The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1085: Watching the Battle

"Song Yuan, you are actually a traitor!"

"The Yin Luo faction has long been in collusion with the Holy Poison Sect."

In the underground plaza of the Grey Lake Valley, Song Yuan, a mid-Yuan Ying demon cultivator, escaped from the ban at some point. In the formation that had trapped him, there was a flash of aura, and inside there was a huge black figure struggling frantically. on.

The remaining three cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage stood outside the sealed passage, with expressions of anger on their faces.

This Binding Spirit Formation did not trap Song Yuan at all. On the contrary, under Song Yuan's control, if the magic cultivators of Baiman Mountain hadn't summoned the eighth-level magical beasts to help them resist the force of the ban, they would have been caught This prohibition is trapped in reverse.

The passage blocking behind them was obviously a trap designed by the Holy Poison Sect to separate them.

"Quickly destroy the broken dragon stone gate and rescue a few fellow Daoists."

"it is good."

"I'm here to stare at Song Yuan."

The three reacted very quickly. The middle-aged man in Baiman Mountain confronted Song Yuan. Leng Feiyan and another demon cultivator urged the magic weapon to blast towards the broken dragon stone gate in the passage.


At this moment, with a roar that shook the sky, a boulder next to the passage suddenly shattered, and a sturdy, eight-foot-tall yellow-haired bear man rushed out of the stone.

The pair of heavy bear paws, with a layer of blue aura, slapped back the two magic weapons that were blasted towards Shimen.

"Eighth-level monster!"

When this bear demon appeared, a couple of men and women appeared beside Song Yuan at some point. They had strong mana, and they were obviously also monks in the Yuan Ying period. go.

"No, there are still people in ambush!"


All of a sudden, there was a surging spiritual pressure in this underground square, and one after another roaring sounds came one after another.


In another battlefield, in a cloud layer a hundred miles away from the Demon Dragon Mountain, there was a black battle boat that was about ten feet long.

In the front section of the deck of the battleship, stood several demon cultivators with a deep breath, all of them in the Nascent Soul period. One of them was a middle-aged man with green hair, and he also had a mid-Yuan Yin cultivation base. The leader of the alliance, Buffonian.

At this moment, the city lord of Ba looked uneasy, and the other monks in the Nascent Souls of the Loose Cultivation Alliance also looked terrified and sweated on their foreheads.

In front of them, there was also a sturdy middle-aged man in gray clothes.

It was Lu Kun who came from Chu.

He was lying in ambush outside Daoyi Gate before, and it didn't take long for him to discover several Yuan Ying monks from Taixuan Sect. To be on the safe side, Lu Kun secretly attacked, not only destroying the other party, but also capturing Yuan Ying alive.

Under his soul search, although he could not find out the secrets of Taixuanzong, he found a lot of news about the Holy Demon Sect.

Combined with the information searched from Peng Yuanhua's soul, Lu Kun speculated that the reason why the Holy Demon Sect took over the Qishamen in an all-round way was because a treasure inside was about to mature.

And this treasure is of great help for the demon cultivator to break through the God Transformation Stage. The great elder of the Holy Demon Sect is refining this treasure in the Qisha Gate, trying to break through the God Transformation Stage.

Since Lu Kun planned to strike first and eliminate the threat of the Holy Demon Sect and Taixuan Sect in advance, naturally he would not let the elder of the Holy Demon Sect go, so he came from Zhongyunzhou to Xizhou of Qi State.

Just in time to discover that the battle of Demon Dragon Mountain had already begun, while he was watching the battle, he accidentally noticed the lurking Loose Cultivation Alliance.

Lu Kun observed the movement of Magic Dragon Mountain, and said lightly: "Bacheng Lord, according to what you said, the Loose Cultivation Alliance is only here to watch the battle?"

Ba Fengnian swallowed a mouthful of spit and said bravely: "In addition to watching the battle, Elder Qian also took special care of him. At the critical time, he should help the Holy Poison Sect."

