The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1071 Falling apart

Daoyi Zhenren and others felt the fluctuation of vitality rising from the core area, and they saw Lu Kun, who was chasing quickly, all of them were pale, and their eyes were full of horror.

Lu Kun's escaping speed was almost 30% or 40% faster than the escaping speed of the three of them together. It would be a matter of time to catch up.

Although Dao Yizhen failed to break through the spirit transformation stage, he had already sensed the vitality of heaven and earth. He noticed that as Lu Kun flew away, more and more vitality of heaven and earth gathered towards his body, putting more and more pressure on them. bigger.

Hei Yan Daojun looked remorseful: "Dao Yi, you have really hurt me, Pavilion Master Lu's strength is much stronger than what you described, that kind of terrifying power is probably comparable to the spirit transformation period, you actually said He has a general control over the vitality of heaven and earth."

Chen Mingzhu said in a panic: "What should we do now? With the speed of Pavilion Master Lu, even if we can escape from the Demon Island, we will only struggle for a while."

Daoyi's face changed for a while, and regret flashed in his eyes. He couldn't figure out why Lu Kun's fighting power was so different from more than a hundred years ago, and he was always hiding? Or break through again?

But judging from Lu Kun's performance, if he entered the realm of God Transformation, it was impossible for him to be trapped by the small demon formation at first. With the power of his primordial spirit alone, he could easily suppress these people.

In other words, more than a hundred years ago, Pavilion Master Lu had been hiding his strength?

Daoyi Zhenren reluctantly said: "Calm down, the joint contract has not expired. Although we just urged the formation to trap each other, we are also breaking the ban on the Demon Island and barely exploited the loophole."

"But if Lu Ge mainly kills us, the soul will be suppressed by the power of prohibition, and there may not be a chance to escape."

Just when the three of them were in a panic, Lu Kun's strong spiritual thoughts shrouded him, and his tone was full of killing intent: "Where do you want to escape, if you want to go back to their respective sects, Lu Mou can't say that they will walk one by one. "

Before Lu Kun's words were finished, Daojun Hei Yan suddenly lit up with a black flame, and the escape light from his body suddenly separated from the other two and fell to the side.

He hurriedly said in his mouth: "Pavilion Master Lu, I was bewitched by the old guy Daoyi, and he has no intention of harming him. The pavilion master wants to be killed, and Hei Yan is at his disposal."

Losing the blessing of Heiyan Daojun's escape, Daoyi Zhenren and Chen Mingzhu's escape were greatly reduced, and when they heard his words, they all showed a look of anger.

Daoyi Zhenren roared: "Pavilion Master Lu, I was also persecuted by Taixuanzong. These Da Zhou immortal cultivators are the culprits. We can help the pavilion master break the central ban. If it is delayed for a long time, they will run away. !"

In the time he was talking, Lu Kun's body had already surpassed Daojun Hei Yan who had stopped, and he didn't do anything to this person. The killing intent was still locked in front of him.

When Chen Xingxing saw this scene, there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes. He gritted his teeth, and his spiritual light burst out. He learned from Daojun Heiyan, and separated the escape light of Daoyizhen.


Soon, a violent airflow rushed through, and Chen Mingxing looked at the trembling mana shield and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Daoyi Zhenren had no intention of scolding his mother anymore. He lost the blessing of the two of them, and his speed was greatly reduced. Looking at Lu Kun's posture, he was determined to kill him.

"Damn, isn't he afraid of the backlash from the forbidden soul?"

Daoyi Zhenren felt the incomparably turbulent power, and he didn't care about other things. After stagnant, a miniature three-legged cauldron appeared on the top of his head, and a thick cloud wafted out to protect his body.

The next moment, Lu Kun's sturdy body came to Dao Yi's side, a layer of silver radiance flowed on his body, and the flight of dozens of miles had already made him accumulate a lot of energy.


The gigantic fist with strong rays of light slammed into this shield, and there was a misty meaning flowing in the cloud and mist, like cotton, dispersing the terrifying power.

