The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1087 Joining forces

Qian Jingshan looked at the hole and his face was a little ugly. A spiritual light flashed in his hand, and a magic plate appeared, with layers of forbidden outlines pouring out of it. On these lines of aura, a tiny pothole appeared in sequence.

Seeing this, Le Yanjun couldn't help but say: "This pavilion master Lu is too rude. Even if he has powerful supernatural powers, there is no need to break through the layers of restrictions and go out."

Qian Jingshan twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a wry smile, "I also sneaked into the Body Refinement Pavilion back then. In addition to showing off his strength, this guy also wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge."

He entered the formation with a single method, and those broken formation restrictions were automatically restored. At the same time, his lips moved slightly, and he punched out several spiritual talismans in his hand to appease the panicked disciples outside.

Qian Jingshan put away the magic plate and said slowly, "Although we haven't opened the banning formation, with our strength, we can't break the bans at such a fast speed."

"Junior Sister Le, this is the first time you and Pavilion Master Lu met. How do you feel about his strength?"

Le Yanjun hesitated and said: "Although junior sister is proficient in perception, this pavilion master Lu is extremely strange, there is no magic power in his body, only a strange pressure, which makes people shudder, that feeling is like... "

She frowned, as if she couldn't think of an adjective.

Qian Jingshan said: "Is it like facing a top-level devil?"

Le Yanjun said suddenly: "Yes, it's the feeling of fighting against a demon, especially when Pavilion Master Lu left, the pressure was even more obvious. Could it be that the body training method is to cultivate into a body like a demon. "

Qian Jingshan sighed softly: "Senior brother, that demon was so stiff that he couldn't make a move under his hands, so he was easily caught, and I have a vague feeling that his strength seems to have made a breakthrough compared to a hundred years ago. ."

"This person's physical body is probably several times stronger than the Nascent Soul Demon Zombie, and when he sees you and me, he doesn't have any fear at all. The confidence brought by that kind of powerful strength is not like a disguise. ."

"I'm afraid that if we join forces, we may not be able to win each other."

Le Yanjun said with a shocked expression: "No way, although the younger sister made a breakthrough with the help of the senior brother's magic refining art, the blood magic power has not changed, but the magic power is no less than the old Nascent Soul late stage."

"Senior brother has entered the peak of the great cultivator. The top-level devil, plus the devil made by Situ Hao's body, is at least equivalent to three great monks joining forces. With such strength, against the heyday of the old devil Pang, We are also sure."

Qian Jingshan shook his head and said, "Junior sister, you have never fought against Pavilion Master Lu. You can't measure it by the means of an ordinary immortal cultivator. In addition to his attack power at the level of a great cultivator, he also has a body and speed that far exceeds that of a demon."

Le Yanjun's expression changed. She naturally knew the strength of Yuan Ying-level demonic zombies. If Pavilion Master Lu was really like what Qian Jingshan said, they would have to restrain each other with the power of the formation before they could have a chance.

Qian Jingshan added: "Lu Kun was able to get such detailed information from the Seven Demon Sect, which means that the third elder of the Holy Demon Sect was really killed by him. This Demon Sect that ranks at the top of Da Zhou is not simple, and there have been more than one transformation in history. Divine monk."

"The depth of its background is not comparable to that of us. Old Demon Pang also killed a great monk from Da Zhou, but he did not have the strength to capture his Nascent Soul alive. It can be seen that Pavilion Master Lu's magical powers have surpassed Old Demon Pang. "

He pondered and said: "Junior Sister Le, gather the five elders, and I will discuss the players of the next Qishamen."

Le Yanjun was slightly taken aback and said, "Senior Brother Qian has decided to join the war?"

Qian Jingshan nodded and said: "For this sect, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, it can not only eradicate the threat of the Great Zhou Demon Sect, but also capture some secret techniques from the Great Zhou, and even the resources of Beizhou, and will also carry out new A round of distribution."

"Even without the treasure that Pavilion Master Lu said, these benefits are enough for this sect to fight."

Le Yanjun nodded and said, "Junior sister will inform them now."

After she finished speaking, she turned into a flash of light and left the discussion hall.

Qian Jingshan murmured: "The information disclosed by the extreme demons played a role, but I didn't expect that the great monk of the Holy Demon Sect died directly in the hands of Lu Kun."

"The Holy Demon Sect must be eliminated. This matter is led by the Body Refinement Pavilion, which is better."


The Yin-Yang Holy Sect is located in Dongzhou of Qi State. The sect is built on a vast plain. There are various exquisite buildings here. If it is not for the looming prohibition of the formation, it is like a huge and incomparable mortal city.

On a mountaintop a few hundred miles away from the Yin-Yang Holy Sect, stood a burly bald man with a milky white jade pendant in his hand, as if he was waiting for something.

