The dazzling golden sword light dissipated, and the three Nascent Soul monks disappeared, leaving a few defensive magic weapons and storage bracelets in the air.

Huang Xiaoyun spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and his hands were still shaking slightly. The fist heart sword fighting skills not only required time to accumulate power, but also caused a lot of pressure on the palm bones when stored in his hands.

After accumulating power for so long, his palm bones were slightly damaged.

Huang Xiaoyun waved one hand, put away these magic treasures and storage bracelets, looked at the old man surnamed Zheng not far away, and cupped his hands: "This time, Daoist Lao Zheng will help, otherwise it will be a little troublesome to solve these people."

The old man surnamed Zheng hurriedly shook his head and said, "Young Daoyou Huang is very polite. Even if I am not here, it is easy to solve the battle with the supernatural powers of fellow Daoist."

This old man was a Yuan Ying cultivator of the Ghost Spirit Sect. He and Song Yuan returned to the Yinluo Sect together to help the Holy Poison Sect. The ambush plan of the four sects and three clans was leaked directly by them.

After Huang Xiaoyun found out, he simply decided to do it, and asked Pan Yanming to protect Du An on the surface, while he lurked secretly, and the old man surnamed Zheng was the inner responder, and completely wiped out the enemy.

The old man surnamed Zheng hesitated for a while, and then said: "Huang Daoyou, are we going to the Holy Poison Sect? Although Senior Brother Song secretly helped, there are seven other monks in the Nascent Soul stage..."

Huang Xiaoyun laughed and said, "Don't worry, Daoyou Zheng, the Holy Poison Sect has already arranged the means, and the two Nascent Soul elders of this sect are in charge, so nothing will go wrong."

When the old man surnamed Zheng heard it, his expression softened. After this battle, he had an intuitive understanding of the Nascent Soul-level physique in the Body Refinement Pavilion.

Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan, one has a terrible attack power, and the other has a perverted defense power. If they are regarded as the early Nascent Soul physical training according to their spiritual power, they are all existences that are fighting over the next level.

Not to mention Pavilion Master Lu, although the power of divine consciousness displayed is in the late Nascent Soul, the magical power that is like a meteor from the sky, even if it is not as good as that of a monk in the spiritual transformation stage, I am afraid it is not far behind.

At this moment, a white jade talisman appeared in Huang Xiaoyun's hand, his consciousness swept over, and smiled: "Daoyou Zheng, Junior Brother Pan and Du An have escaped the predicament, and the cultivators of the four sects and three clans have also been resolved."

"While the other party's Nascent Soul monk is not there, we will eradicate the residences of the four sects and three clans and settle in the Magic Dragon Mountain."

"As long as the Demon Dragon Mountain is captured in one go, even if the Loose Cultivator Alliance has any ideas, it will be too late to react."

"What Huang Daoyou said is very true."

The two of them turned into two rays of light and flew towards Pingding Mountain.


In the far west of the Western State, in the Grayze Valley.

The poisonous formation of the Holy Poison Sect has become fragmented. In the gray poisonous miasma, two huge black warships are faintly suspended. Many disciples of the five sects and three clans are circling around the valley, trying to find the hidden holy poison. disciple.

And the eight Nascent Soul monks were all concentrated in the very center of the valley, standing outside a restriction. In their hands, they were also holding the low-level monks of the Holy Poison Sect, and they were using the soul-searching technique.

Leng Feiyan waved one hand, and the low-level cultivator in her hand was turned into flying ashes by a cloud of demonic flames, she nodded and said, "The concubine also found this information, and below this restriction is the core of the Holy Poison Sect. ."

"In addition to the other elder's cave, the teleportation circle is also in the square below."

"The Holy Poison Sect responded really fast. Most of the disciples hid inside within half an hour of the Ten Thousand Poison Array."

An old man said: "Then what are you waiting for, how can this level of restriction stop us?"

As soon as the words fell, he summoned a copper hammer magic weapon, and the others also showed their magical powers.

For a while, countless auras flashed, and the roar resounded through the valley. After about ten breaths, this layer of powerful prohibition was completely blasted away, revealing a downward channel, and pure magic energy poured out from it.

Several tyrannical powers of divine consciousness probed in.

"Hey, there is interference with the consciousness here."

"The material of the passage is a bit strange. The last section seems to be a broken dragon stone."

"There is an exit behind the Broken Dragon Stone, which seems to be a square."

Leng Feiyan said with a worried look: "This kind of narrow place is most suitable for physical training battles. If there is a physical training ambush behind the passage..."

Song Yuan frowned and said, "The bottom of the passage is made of broken dragon stone. Although it can interfere with consciousness, it cannot arrange a magic circle. The only dangerous place is the exit of the passage."

He narrowed his eyes and said, "It's only been over a quarter of an hour since we invaded, and the teleportation circle may not have been activated yet, but if it is delayed any longer, it's impossible to say."

