The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1090 The Battle of Yuansha Valley (2)

Qian Jingshan and the others were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look behind.

I saw a fiery bright spot in the distant high sky. Its brightness was as dazzling as the sun in the sky. On the blue sky, a bright flame traced across it.

"Meteorite outside the sky?"

"No, it's a little different."

The distance between the fireball suspected of a meteorite and the crowd was more than a hundred miles, so divine sense could not detect it.

It fell with an unparalleled speed, and the fiery light was the flame generated by friction with the air at too fast speed. The temperature of this flame was gradually heating up as it accelerated.

The crackling sound of flames, the tearing sound of squeezing the air, shaking the air, and driving it in all directions.

Ordinary extraterrestrial meteorites, with the distance of the impact, the material is gradually worn away, but this meteorite expands instead.

At the same time, the fiery brightness of the flame gradually dimmed, and a layer of purple-black halo emerged outside, intertwined with the flame, turning into a conical dark flame, squeezing the air, and with the impact of the meteorite, This halo is still sharply thickening.

When they reached the range of a hundred miles, although Qian Jingshan and others could detect the past with their spiritual senses, they could not get close. The bursting flames mixed with such rich demonic energy would even hurt their spiritual senses if they got too close.

Qian Jingshan said with dry lips: "Fellow Daoist Yue, this is the meteorite spell cast by Pavilion Master Lu? Even the most powerful cultivator can't condense this kind of incomparably thick magic energy. Could Pavilion Master Lu have already entered the realm of God Transformation?"

Yue Longfei looked at the rapidly approaching purple-black meteorite, as if he was admiring some kind of magnificent scene. He heard this sentence and chuckled: "Young Daoyou Qian, you are wrong, the pavilion master has not entered the stage of spiritual transformation, this magical power It's not a meteorite spell either."

"Not magic?"

Yue Longfei said with a proud look: "Yes, this meteorite is the body of the pavilion master!"

When the others heard this, they all showed incredible expressions.

"The entity in the halo is at least thirty feet long, how can it be a flesh body."

"Looking at its speed, I'm afraid it will start to accelerate at a distance of hundreds of miles. Although the impact force is terrifying, the damage of this force is two-way. Even a tenth-level peak monster that is known for its fleshly body will fall into flesh."

"Could it be that Pavilion Master Lu's body is no less than a top defensive magic weapon?"

Yue Longfei listened to everyone's words, and said frantically: "The pavilion master's physical supernatural power is far beyond imagination. This meteor supernatural power uses the powerful defensive power of the physical body to combine the power of the devil's vitality with the impact of hundreds of miles of acceleration."

"Even if there is a powerful phantom restriction outside Yuansha Valley, it will have no effect in the face of this kind of physical impact of auxiliary gravity. As for the forbidden formation in the inner layer, how can it resist such an attack that is comparable to a god."

In addition to the shocking color in the eyes of everyone, there is also a strong sense of fear. Based on their power alone, they can judge that whether it is the Qishamen or the guardian formation of their own sect, it is impossible to block such stocks. shock.

I am afraid that only the sect of the monks in the spiritual transformation period can defend it with the help of a more subtle vitality array.

Not to mention the reactions of these great cultivators, the other magic cultivators were even more shocked, their mouths slightly open, like children seeing fireworks for the first time.

The incomparably thick coercion of demonic energy caused most of the human body's magic power to retreat to their dantian in fear, and it was only slightly better for those with cultivation levels above the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

As the meteorite approached, the three warships had to turn on all the restrictions above, and at the same time lowered their heights, but even so, they were shaken by the astonishing wind pressure.

It didn't take long for the meteorite exuding purple-black flames to pass over the crowd, and the restriction of the three warships burst out with aura of light, barely resisting the ferocious airflow.

Qian Jingshan and the others looked at them at close range. Although they still could not tell whether the meteorite was made up of a human body, they could see that in the thick demonic energy was a long, silvery entity that was spinning at a high speed.

The purple-black flames outside were also rotating at a high speed, like a cone-shaped hole. The amazing rotating force even drove the air around the meteorite. Within a range of 20 meters, there was a distorted air pressure.

