The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1088 plan ahead

In the past few days, a shocking news has spread all over the Xizhou Xiu Xian world. The Holy Poison Sect killed four sects and three clans of the Nascent Soul monks with the strength of destroying the dead, and completely occupied the Demon Dragon Mountain Range.

And it was announced to the outside world that it would be renamed the Poison Refinement Pavilion, with the Magic Dragon Mountain as the core, to clean up the remaining forces of the four clans and three clans, and expand outward. For a while, the rest of the small forces and loose cultivators in Xizhou were panicked.


Dragon Mountain.

The Poison Refinement Pavilion and many other disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion, carrying bulging storage bags, were scurrying on various hilltops. They moved the banning formation of the original Holy Poison Sect and planned to use the poisonous miasma here. Rearrange the Great Poison Array.

The peak at the front of the mountain range looks very special. It grows in a square shape. At the back end stands two strange rocks hundreds of feet high, like a pair of dragon horns. The dragon's mouth roared towards the east.

This is the Dragon Head Peak of the Demon Dragon Mountain Range. The ancient prohibition here has been broken, and the poisonous miasma that was bound by the power of the prohibition was gradually liberated and spread to the entire mountain range.

At the back of the mountainside, there is a triangular hole about ten feet high, from which pure and incomparably pure magic energy is surging outwards.

A three-footed giant stood at the entrance of the cave, his body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black halo on his arms gradually dissipated, and after a while he turned into a middle-aged man, it was Lu Kun.

There were two people standing behind him, namely Huang Xiaoyun and Du An. There were still shocking expressions in their eyes. It was the first time they had seen the magical powers of the world. .

"The rest of the power of prohibition has completely dissipated, Xiaoyun, you can go back and move the prohibition of the power of the five elements."

Huang Xiaoyun came back to his senses and quickly responded.

A few days ago, under the attack of the digital Yuan Ying-level existence in the body refining pavilion, the ancient prohibition here was broken, but there are still many remnants, unable to arrange a new magic circle.

Lu Kun walked forward, and a vast space came into view. This was a huge cave, thousands of zhang long and hundreds of zhang high. There were stone pillars in it, like a stone forest.

Each stone pillar is covered with a layer of dark yellow aura, and smoke is slowly bubbling out. In addition to the different colors of these smokes, the poison contained inside is the same as the poisonous miasma outside.

The poison here is even stronger, even if the body protection aura of the cultivator in the formation stage, I am afraid it will not last long.

Lu Kun stretched out his palm, and a mass of gray poisonous miasma was sucked into his hand. He felt the aura contained in it, and nodded, "Sure enough, there is an aura of black and yellow in it."

"Your guess should be correct. The function of this ancient prohibition is to condense the unique black and yellow energy in the depths of the Demon Dragon Mountain Range, and use the special spiritual power nurtured by this kind of heaven and earth to destroy the water of true demons."

Lu Kun looked into the distance. Five hundred feet away, two True Demon Pools were located in the middle, and most of the True Demon water was still there.

"However, in the process of condensing the Qi of Xuanhuang, toxins were accidentally mixed in here, making the originally pure spirits of heaven and earth become highly poisonous and filthy."

"Under the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of toxicity, the power of prohibition has been completely broken, and this land of magic ponds has been exposed."

He asked, "Xiao Du, you've been here these days, can you find out something?"

Du An said with a strange look: "Reporting to the pavilion master, the disciple really found out that the formation on the stone pillar here seems to be somewhat related to the Holy Poison Art."

Lu Kun was taken aback and said, "Holy Poison Art?"

Du An organized the following language: "The pavilion master should know that the Holy Poison Art is actually divided into two parts, one of which is the method of cultivation, and the other is the method of refining poison, only by constantly refining poison into magic power. , in order to successfully break through.”

He walked to a stone pillar and pointed to the lines on both sides of a stone crevice: "These runes are the special method of smelting toxins in the Holy Poison Art. If it wasn't for the disciples entering the Nascent Soul Stage, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to read them. out."

Lu Kun pondered: "Since Yiyuanzong has condensed the aura of Xuanhuang, it is impossible to use the method of refining poison. Could it be that someone added it afterwards? But even if it has the effect of refining poison, where did these toxins come from?"

Du An hesitated and said: "This poisonous miasma has been studied by disciples, and the poison in it has been combined with the mysterious yellow energy, and it has extremely strong resistance. Even the power of a hundred poisons is difficult to refine in a short time. ."

