The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1064 Bullying

The mountain range gradually stopped shaking, and the spiritual energy became calm, but near the broken peak, there was still rock dust.

The rock at the top had already turned into a valley with a diameter of several hundred meters, and the surface of the rock above still had traces of impact ripples, which progressed layer by layer, getting deeper and deeper.

In the deepest part of this small valley, a humanoid monster covered with fleshy balls stood on the ground, and the circles of deformed muscles contracted inwardly, gradually turning into a burly middle-aged man.


Lu Kun looked around, looking at the terrifying scene he had created, and his expression was quite excited.

This trick descended from the sky and used the fleshly body as the divine power of a meteorite.

Lu Kun borrowed Pan Yan's posture of resisting the calamity, curled his body into a flesh ball, and at the same time swelled his muscles to the extreme through the blessing of blood.

In such a state, the bone treasures of their own are closely connected together. After the muscles expand, the gaps are filled and turned into a tight meat ball. The mature muscles and bone treasures are intertwined and are extremely strong.

Then, he activated the profound meaning of the jeet-kun combat technique, running the source force field on the surface of the meat ball, and evoking the attachment of the vitality of heaven and earth.

However, this meteor-like meat ball did not use gravity. For Lu Kun today, the acceleration of the source force field and the bone treasure is not known to be many times stronger than gravity.

As early as a hundred miles away, he began to accelerate. In order to increase the impact, he also made the meat ball rotate at an astonishing speed. In the process of activating the meteorite combat skills, Lu Kun also made a new discovery.

The speed of other combat skills is extremely fast, and the amount of heaven and earth vitality that is blessed is maintained at a constant amount, but this combat technology takes a long time. During acceleration, the absorbed heaven and earth vitality gradually increases, and it has been flying for sixty miles before it starts. saturation.

In other words, the heaven and earth vitality absorbed by combat skills can be stored up to the limit of Lu Kun.

The impact force of Baili Acceleration, the power of heaven and earth vitality, coupled with the terrifying meat ball of the combined mature magic weapon, shattered the forbidden magic circle of Ghost Spirit Gate, and even the mountain where the opponent was in the Yuan Ying period was close to Destroyed in half, the damage caused is simply shattering.

However, such a powerful and terrifying combat technique has many shortcomings. First of all, it requires sufficient distance and display time. Moreover, due to the constant acceleration and impact, it is difficult to change the direction. For the Nascent Soul, it is still easy to dodge.


Lu Kun shook his body, his spiritual sense moved slightly, and Zhaling's soft armor changed from a pair of shorts to a gray suit, covering his naked body.

With a hint of golden light in his eyes, he looked a hundred feet away, and said lightly, "Several fellow Daoists from Ghost Spirit Sect, since they don't plan to escape, let's show up, this trick of concealment can't be concealed from Lu Mou. "

Following his words, six figures gradually emerged from a hundred meters away.

The two leaders were Qi Ruyan, the chief elder of Guiling Sect, and Song Yuan, who had just been promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Behind them were the other four elders of the early stage of Nascent Soul.

The eyes they looked at Lu Kun were full of fear.

Logically, the six Nascent Soul Stage, even if they met a great cultivator, would have some confidence, but facing Lu Kun standing quietly in the distance, they were all dripping with cold sweat, and their eyes were full of fear.

Except for Qi Ruyan and Song Yuan, other people's cave dwellings are also on this mountain. After feeling so close, they realized how terrifying the meteorite impact just now was. .

And what frightened them even more was that this meteorite was not an extraterrestrial meteorite, but the body of the man in front of him.

A person's physical body can actually be cultivated to such a degree that, not to mention such a terrifying attack, the physical body is at the core of the bombardment, and he is still unscathed.

Based on this alone, the Primordial Infant monks of Ghost Spirit Sect understood that with their strength, they could not break this person's defense.

With such a terrifying body and strength, there is only the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

Qi Ruyan was the first to calm down. She took two steps forward and bowed: "My concubine is Qi Ruyan, and I have seen Pavilion Master Lu. Is it because of a matter of a month ago that Pavilion Master Lu visited this sect."

Lu Kun looked at Qi Ruyan with some surprise, and said with a little bit of heaven: "Yes, I was planning to ask, but I didn't expect to see the righteous master, this guy next to you, led Yin'er away some time ago, causing one of the sects The disciple was kidnapped, and Lu just happened to pass by the ghost gate and came to investigate."

A group of cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage scolded secretly in their hearts, what happened to be passing by, and it was obviously aimed at the Ghost Spirit Gate.

