The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1063 Meteorite from the sky

Eastern Chu Prefecture is located in the north of Dongchi Prefecture, where the climate is dry and the wind is raging. Although most of the place is the Gobi Desert, there are few mortals, but the aura is still sufficient, and there are three sects in Chu State.

At the junction of Eastern Chuzhou and Beihuangzhou, there is a gloomy rocky mountain range. Because of the nine steep peaks standing in the middle of the mountain range, it is called the Jiuyin Mountains.

The spiritual energy here is not strong, and it is sandwiched between the Northern Desolate State and the Land of Death, mixed with cold and demonic energy, which is completely irrelevant to the cultivation holy land.

But such an environment is an excellent place to practice for a ghost sect like Ghost Spirit Sect, which uses the power of Yin and Cold to cultivate.

Under the action of the various spirit gathering formations of the Ghost Spirit Sect, the cold qi, spiritual qi and devil qi of the Jiuyin Mountains are all classified and gathered, which is convenient for the disciples in the sect to cultivate.

The highest mountain in the Jiuyin Mountains is the cave residence of Qi Ruyan, the chief elder of the Guiling Sect.

In the hundreds of years since he became the Great Elder, the strength of the Ghost Spirit Sect has grown steadily, and has already surpassed the Jin Ge Sect and the Tiansha Sect. If it were not for the Lieyang Sect, which was not as powerful as the cultivator of the different fire, it would even be ranked third in the Chu State.

On this day, there was a middle-aged man in Qi Ruyan's cave. This man's breath was slightly unstable, and the fluctuation of spiritual pressure he exuded was extremely strong, reaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Qi Ruyan was a beautiful woman, and she was looking at the middle-aged man in front of her with a frosty face.

"Song Yuan, you are too bold. I let you sit in the Yinluo faction in Xizhou, why did you leave privately and provoke the Body Refinement Pavilion! Do you know that this move is likely to bring disaster to this sect. !"

The middle-aged man said with a slight cold sweat on his forehead: "Senior sister, junior brother just pretended to accidentally touch the ban on the Body Refinement Pavilion. There was no other rashness, and he was even injured. of."

Qi Ruyan showed a look of hating iron but not steel: "You idiot, if things are so simple, why did Qishamen exchange the soul of Nascent Soul."

"The purpose is to let you lead that female cultivator away, so that he can do other things secretly in Qisha Sect. A soul of Nascent Soul can let you protect them from robbery. This business is too cost-effective."

The man named Song Yuan turned pale and said, "Senior sister, you can't say that. If you don't have the soul of Nascent Soul, the younger brother will not be able to enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul, which is not a loss."

"Senior sister has also checked, there is no tracking mark on the younger brother, and there is no way to track it in the body training pavilion."

Qi Ruyan smirked: "I really don't know how you have been in Xizhou all these years. Don't you know that cultivation techniques and magic weapons are the most obvious signs? If the Body Refinement Pavilion wants to investigate, they will naturally find our Ghost Spirit Sect. on the head."

"From its blockade of the land of death, it can be seen that this is an extremely overbearing sect. If there is a conflict due to this, the development of this sect for many years will be destroyed in one fell swoop!"

Song Yuan became a little flustered when he heard the words. He agreed to that person at first, but he felt that the strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion was not necessarily strong. He also heard the story of Pavilion Master Lu's anti-sky supernatural powers, and he thought it was exaggerated.

But since he fought against the female cultivator a month ago, he has been deeply afraid of this sect.

Although the opponent's aura was at the peak of Nascent Soul's early stage, his physical body was too terrifying. No matter what magical powers he used, the opponent would resist with his physical body.

And that man's attack, in addition to the pure and incomparably cold power, was also mixed with a huge force. With his cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, his body was almost destroyed.

A female cultivator guarding the border in the Body Refinement Pavilion has such a strong strength. What about other Nascent Soul-level body cultivators? What about the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion?

Qi Ruyan looked at Song Yuan's expression, her face softened a little and said: "Fortunately, after a month, there is no movement in the body training pavilion, and your injury has recovered, hurry back to Xizhou."

"If you didn't break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, I wouldn't help you heal at all."

