The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1070 Origin Qi Formation

Peng Yuanhua felt this terrifying pressure, and the mana was injected into the jade ruler in his hand, causing two dazzling green lights one after another.

That palpitating coercion even suppressed the giant's aura.

After Lu Kun got bigger, his confidence seemed to rise. Facing this astonishing attack, he snorted coldly, and his arm, which was several times larger than before, lay across his chest.

Like stick-thick index fingers and middle fingers, an invisible force field spins rapidly on it, and a silver conical vortex gradually emerges from the front of the finger.

These two cone-shaped fingertips pierced the green light that came from the lasing.

An incomparably sharp sound that pierced the eardrum resounded through the mountains, and the blue-silver two-color rays of light collided with each other on the fingers.


In the next breath, the green light and the cone-shaped vortex exploded at the same time, but no extra breath was exposed, as if the two were mutually annihilated.

Lu Kun's fingers lost a piece of flesh and blood, revealing the silver finger bones inside, and his body staggered.

Although Xue Tianyou in the distance was shocked by the giant in front of him, he reacted extremely quickly. Taking advantage of the moment when Qingmang attacked the opponent, he activated the blood in his body, and his mana suddenly rose.

The falling magic ring that was still suspended above Lu Kun's head flourished with purple light, and two even larger purple halos gushed out, trapping his arms and legs respectively when the other party stumbled.

In the face of the normal body size before, the magic power consumed by falling into the magic ring is not exaggerated. With Xue Tianyou's strong magic power, he can control it freely, but at this time, Lu Kun's body suddenly became larger, and the spiritual ring inspired by these magic power could not support it. Living.

The two huge halos he is now activating not only consume five times the magic power, but also consume blood essence. It is very difficult to use secret techniques to improve the purity of magic power.

When Dao Yi and the others on the ground saw this, they also woke up. They gritted their teeth and continued to control the Xiao Zang magic array. One after another, the force of restraint rushed towards Lu Kun's legs. Although the coverage of the array was limited, it was impossible to sleep. The opponent's entire body should also lock part of his body.

These people have made a detailed analysis of Lu Kun's magical powers, and they know very well that the most terrifying thing about the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion is the speed of teleportation. The possibility of killing Lu Kun was even difficult to preserve himself.

Lu Kun lowered his head, looked at the purple aperture that was re-applied to his body, and said mockingly, "Do you think this imitation Lingbao can still restrain Lu?"

While speaking, a layer of invisible force field swayed outside his hill-like body, and even a whirlwind surged up within a range of several dozen meters.

The reason why the combat skills of physical cultivation can arouse the vitality of heaven and earth, in addition to relying on the strength of more than one million kilograms, is also greatly related to the scope of the source power of the physical body.

After Lu Kun entered the middle stage of bone transformation, relying on the source force field increased to four feet, he no longer needed to intercept others, but independently activated the vitality of heaven and earth.

At this time, although the passive force field was still scattered within four feet of the body surface, his body was completely different from before.

If it is said that from the early stage of bone transformation to the middle stage of bone transformation, the coverage area of ​​the source force field has increased by less than 30%, then now that the body size has become larger, this area is fully five times the original!

Under Lu Kun's full power operation, a little halo appeared in the surrounding pure spiritual energy, rushing towards the giant-like body frantically.

After the aura of the falling demon ring that bound his body trembled slightly, the demonic energy contained in it collapsed and merged into the source force field.

The distorted air shrouded in the original force field has turned into a hazy halo, like countless halos of vitality, lingering around Lu Kun.

A suffocating wave of vitality spread out, and the huge spiritual pressure spread out in all directions.

Peng Yuanhua, who was not far away, was stunned for a moment when he saw the thick ring of vitality outside Lu Kun's body, then he showed disbelief, and exclaimed: "The transformation of vitality! How is this possible!"

Without saying a word, he sprayed a ball of blood essence into the jade ruler in his hand, and the mana in his body was injected into it, and the Nascent Soul in his dantian was a little shorter.

This imitation of Tongtian Lingbao's imitation azure light was released, and a dozen or so azure beams burst out all at once. Although they were all one size smaller than before, the power of such a large number was much stronger.

After Xue Tianyou heard Peng Yuanhua's words, his expression suddenly became terrified. He quickly mentioned the magic power. The falling magic ring teleported back to him, and several purple lights shot out from it and disappeared into the air.

He didn't care about the magic power in his body, and a black and white two-color magic plate appeared in his hand immediately. One after another, the magic was surging rapidly. The center of the magic island on both sides was restricted in white and began to close to the middle.

Seeing this, Lu Kun's face sank, and his Optimus Prime-like legs stepped on the air under him in a curved, twisted arc, and with the sound of turbulent airflow, it shot forward.

At the same time, the ring of vitality surrounding the body converged on the chest, turning into a source vortex mixed with black and white halos, from which a terrifying suction force emerged.

The ten or so green glows that exuded a strong penetrating breath were directly sucked into the vortex.

At this moment, Lu Kun's body had already rushed before the white ban that was about to close.

But at this moment, three purple halos suddenly appeared in the air and burst open, and the surging demon energy turned into a shock wave, shaking his huge body back a few steps.

After this moment of obstruction, the white ban was completely closed, blocking the figures of Xue Tianyou and Peng Yuanhua.

Anger flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, and the vortex of source power re-formed into a halo of vitality, which was also mixed with cyan vitality and the demon vitality that had just exploded.

Under the operation of the huge source force field, these vitality energy were all transferred to the right fist, and the huge fist smashed forward fiercely.


A huge three-colored scorching sun rose, and the entire mountain range seemed to shake.

Lu Kun's giant-like body was blown away by dozens of feet, collapsed a mountain top, and fell into the rock. He looked at the fleshless fist, and then at the unscathed white forbidden light curtain, revealing a little bit. stunned color.

Then he turned his head and looked in the other direction, Dao Yizhen and the others, who did not know when they connected the escaping light into one piece, and shot towards the edge of the Demon Island.

"Can you escape?"

Lu Kun snorted coldly, his body trembled slightly, and the rocks under his feet were shaken into powder and shot into the distance.

The three-zhang-high flesh body quickly wriggled as it flew away.

The thick bones gradually became smaller, and the seemingly normal muscles, because of the shortening of the bones, retracted like a spring, turning into a deformed meat ball, and then the blood that was supported on it returned to the blood vessels along the tendons. It soon became the original height of six feet.

The bone treasure in Lu Kun's body burst out with treasure lights, his legs turned into phantoms, and he stepped on the void, swaying twisted arcs.

After his body returned to normal size, his escape speed increased greatly, and with a harsh air tearing sound, he chased after the fleeing Daoyi and the others...

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