"The disciple feels that these toxins also come from the depths of the Demon Dragon Mountain, but in addition to the power of prohibition, there is also the mysterious yellow energy. The deeper you go, the more amazing the gravity. I am afraid that only Senior Brother Pan can sneak in to investigate."

Lu Mou pondered for a while and said, "I'll explain Xiaoyanzi later, and now I'll give you a task to copy the magic circle here as soon as possible, and then collect all the poisonous mist and stone pillars."

Du An was stunned for a moment, looked at the densely packed stone pillars, and said with a wry smile: "Pavilion Master, this is equivalent to destroying this black-yellow circle with the method of the formation, and I don't know how long it will take to achieve the formation of the disciples. "

Lu Kun waved his hand and said, "I will arrange for the assistance of the formation master from the Xingyue Pavilion of the Chu Kingdom. The sooner it is completed, the better."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

Huang Xiaoyun said strangely: "Master, we have already occupied this place, it's all ours, why should we take it back to the Body Refinement Pavilion?"

Lu Kun looked at the magic pond in the distance and said slowly, "Xiaoyun, you should know that the land of the magic pond is important to the Body Refinement Pavilion. After the bone transformation period, there is a great demand for such places of demonic aura."

"Although this Magic Dragon Mountain is good, it has one of the biggest drawbacks, that is, it is too far away from Wei State. It takes a certain amount of time to activate the teleportation formation, and it's just a matter of small troubles. Forbidding the big formation and the power of the five elements can buy time. ."

"But if faced with the siege of several top cultivators, or the attack of the cultivators in the Spirit Transformation stage, the teleportation formation will become an excellent place for the enemy to ambush the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoyun hesitated and said, "Master's current strength is comparable to that of the top cultivators. Who would dare to challenge Your Excellency Body Refinement from the surrounding sects, and the cultivators of the Spirit Transformation stage, except for the deceased senior from the Spirit Transformation Sect. It hasn't happened in tens of thousands of years."

Lu Kun shook his head and said with a deep gaze: "Xiaoyun, you may not know how tempting the Body Refinement Art is for the top sects of Da Zhou."

"Among these sects, there are even god-turning cultivators. Although the strength of these old guys will be weakened after they leave Da Zhou, they are still unmatched for the cultivators in the Nascent Soul period."

"If all the Nascent Soul-level existences in the Body Refinement Pavilion join forces, and with the help of the unique forbidden treasures, facing the old monsters fighting across borders, it may not be without the strength of a battle, but the premise is that the territory of the Body Refinement Pavilion must not be scattered and can be quickly gathered. The strongest."

Huang Xiaoyun's face turned pale and said, "Master said so, could it be that Da Zhou's immortal cultivators have already set their sights on us?"

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "The people from the Taixuan Sect have been wiped out by their masters, and only those guys from the Holy Demon Sect are left."

"After the solution is settled, I will personally go to Dazhou to explore the strength of the monks in the Spirit Transformation stage. By the way, I will have some fun for Taixuanzong, at least to make the old monster unable to come out of the mountain with peace of mind for a short time."

"At the same time, we have to make another preparation. If the Dazhou sect comes on an expedition, Qi will be the only way to go."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoyun suddenly came to a realization and said, "I see, Master has taken a fancy to the Blood Demon Mountain Range of the Blood Refinement Sect, and wants to exchange it with the Demon Dragon Mountain Range."

"If this is the case, the Blood Refinement Sect and the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect are located on both sides of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and the three major sects are in a state of conflict. If the Dazhou Sect wants to capture the Central Body Refinement Pavilion, they will fall into the other two sects. Surrounding, the difficulty is greatly increased.”

Lu Kun applauded: "That's right, but the Blood Refinement Sect has been operating in the Gorefiend Mountains for many years and will not move easily. This battle of Qishamen is the time to show its strength to the opponent."

"When the Qisha Gate is destroyed, the power of the Qi Kingdom will be re-divided. The Poison Refinement Pavilion and the Body Refinement Pavilion are located in the southwest of the Gorefiend Mountain Range, the Yin-Yang Holy Sect is in the east, and the Blood Refinement Sect in the middle will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating, then we will There is a chance to talk."

Having said this, he said solemnly: "Ten days later will be the day of the war. You will gather all the strongest disciples of physical cultivation. In this battle of Qishamen, we will show the terrifying combat effectiveness of physical cultivation."

"Let the demons of Qi state know that the Body Refinement Pavilion can only be a friend, not an enemy!"

I owe one chapter, and I will make up for it on May 1...

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