfei seemed to sense something, his face changed wildly, and a golden bracelet spurted out from his neck and limbs, turning into five diamond rings, blocking him.

As soon as he finished all this, a big blue hand appeared out of thin air in front of him, and there was a terrifying spiritual pressure surging on it. As if encountering a nemesis, they retreated into Jindan one after another.

At this time, an old man with half-white hair appeared in front of him, and said lightly: "I didn't expect that after so many years, you little guy will have a baby."

Xiao Hongfei saw this person, his pupils suddenly dilated, his eyes showed fear, his tone trembled slightly: " are..."

The old man chuckled and was about to speak when suddenly his expression changed and a jade talisman appeared in his hand. His eyes were astonished: "The guy from the Ghost Sect was repelled so quickly, does this girl have the strength of the middle Nascent Soul?"

"No, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time."

The old man waved his sleeves, Xiao Hongfei fainted directly, and with a strange wave, the two disappeared in place...

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