The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1089 The Battle of Yuansha Valley (1)

Qi State Beizhou, Yuansha Valley.

On a peak on the edge of the valley, a plump woman looked south, holding a sound transmission in her hand, her brows furrowed.

"Senior Brother Xue fell in the Chu country? Could the Great Elder be mistaken? Being in some kind of ancient prohibition may also lead to the failure of the sense of the soul. It is not necessarily a fall."

This woman, Mu Xue, was one of the Nascent Soul elders who came to Qi from the Holy Demon Sect. She had the highest cultivation in the middle Nascent Soul. She was the elder among the elders and had the best relationship with Xue Tianyou.

"Senior Brother Xue said before that he will join forces with Peng Yuanhua of Taixuanzong, plus the great cultivator of Chu State. With such strength, even if he faces three or four tenth-level monsters, he will still have the power to fight."

"And they dealt with only one person, or ambush and sneak attacks to bully the less. If they all fall, wouldn't the strength of the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion have reached the stage of God Transformation?"

Just when Mu Xue was puzzled, three huge black warships suddenly appeared in the southern sky, rushing towards Yuansha Valley aggressively.

"Zhanzhou? Enemy attack!"

Mu Xue remembered the reminder from the first elder, and he hit a clever one. The skill in his hand flashed, and a long bell rang through the entire Yuansha Valley.

Almost at the same time, an unfathomable spiritual consciousness appeared in the deepest part of the valley, and it quickly probed out of the valley, but before it came into contact with the three battle boats, there were four not weak spiritual senses that greeted it.

A storm of consciousness of dozens of meters exploded out of thin air, and invisible shock waves surged around. Some low-level demon cultivators outside the valley madly covered their heads and let out bursts of screams.

These two waves of spiritual thoughts were a little jealous of each other, and they dissipated when they touched it, and did not continue to collide.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mu Xue also briefly glanced at the three battle boats. Each battle boat was more than 20 feet long, with dense inscriptions on it.

On the side of the battle boat, the names of the three sects are engraved with some kind of dark gold material.

"Blood Refinement Sect, Yin-Yang Holy Sect, Body Refinement Pavilion..." the woman murmured, "Isn't the Refinement Pavilion a force from the Wei Kingdom? How could it be united with Qi Kingdom's Demon Sect?"

At this moment, a solemn voice suddenly came from her ear.

"Junior Sister Mu, arrange the demon cultivator of Qisha Sect to preside over the banning formation, and the elders of this sect will all come to the forbidden area to urge the dual-element demon formation."

Mu Xue quickly calmed down when she heard the voice transmission of her own great elder. Countless spells flashed on her hands, and one after another voice transmission was thrown out by her, and a large number of high-level magic cultivators from Qisha Sect flew towards each formation node. .

After a few breaths, the gray evil aura that enveloped Yuansha Valley surged rapidly, and a gray light curtain rose, followed by thick black mist, which spread out to the outside of the valley.

From these mists, various sounds of ** are heard from time to time, and countless dazzling illusions are intertwined, like some kind of powerful illusion.

In the forbidden area of ​​the seven-cornered pit in Yuansha Valley, there are more than a dozen demon cultivators of the Yuanying period standing.

These black auras trembled slightly, and began to thin out, and at the same time spread out in all directions. The gray evil spirits in the valley that were affected by this aura seemed to have some kind of change, turning into dark yellow.

In the center of the forbidden area, a middle-aged man in a brocade suit sat quietly in the magic pond. The appearance of this real magic pond was very different. Not only did the real magic in it disappear, but the real magic water also changed. The dark yellow liquid exudes a strong ominous aura.

This person is the contemporary Great Elder of the Holy Demon Sect, Huang Chong.

He looked in the direction of the three warships, and his eyes flashed a cold color.

Although there were only a dozen or so cultivators in the Yuan Ying period who came to Qi State, the overall strength of the Holy Demon Sect was unable to compete with the Qi State's local Demon Sect, but since he dared to come here to break through, he naturally thought of a countermeasure.

"This seat has already successfully integrated the true meaning of the devil, and I didn't rashly break through the spirit transformation period, just to wait for you people to come over, as long as the dual element devil array spreads the devil here, this seat can easily control the devil in the valley. ."