I don't know how long it took, the bald man turned his head to look at a place, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Since Fairy Xu is here, why hide."

On the other side of the hill, three figures gradually appeared.

The leader was a beautiful woman wearing a long purple dress with a bulging figure. Behind her were a pair of men and women, all of whom were young with outstanding looks. The magic aura of the middle Nascent Soul.

This beautiful woman is now the Holy Master of the Yin-Yang Holy Sect, Xu Junwen.

She looked at the bald man in front of her, her long and narrow eyes trembled slightly, her pupils turned black and white, and slowly said, "It really is Daoyou Zhang, I don't know why you met with your concubine."

The bald man glanced meaningfully at the two behind her, but didn't say anything.

Xu Junwen said softly: "They are concubines, but Daoyou Zhang said it's okay."

The bald man nodded lightly, his facial muscles twisted, and short black hair grew on his bald head. He clasped his fists and said, "Xu Xianzi, re-acquaint yourself with Lu Kun, the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"Body Refinement Pavilion!"

Xu Junwen hadn't spoken yet, and the two people behind him were surprised.

Xu Junwen narrowed his eyes, feeling the familiar soul breath again, and sighed, "I only guessed that Daoyou Zhang is a disciple of the Body Refinement Pavilion, but I didn't expect it to be Pavilion Master Lu. I'm rude."

Lu Kun said with a straight face: "Before the Body Refinement Pavilion was not born, it is not appropriate for Lu to meet with his true face. I also ask Fairy Xu to forgive me. This time I came here on behalf of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and there is a major matter to discuss."

As he spoke, his huge spiritual consciousness in the late Nascent Soul came out and enveloped the mountain. After the two men and women of the Yin-Yang Holy Sect sensed the power of this spiritual consciousness, their expressions changed greatly, a pair of black and white double shields, suspended in front of you.

Lu Kun didn't care about the actions of the two, and said slowly, "Lu wants to invite the Yin-Yang Holy Sect to join forces with this pavilion to destroy the Qishamen."


"Destroy the Seven Devils!"

The expression on Xu Junwen's face changed for a while, and she seemed even more surprised than knowing Lu Kun's identity, she couldn't help but said: "Qisha Gate is located in the northern part of Qi State, and the Refinement Pavilion is in Wei State, the two factions are far apart, why is Pavilion Master Lu? To deal with Qishamen."

Lu Kun said meaningfully: "Fairy doesn't know, the Seven Devils Gate has long since disappeared, and now it has been controlled by the Holy Demon Sect. What we want to eliminate are these Great Zhou Demon Cultivators who broke into Qi."

"The fifth-ranked sect in Da Zhou, the Holy Demon Sect?"

A flash of light flashed in Lu Kun's hand, and a triangular token appeared and threw it away.

Xu Junwen took it in his hand, and his consciousness swept away: "The third elder of the Holy Demon Sect, Xue Tianyou?"

Lu Kun said: "The prohibition in this token has the unique imprint of the Holy Demon Sect. It is difficult for other sects to imitate it. Lu also learned the news from this guy's Nascent Soul."

"Now the Great Elder of the Holy Demon Sect is in the Seven Demon Sect, preparing to break through the bottleneck of the Divine Transformation Stage. If he succeeds in breaking through, not only will Qi's devil energy be refined by him, but the noble faction will not be able to survive on his own."

"The Holy Poison Sect in Xizhou has always been the subordinate sect of the Body Refinement Pavilion. In the face of this future threat, this pavilion has no choice but to act in advance."

Speaking of this, Lu Kun's mouth moved slightly, and his divine sense passed through.

After Xu Junwen heard this sentence, he said with surprise: "Lou Pavilion Master's words are true."

Lu Kun nodded and said, "Of course it's true. You might as well tell Fairy that the Blood Refinement Sect has agreed to join forces. Regardless of whether the Yin-Yang Holy Sect participates or not, we will kill Qishamen."

After Xu Junwen heard the words, he discussed the voice transmission with the two behind him for a moment, and said slowly: "It is not impossible for the concubine to agree, but..."

"What is Xu Xianzi's request?"

A dignified look flashed in Xu Junwen's beautiful eyes: "Although it is rumored that Pavilion Master Lu has the strength of a great cultivator, the concubine knows that Pavilion Master was only at the stage of forming a pill more than two hundred years ago."

"The concubine believes that she has excellent qualifications, and the opportunity is not small. She has only barely entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I want to confirm whether Pavilion Master Lu is really as terrible as the rumors."

Lu Kun chuckled: "Xu Xianzi wants to test Lu's strength? No problem, the three of you can do it together."

"it is good!"

After a while, there were bursts of roaring noises from the top of the mountain, and the spiritual energy of the surrounding world was surging, and the terrifying movement even spread hundreds of miles away.

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