"Don't be involved in the competition for the Demon Dragon Mountain this time, and then..."

Speaking of this, Qi Ruyan suddenly stopped, raised her head, and looked towards the direction above the cave. There was a faint roar from the distant sky. The sound was very thick, like a continuous muffled thunder.

Song Yuan also heard this strange roaring sound, and his consciousness extended into the distance, his pupils widened.

I saw dozens of miles high in the sky south of the mountains, a silver object wrapped in flames, tearing the air and clouds, and falling at an extremely terrifying speed.

That layer of flame is a raging flame that is too fast and rubbed against the air. It is not the magic of an immortal cultivator, and the silver object under the flame seems to be rotating at a high speed, with a silver-white halo surging on the surface.

When he probed his consciousness inward, he felt a terrifying invisible suction force, and accidentally, a trace of his consciousness fell directly into it and was crushed by an invisible force.

Song Yuan's face turned pale: "What kind of meteorite is this, the aura it exudes is so weird."

Qi Ruyan said solemnly: "This is not a meteorite from outside the sky, that silver-white halo seems to be the manifestation of the vitality of heaven and earth, maybe it is some terrifying magic weapon."

Thinking of this, her face changed wildly: "Not good! The falling direction of this meteorite is facing our Ghost Spirit Gate!"

As she spoke, a flash of inspiration flashed in her hand, and a forbidden magic disk appeared with complicated patterns on it. A series of magic tricks were played one after another in her slender hands, and nine spiritual light points quickly lit up on the magic disk.

Nine thick spiritual pillars rose from the nine mountain peaks, and a large amount of spiritual energy, cold energy, and even demonic energy gathered in all directions, and a thick dark gray light curtain emerged out of nowhere, covering the ghost door. Inside.

"The Forbidden Array has been opened. Could it be that someone has attacked the Ghost Spirit Gate!"

"Look, what is that!"

"No, it's an extraterrestrial meteorite. I said why there is thunder, it seems to be hitting our mountains."

"What are you afraid of, the elders in the door have discovered it long ago, otherwise how could the Forbidden Formation be opened."

Not to mention the disciples outside, even some immortal cultivators who were in retreat were awakened by this huge movement, and they flew out of the cave one by one, looking at the rapidly approaching meteorite.

In their opinion, although the meteorite outside the sky has an unparalleled impact, it does not contain other magical powers. The forbidden formation of the ghost gate can even resist the attack of the big monk. What about the meteorite outside the sky.

Many people even showed excitement. In the meteorites outside the sky, there are often materials that are extremely cherished. Isn't this a windfall?


The deafening roar became clearer and clearer, and on the dark gray Forbidden Array, aura of light gradually emerged, as if the violent wind pressure carried by the meteorite brought a lot of pressure to the Forbidden Array.


With a loud noise, the thick silver-white halo intertwined with the gray aura of the forbidden formation, and a terrifying spiritual pressure rose up, surging in all directions.

The seemingly sturdy forbidden light curtain was directly blasted out of a hole.

The silver meteorite smashed through the big formation, and the speed did not decrease in the slightest. It smashed towards the highest peak of the Jiuyin Mountains.


Everyone felt like the sky was collapsing and the earth was shattering. The mountains beneath their feet trembled, and hot air waves mixed with a lot of sand and stones spread out in all directions with the central mountain as the center.

The Ghost Spirit Sect disciples who were still watching the play all turned terrified. Without the barrier of the forbidden formation, the terrifying spiritual pressure generated by the silver-white halo charged towards them.

The disciples flying in the air suddenly felt that the mana in the body was desperately shrinking into the dantian, and the magic tools under their feet lacked mana support. They all seemed to be drunk, and fell dizzy, and then they were surging. The scorching hot air blasted out.

For a time, the entire Ghost Spirit Gate flew away, and the sky was dark.

This terrifying scene gradually subsided after tens of breaths.

Some daring disciples carefully probed out their divine senses, and they were horrified to discover that the highest peak where the Great Elder's Cave House was located had completely disappeared by a third.

The hundreds of feet of mountain were all turned into rock debris and scattered at the foot of the mountain, as if it was forcibly cut off by a giant.

Don't wait for the second chapter, it will be sent out tomorrow morning.

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