Huang Chong waved one hand, and a layer of light black halo emerged around his body, which turned into a delicate armor and wrapped around his body.

"Here, this seat can fully display the unique magical powers of the divine transformation stage, such as the vitality transformation. Even the terrifying Pang Laomo can't compete with me, let alone these later generations."

"Hmph, there is also the Body Refinement Pavilion. It's good to come here. According to that senior's calculation, there is no Spirit Transformation Stage in this immortal cultivation world. The death of Junior Brother Xue is probably Peng Yuanhua's anti-water."

"Destroy all your high-level monks, and then no one will disturb this seat's breakthrough."

"As long as you enter the Spirit Transformation Stage, the Body Refinement Art is destined to be in the bag of this sect."

Huang Chong's eyes became extremely cold.


Outside Yuansha Valley, the three warships were suspended in mid-air, and there was no phantom prohibition close to Yuansha Valley.

In the front section of the battle boat in the middle, stood two men and two women, in addition to Qian Jingshan and Le Yanjun of the Blood Refinement Sect, Xu Junwen of the Yin-Yang Holy Sect, and a middle-aged man who was extremely thin.

The powerful mana revealed by it was as sharp as a storm of sharp blades. If ordinary immortal cultivators approached, they would feel a sense of suffocation. This person was none other than Yue Longfei.

Originally, because of the meridians, even if he forcibly broke through, the meridians could not accommodate the sharp mana of the great monk, but when Lu Kun strengthened it, it was completely different, which was equivalent to broadening his aptitude.

Over the years, in addition to cultivating, Yue Longfei has also completely absorbed the sharp power in the Gengjin Stone, making the mana even more pure, barely meeting the conditions for breaking through the secret method.

When the body-refining pavilion competed for the Demon Dragon Mountain, he used the sharpness of the Sword Valley to successfully cultivate this secret technique, finally breaking through and becoming a late Nascent Soul Sword Cultivator.

Yue Longfei rubbed his temples, feeling the divine sense from before, and there was still a look of shock in his eyes:

"As expected of the Great Elder of the top sect of Great Zhou, this power of divine consciousness is so condensed. If the four of us hadn't joined forces, any one of us would have suffered a loss."

Qian Jingshan said solemnly: "If Qian did not feel wrong, there is still an extreme power of thought hidden in his consciousness, as if the power of will has been integrated."

When Xu Junwen heard the words, he couldn't help but said, "Young Daoist Qian, you're not wrong, the power of will of a demon cultivator can only be the meaning of a true demon. If he understands it, it means that he has stabilized the demon soul and stepped into the transformation. The realm of the gods."

Qian Jingshan shook his head and said, "Impossible. If this person advances into a god, at least half of the demon energy in Qi will be affected. Such a big movement can't be concealed at all."

"And he has not entered the God Transformation stage, but has integrated the meaning of the real devil, so there is only one possibility, that is, he is soaking in the magic pool and making a breakthrough in the God Transformation stage."

Qian Jingshan looked at Yuansha Valley's forbidden formation again, and frowned: "Although this is an excellent opportunity to attack, the Qishamen's forbidden formation is not simple, and the outer illusion formation is obviously a sacred formation. It was brought by the Demon Sect."

"The magic weapon controlled by my divine sense will be affected by the illusion, and I am afraid that it will not be able to directly attack the forbidden power, and it will be difficult to crack in a short time."

"But if it takes too long, the other party may succeed in breaking through the barrier and become a god-turning demon cultivator. At that time, we have no chance of winning."

Having said that, he looked at Yue Longfei next to him and cupped his hands: "Fellow Daoist Yue, Pavilion Master Lu once said that the banning formation of Qisha Gate will be solved by the Body Refinement Pavilion, I don't know..."

Yue Longfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Daoyou Qian, the pavilion master should have already started to attack, but his supernatural power is so powerful that it will take a certain amount of time to brew. When the pavilion master breaks through the forbidden formation, we only need to follow him and attack Yuanyuan. Shame Valley."

"Please wait patiently."

As if to confirm Yue Longfei's words, just after he finished speaking, a continuous roar was vaguely heard in the ears of everyone.

Patching starts on Friday...

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