Qi Ruyan said with sincerity: "If the junior brother will inform Pavilion Master Lu before and after the matter, will Pavilion Master spare his life."

Lu Kun snorted coldly, an invisible force field lingered around his body, the air around him was slightly distorted, and the unique aura of the source power of the flesh filled the surroundings.

These cultivators in the Nascent Soul period felt as if their fleshly bodies had encountered a natural enemy, and the hairs on their bodies stood up and shuddered.

"If this guy doesn't say it, Lu will search for his soul. If you think your escape method is good, you can escape."

Qi Ruyan's expression froze, she took a deep breath, and said slowly, "We made a mistake first, Junior Brother, you and Pavilion Master Lu will tell you the story."

Song Yuan took two steps forward with a bitter face, suppressing the fear in his heart and said, "Pavillion Lu is the soul of Nascent Soul who covets the Seven Devils Sect, and has nothing to do with the Ghost Spirit Sect."

Lu Kun frowned and said, "Qishamen? Tell me in detail."

Song Yuandao: "Six months ago, fellow Daoist Ma from Qishamen approached me and wanted to make a deal, just pretend to test the boundaries of the Body Refinement Pavilion and lead the female cultivator in the Nascent Soul period out for half an hour to understand the characteristics of his magical powers. In exchange for the soul of the Nascent Soul."

"At that time, Song was in the bottleneck period of cultivation, and he was extremely eager for such strange things, and there was no risk, so he agreed and signed a contract with him. Daoyou Ma was also very happy, and gave me the soul of Nascent Soul first. ."

"The next thing, Pavilion Master Lu should know. After Song was tested, he was injured by the fellow Taoist and fled. As for the other conspiracy of the surnamed Ma, Song has no idea."

A trace of doubt flashed in Lu Kun's eyes and said, "The surname is Ma? It seems to be an unrecognized elder in the early Nascent Soul from Qisha Sect."

Song Yuan said: "That guy is a low-key person, and has been going deep into the Qisha Gate. I don't know why, but he has been showing up frequently recently."

Lu Kun thought for a moment, then said coldly: "This is just your side of the word, let go of your consciousness, and Lu will investigate it himself."

Song Yuan's face turned pale, and before he could speak, Qi Ruyan's face sank next to him: "Pavillion Lu, how important is the soul, you are deceiving people by doing this!"

Hearing this, Lu Kun sneered, his whole body flashed and disappeared.

The complexion of Guilingmen's cultivators changed greatly, but they were always on guard against each other's shots, and the defensive magic weapons flashed in front of them.

At this moment, a pair of palms with a faint halo turned into knives on their sides, passed through the gaps in these magic weapons, and then pressed them on the shield outside Song Yuan's body. The latter felt the mana meridians in his body trembling. , not only can't raise the mana, but even the body is a little weak.

The mana shield was directly pierced like a piece of paper, and a thick palm pinched its neck.


A suffocating force field overflowed, not only wrapping Song Yuan, but also all the defensive magic weapons of the others.

Lu Kun ignored the others and looked at Song Yuan with icy eyes: "Today, Lu will be overwhelmed by the strong and the weak. Either you take the initiative to let go of your consciousness, or I will forcefully search for your soul. Choose for yourself."

The other monks in the Yuan Ying period saw that Song Yuan was pinched by Lu Kun in the blink of an eye, and the magic weapon was easily blown away.

However, when Qi Ruyan saw Lu Kun's actions, she sighed softly, "Junior brother, you should bear the trouble you caused yourself, and let go of your senses."

Song Yuan showed a look of despair, gave up resistance, and allowed Lu Kun's powerful spiritual power of the late Nascent Soul to penetrate into it.

After a while, Lu Kun's expression softened, and his palm left the opponent's neck: "It's still honest, you didn't lie."

He glanced at Qi Ruyan and said, "Lu Mou of Qisha Sect will take care of it, but Guiling Sect dares to give your hand to Your Excellency Refinement. Don't you intend to give Lu Mou an explanation?"

A bit of humiliation flashed in Qi Ruyan's tender body's eyes, and her tender body was trembling a little, she gritted her teeth and said, "This time it's the ghost door, I don't know what Pavilion Master Lu wants."

Lu Kun's lips moved slightly, and he directly transmitted the sound. Qi Ruyan showed a look of astonishment, as if he did not expect the other party to make such a request.

"If you agree, use Lu Mou's oath to conclude a contract."

Qi Ruyan was stunned for a moment, then said decisively, "Okay, Pavilion Master Lu's condition, the concubine agrees."

Yesterday's second update, tonight's one more

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