Lu Kun turned his head and glanced at everyone without saying a word, and continued to look into the distance.

These Nascent Soul old monsters were even more uneasy, but they didn't dare to make any moves.

Originally, their battle boat was well hidden in the clouds, but suddenly someone broke through the restraint. In a panic, everyone urged the magic weapon to attack, but these magic weapons bombarded the opponent's flesh, but did not cause any damage.

And he just released a strange force field magical power, and almost squeezed their body protection aura.

All kinds of strange magical powers, coupled with the face of the other party, Ba Fengnian immediately reacted, this person is the master of the body refining pavilion that Qian Jingshan had drawn his attention to, and he quickly stopped everyone's attack.

Ba Fengnian was a little confused. The pressure that Pavilion Master Lu put on him was even more terrifying than the old demon Pang.

Moreover, Pavilion Master Lu's body is as hard as a magic weapon, and with their supernatural powers, I'm afraid they won't be able to hurt the other's fur. Fortunately, there is a covenant between the Body Refinement Pavilion and the Blood Refinement Sect, and Pavilion Master Lu doesn't seem to have any intention of making serious moves.

None of the Nascent Soul monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance dared to speak, so they stood quietly with Lu Kunan.

After half a day, the fluctuation of the battle in the distance calmed down. Lu Kun slowly said, "The battle of Demon Dragon Mountain is over. Since they were sent by Daoyou Qian, they have to report back if they want to come."

"Then let's go back to the Blood Refining Sect together. Lu has something to discuss with Daoyou Qian."

When Ba Fengnian heard the words, he nodded quickly and said, "It is my honor that Pavilion Master Lu can go with us."

Then he transmitted the sound of his divine sense and arranged for the disciples behind the battle boat to control it. The battle boat refined by the Demon Sect turned around and flew towards the Gorefiend Mountains.

Feeling the speed of the warship's flight, Lu Kun said to Ba Fengnian, "Lu has been in seclusion for a period of time. Over the years, has there been any major event in Qi's immortal world?"

Ba Fengnian hesitated a little, and then began to tell about the changes in Qi over the years.

Lu Kun listened quietly. When it came to the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect, he looked surprised: "You mean that Xu Junwen is in charge of the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect?"

Ba Fengnian nodded and said: "Since the previous Yin-Yang Holy Master failed to break through the transformation of the gods, Xu Junwen's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Not only has he entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, but it seems that he has also cultivated a powerful supernatural power of dual Nascent Souls. The supernatural power is comparable to that of a great monk. seized the power of the sect."

Lu Kun touched his chin and couldn't help recalling how many years ago he transformed into Zhang Tianbiao and cooperated with Xu Junwen.

At that time, the Soul Sha of Qishamen extracted the soul of Nascent Soul, while Xu Junwen absorbed the power of Nascent Soul and the essence of the flesh through the strange double cultivation method, it seemed that he was cultivating some kind of powerful supernatural power.

He added: "It seems that after the Yin-Yang Holy Sect experienced the Qi Kingdom War, there was another internal battle, and its strength was weakened a lot. Does the Blood Refinement Sect have any ideas?"

Ba Fengnian said embarrassedly: "Pavillion Lu, the war more than a hundred years ago caused the most damage to the Blood Refining Sect. The elders in the Yuan Ying period suffered heavy casualties, and even the Loose Cultivation Alliance, there are only a few of us old guys left, how can there be any spare power to cooperate with us? The battle of the yin and yang saints."

"Besides, there are still seven evil gates, and the two factions are fighting, isn't it convenient for the third party."

Lu Kun asked, "Has there been any change in Qisha Gate?"

Ba Fengnian hesitated and said: "Qishazi and the old demon of Yuansha have been in retreat, and they seem to be hitting the bottleneck of the spiritual transformation period, but there are some new faces in Qishamen, and it seems that there are many disciples..."

Lu Kun listened to the other party's words, his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

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