Although there was a violent tremor, the white mist above only dimmed a little.

"The power of will, hum!"

Lu Kun sneered, the source force field around his body circulated rapidly, turning fists into palms, and at the same time, a thick halo lit up on the surface of elbows and knee joints.

His burly body, extremely dexterous, revolved along the cloud shield, and his palms slapped the cloud shield with an invisible shock force one after another.

After each palm was slapped, the elbows and knee joints were like some kind of hammer-like magic weapon, and they bombarded away immediately.

This ethereal cauldron contains a hint of ethereal meaning, which is very extraordinary. Even under the cover of Lu Kun's Jeet Kune Profound Truth, it can still absorb sufficient energy from heaven and earth.

But Lu Kun's current Primordial Vibration Palm is more than twice as powerful as before, and even with the obstruction of the cloud shield, he still sends the tremor power into it continuously.

The meridians and dantian in Daoyi's body kept shaking, and the power of Nascent Soul hardly obeyed, and he couldn't raise his mana for a while.

The Misty Cauldron has no mana to maintain, and the shield it stimulates dims at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Lu Kun, you can't kill me, the contract prohibits..."

Before the words were finished, the cloud shield shattered, and the misty cauldron was shaken and flew out by invisible force. Without this powerful defense, when Daoyizhen's own mana shield seemed fragile, it was broken in a flash and turned into a body. Made a cloud of blood.

At this moment, a sphere with a silver vortex appeared in front of Lu Kun, trapping a chubby Nascent Soul directly in it.

This is exactly the combat technique he has not used for a long time, the Prison Cage.

Dao Yizhen's Nascent Soul villain suddenly felt squeezed by infinite power, unable to perform teleportation, and even unable to mobilize the power of Nascent Soul.

After Lu Kun entered the middle stage of bone transformation, the invisible force of the source force field also reached 1.2 million jins, and his combat skills were displayed like fire, and he captured the opponent's Nascent Soul alive in one fell swoop.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of grey dragon-breaking stone powder appeared out of thin air, poured into the Prison Cage, wrapped the terrified Nascent Soul villain layer by layer, and put it into a mirror box.

The ethereal cauldron and Daoyizhen's storage bracelet not far away floated in front of Lu Kun under the influence of the power of the void. He briefly glanced at them, put them away, and turned to look at them. Two people in the distance.

Daojun Heiyan and Chen Mingzhu were stunned. Lu Kun's strength was higher than Daoyi's real person. They were not surprised at all, even if the three of them joined forces, they would not be their opponents.

Unexpectedly, Lu Kun could ignore the prohibition of the soul and take action. The power of the contract they signed before seemed to be a joke.

Seeing that Lu Kun forgot to come over, Daojun Heiyan said with a quivering voice: "Pavillion Lu, spare your life, we were all deceived by Dao Yiren."

Chen Mingzhu also hurriedly said: "Pavillion Lu, the real culprits are the two guys from Da Zhou."

Lu Kun's figure flashed, turned into a streamer, fell in front of the two, and said lightly: "Is there a way to open the ban in the middle of the demon island?"

Chen Mingzhu nodded quickly and said, "Yes, even if it's just me and Daojun Hei Yan, we can weaken most of the central ban. With the attack power of Pavilion Master Lu, it can be completely broken."

He spoke so fast that he was afraid that Lu Kun would make a move.

"And Xue Tianyou and the others just took advantage of the ban on Demon Island. There was chaos in this huge formation. The formation nodes could not be stabilized and could not be opened internally in a short period of time. But if it takes a long time, it is uncertain."

"you sure."

Chen Mingzhu is like a chicken pecking at rice, and can't wait to swear: "I can guarantee it!"

Lu Kun said coldly: "You must have seen it. Lu has the means to evade the power of the contract. If he doesn't want to die, he will open the ban as quickly as possible."

"Yes, I will do my best to help."

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