Song Yuan glanced at everyone, especially the Yuan Ying monks from the three major families, and said indifferently: "Song's defensive supernatural powers are not weak, if you are afraid, Song will take the lead, but I will give priority to the treasures searched later. Choose three."

"Wu has no opinion."

"Song Daoyou takes risks, and it should be prioritized."

"no problem."

These Nascent Soul monks are not short-sighted. They know that time is racing at this time. If the delay is too long, I am afraid that they will face a steady stream of monks from the Body Refinement Pavilion. After Song Yuanken took the lead, they naturally had no opinion.

So Song Yuan blessed several defensive secrets on his body, and after summoning two defensive magic weapons, he flew to this passage first, followed by the others.

The distance of dozens of meters flashed quickly, and everyone came to the area of ​​the last broken dragon stone. At this time, the consciousness was able to detect the scene behind the exit.

It was a vast underground square with a flashing formation in the center. Several immortal cultivators were debugging around the formation with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Teleportation Array!"

"They're already debugging."

Song Yuan made a simple investigation, and turned into a flash of light and flew out. The exit of the passage seemed to be very safe, but when he came to the front of the teleportation array, a flash of restraining light quickly poured out.

"No, it's the Spirit Binding Array, you fellow Daoists hurry up and break the array, they'll have to debug it..."

Then Song Yuan's figure was covered by the ban.

The Nascent Soul cultivator who was still in the passage changed his expression and hurriedly flew out, while the four of the three major families looked at each other with a cautious expression, as if they wanted those people to take the lead and slow down.

But at this moment, a terrifying squeezing force suddenly emerged from the broken dragon stone walls around the passage, squeezing from four directions, up, down, left, and right.

"not good!"

"There is a ban!"

The faces of the four Nascent Soul monks were shocked and angry, and the defensive aura was instantly fused together, and the light black circular magic shield was squeezed into the mid-air of the passage by this force.


Almost at the same time as this squeezing force appeared, two huge gray stone gates suddenly fell from the two ends of the broken dragon stone passage, turning this area into a closed room. Among the two stone gates, the same An invisible force erupted.

The head of the Zhuo family said with a gloomy expression: "What kind of restriction is this, and it can be placed in the Broken Dragon Stone. Fortunately, the four of us advance and retreat together, otherwise, under this squeezing force, no one can resist."

The other three were also dripping with cold sweat. If they hadn't cooperated in advance and responded quickly, they would have been squeezed into flesh by this terrifying force.

They, who were jointly activating the defensive shield, could clearly sense that this squeezing force not only possessed the attacking power of the middle Nascent Soul, but also seemed to be endless and continuous.

A dark-haired old man flashed in front of him, and a long sword magic weapon shot forward, but just rushed out of the shield, the speed slowed down, like a turtle crawling slowly.

"What should I do? Even the magic weapon is difficult to move under the suppression of this power. If this power is continuously squeezed, the magic power will be consumed sooner or later."

"That Broken Dragon Stone Gate didn't make any noise, the guys from the four major sects, don't they just ignore us?"

The head of the Zhuo family said with an ugly face: "Those people must give priority to destroying the teleportation circle, and we can only rely on us to save ourselves."

His consciousness sensed and said: "These invisible forces are squeezed from all directions. If we break the Dragon Broken Stone Gate in front, it will be ejected from the channel under the squeeze of other force fields."

"A person's magic weapon is not powerful enough. Only by combining our magic power can we resist the squeezing force of the middle Nascent Soul, and then destroy the Dragon Broken Stone with the impact of the magic weapon."

"Zhuo Fang Tianyin is mainly made of thousand-year-old black iron, and the material is hard. This magic weapon is the main material."

"it is good!"

With a single wave of the Zhuo family leader, a dark blue square seal appeared in front of him, and the magic power of the other people all condensed towards this magic weapon. For a while, Baoguang burst out and rushed out of the defensive shield.

Its speed is still affected to a certain extent, and it is much better than before, at least not much different from the ordinary magic weapon, and in a blink of an eye, it collided with the Broken Dragon Stone Gate in front.


The powerful spiritual light of the magic weapon collapsed for the most part because of the unique spiritual property of the Dragon Broken Stone, but its impact was extremely strong, and with one blow, it knocked out a hole the size of a fist.

The four of them were refreshed, but before they could continue to cast spells, a blood-red liquid suddenly poured out from the pit of the Broken Dragon Stone Gate, and the gray stone walls on the other walls fell off a layer at the same time. three different colored liquids.

Under the squeeze of the invisible force field, these liquids instantly turned into colorful mists, pressing on the shields of several people.

"Holy poison!"

All the monks in the Nascent Soul stage of the three major families changed their faces, showing a look of panic.

Four terrifying poisons comparable to the power of the Nascent Soul, under the pressure of the invisible force field, stuck to their shields, emitting bursts of corrosion, and the aura above them dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye...

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