The meteorite left a patch of scorching air and lavender aura tail flames over the battleship, and rushed straight towards Yuansha Valley.

Seeing this, Yue Longfei waved one hand, and a large brass giant sword appeared in front of him, and said with an excited expression: "Everyone, I will follow the pavilion master and directly attack the hinterland of Yuansha Valley. The door is destroyed!"

After he finished speaking, his body and sword became one, turning into a dazzling golden sword beam, and he shot away. Qian Jingshan, Le Yanjun and Xu Junwen looked at each other, the power of Nascent Soul surged in their bodies, and they followed behind. .

The monks on the three battle boats, as if they had received some orders, got excited one by one, turned the battle boats into motion, and rushed forward.

Just when the purple-black meteorite was about to approach Yuansha Valley, I don't know if it was everyone's illusion, and a roar that shook the sky seemed to be heard in my ears.

The silver entity that was three feet in size swelled again, and instantly turned into a size of five feet. The purple-black flames wrapped around it instantly condensed and turned into a huge fist, smashing it down.


The purple-black meteorite with unparalleled terrifying power approached the phantom ban outside Yuansha Valley. Just the terrifying air pressure outside squeezed out a large piece of phantom fog, as if on a huge hemisphere. Take a big bite.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling purple scorching sun rose up, and circles of vigorous vitality waves surged wildly in all directions. The phantom prohibition on the periphery was instantly shaken away by most of it, revealing the prohibition formation inside.

This powerful restriction that could resist the siege of many great cultivators was abruptly knocked out by a gap of about ten feet, and this gap was still spreading to the surrounding under the surging vitality.

The thick gray forbidden light curtain shattered piece by piece, and the dozens of demon cultivators who presided over the formation were connected with each other, and they were directly injured, and they all fell to the ground with a sluggish look.

After smashing the forbidden formation, the meteorite's power seems to have not been fully released, and it continued to fall into the depths of Yuansha Valley, shattering layers of restrictions, and finally smashed into the center of the valley.


As if the whole world was trembling, the ground of Yuansha Valley trembled violently, and the prohibitions in countless caves kept flashing, resisting this terrifying vibration that seemed to turn over like an earth dragon.

A circle of shock waves, mixed with a purple-black halo, rolled around. I don’t know how many mysterious restrictions were washed away by the aftermath of the shock. A lot of pale yellow evil energy in the valley, under the bombardment of the vitality wave, turned into gray again. suffocating.

A giant deep pit with a diameter of thousands of feet appeared on the ground in the center of Yuansha Valley. The original building here has been destroyed, and only a dim and forbidden light curtain trembled on the edge of the deep pit.

A dozen or so demon cultivators stood in this layer of restriction with pale faces, staring blankly at all of this.

The great elder of the Holy Demon Sect, Huang Chong, clenched his fists tightly and his body trembled slightly.

If the location of the forbidden area is in the middle of the valley, not to mention the dual-element demon formation, I am afraid that this hard-to-refined demon pool will be destroyed by the terrifying meteorite attack.

Huang Chong's face was extremely pale: "Such a strong demonic energy, the supernatural power of the original energy, is it possible that the news of the Shamochi leaked out, is the supernatural power exerted by the old monster of the Yuanmo Sect?"

"This wave of vitality has even dissipated most of the evil spirit in the valley, and the effect of the true meaning of the evil spirit has been greatly reduced. The other party also has several great monks to help."

"What kind of spell is this just now? There doesn't seem to be anything related to meteorites among the divine powers recorded in this sect. Wait, what is that?"

This time, the wave of demonic energy gradually dissipated. In the center of the Qianzhang pothole, there was a huge black body that was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually turned into a bloody middle-aged man.

This person's body was covered in bruises, and bones were still seen in many places, but his flesh and blood were rapidly recovering. After a while, a gray armor shrouded his body.

The burly man looked in Huang Chong's direction with a slight smile on his mouth and said, "This must be fellow Daoist Huang of the Holy Demon Sect, the master of the Lower Body Refinement Pavilion, Lu Kun."

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