The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1062 Zhaling Soft Armor

Lu Kun was galloping high in the sky. He had just passed on the gong to Gao Yong, and it was not an impromptu intention.

One of the reasons for the failure of several of his disciples to break through is that the level of mana energy in their bodies is lower than the magic power of blood and blood.

When Lu Kun broke through, the chaotic mana in his body didn't feel suppressed at all, and in order to prevent the fusion of qi and blood magic with mana, he even took the initiative to enhance the qi and blood magic, and blessed the Nether attribute.

If Gubao Dacheng's body cultivation disciples also possess the Chaos Mana of the Five Elements in their bodies, would they be able to compete with the blood magic power?

The Five Elements Refinement Technique was derived from Lu Kun's practice.

He himself cultivated the chaotic magic power through the power of the five elements after the bone treasure was transformed into the five elements of chaos magic bone. It is not so easy for other disciples to cultivate.

The most basic condition is to have the spiritual roots of the five elements.

Although such spiritual roots are the most inferior qualities in the eyes of traditional immortal cultivators, in fact, such spiritual roots are rare, with three or four spiritual roots being the most common.

He possesses the power of the five elements of spiritual roots in his body. Next, he must condense the five elements of the physical body when the body is quenched and consummated. Lu Kun was only a thunder attribute combining three attributes.

The cultivation difficulty of these five elements is obviously higher than other exercises.

Gao Yong's disciple, Lu Kun was very impressed. This person's spiritual roots were so inferior, but he successfully established a foundation when he was in his thirties.

This kind of cultivation speed is not slow at all, indicating that this child either has a hidden physique or has excellent luck.

At present, among the disciples of the second and third generations, only Gao Yong is the most suitable for practicing these five elements.

"If the chaotic mana of the five elements can really resist the magic power of blood and blood, then the effect of the secret art of the spirit root will be even greater..."

Lu Kun thought about it in his mind, and unknowingly over the Yueyang Mountains, he flew to the Treasure Pavilion. Qin Yushu had already returned to the sect, and he wanted to know about Xiao Hongfei.

The one who could steal Xiao Hongfei silently must be a Yuan Ying-level existence, and the one who led Shi Yin'er away, there were two Yuan Ying cultivators.

Although he didn't know the specific reason, he was certain of one thing. The ultimate goal of the two was definitely the Body Refinement Pavilion. No matter how Xiao Hongfei said it, he was only a cultivator at the Core Formation stage, so how could it be worth the adventure of two cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage.


A few hours later, Lu Kun's escaping light flew out of the mountain range and blasted away in the direction of the land of death.

"The location of the opponent's action is in the land of death. Qin Yushu and Xiao Hongfei have not contacted other Nascent Soul monks in recent years. It seems that they can only find clues from Shi Yin'er."

Then Lu Kun looked down at his body. Although his clothes still looked like a strong suit, the color had changed to gray, and there was a faint aura on it, which was close to Lu Kun's figure. Outline that strong muscle.

"Qin Yushu and Elder Zhu also have a heart, and they used the hard-earned nephrite jade to refine this piece of spirit armor. This top-notch material is not only extremely soft and shrinks freely, but also has the ability to absorb magical energy. The only downside is the fear of physical attack."

"But this is nothing to me at all. If I encounter a physical attack, I only need to actively shrink the Zhaling soft armor and fight against it with my own body, and the Zhaling soft armor will not be damaged."

He touched his waist, where there was a groove made of Absolute Spirit Ore, and a high-level Spirit Stone was placed in it.

"It is refined in the way of controlling a spiritual tool, and it can be activated with only divine sense."

Lu Kun was quite fond of it. In the past, it was very troublesome that his clothes were always broken in battles, or his clothes were destroyed. This spirit armor perfectly solved these problems.


With Lu Kun's escaping speed exceeding that of an ordinary great cultivator, it only took him half a day to reach the first-line sky of the land of death.

Shi Yin'er felt a little bit and stood outside the cave early to wait. She saw Lu Kun's figure, and her beautiful face showed a respectful look: "Yin'er has seen the pavilion master."

Lu Kun lightly fell to the side, with a flash of golden light in his eyes, and said in amazement, "It actually reached the peak of the eighth level? No wonder it was able to repel the middle Nascent Soul."

He used to think that it was strange that with Shi Yin'er's strength, although he had a big advantage over the early Nascent Soul, in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, it would be a little difficult.

Shi Yin'er's silver armored corpse looked no different from a human woman, and even had a humble expression on her face.

"Yin'er has absorbed the essence and blood of the Master Refining Pavilion all the year round, and the physical body is constantly changing. The current Dantian meridians are almost the same as those of the cultivators. Coupled with the effect of the body of supreme yin, the power of yin and cold can be absorbed very smoothly."

Hearing this, Lu Kun couldn't help but be amazed. When he fed Shi Yin'er blood essence, he studied the process of Yinjia corpse swallowing blood essence, and found that the key lies in the corpse pill.

The energy of blood essence and blood is filtered through the corpse pill, which will produce something similar to the blood energy of demon cultivators, nourishing the body, and those powerful high-level silver armored corpses basically kill a large number of immortal cultivators and absorb enough powerful blood essence. Break through to a high level.

It's a pity that the corpse pill is unique to zombies, and this quenching energy is not very useful to Lu Kun, and he can't learn anything from it.

These thoughts flashed through Lu Kun's mind, and he said slowly: "First, please describe in detail what happened a month ago, as well as the appearance of that cultivator."

Shi Yin'er responded and directly connected her consciousness with Lu Kun, sharing the memory of the fight at that time.

In Lu Kun's mind, the image of a middle-aged man with a sinister aura quickly popped up. In the battle, in addition to using various ghost spells, this man also used a magic weapon in the shape of ghost claws, which was quite magical.

It's a pity that this kind of ghost method, which uses the power of Yin and Cold, has no effect on Shi Yin'er. Yin'er has resisted a few attacks and narrowed the distance.

After being approached by the corpse of the silver armor, the man was beaten and retreated, and finally escaped with a secret method.

Lu Kun snorted coldly, his eyes extremely cold: "The cultivation technique of Yin and Cold Ghost Qi must be inseparable from the Ghost Spirit Sect. I didn't expect that more than a hundred years later, the cultivators of the Nascent Soul in Chu country have forgotten about me, Lu Lu. Kun's existence."

"I'm going to the Inner Sea next. During this time, you will go to the headquarters of the Body Refinement Pavilion. In the back mountain of the Yunling Mountains, I used some corpses of ghost worms called swallowing worms to build a cold place. Disciple tempering body."

"It's a pity that the quenching method of the worms can't be used for reference. You can go there to practice. By the way, it's not helpful to see that these worms are not helpful."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

Lu Kun looked at Shi Yin'er who was close at hand, like a human woman, and frowned: "By the way, after another fifty years, I don't seem to feel bloodthirsty."

Shi Yin'er also said strangely: "Yin'er has become more and more sane in recent years. Could it be the blood of the pavilion master that eliminated Yin'er's hidden dangers?"

Lu Kun pondered and said, "Just in case, I'll leave you a copy of blood essence. If there is bloodthirsty during the battle, it will be troublesome."

Afterwards, his qi and blood rolled, opened his mouth, and droplets of silvery blood floated out, exuding powerful qi and blood power, and gradually condensed into a fist-sized blood essence and floated forward.

Shi Yin'er didn't know why, but after the appearance of the blood essence, there was a little desire in her soul, and she immediately swallowed the blood essence.

"I'm leaving."

Lu Kun then turned into a ray of light, soaring into the sky, and after a few breaths, he disappeared from Shi Yin'er's field of vision.

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