The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1096 Accidental Discovery

Lu Kun stretched out his palm and ingested this eight-sided white crystal into it. At that time, two powerful underworld worms had worked so hard to sneak into the secret realm of one yuan, just for this thing.

He learned from the mouth of the female worm in the Demon Devouring Swamp that the greatest function of this ghost worm sacred object is to transform energy. For those pure-bred ghost worms that still exist in this world, they can really absorb the spiritual energy of the world of immortality by relying on it. , like the meaning of true magic water to the demons.

Moreover, this thing also has the effect of isolating and purifying the meaning of true demons. He has not researched anything about the purification effect, but only uses its characteristics of isolating the meaning of true demons to help the Bone Treasure Stage body to cultivate the magic power of bleeding.

This usage is a bit reckless, and its real use should be on the underworld zerg.

Zombies are a species that combines the corpse of the cultivator with the cold power of the underworld insect race. Through the corpse pill, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is transformed into the power of cold and cold, thereby increasing the cultivation base.

Lu Kun gave the sacred object to Shi Yin'er in order to increase the ratio of the spiritual energy to the power of cold and cold. He didn't expect this ratio to increase, but it was a coincidence that Yin'er could absorb the magic energy.

This kind of phenomenon of Shi Yin'er is probably the only one in the world of immortal cultivation. Not to mention the sacred worm, there is no immortal cultivator who can feed the silver armor corpse with blood essence like him...

He pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Yin'er, give me some of your blood."

Shi Yin'er nodded, her red lips trembled slightly, and a cloud of blood that was also pale silver floated out.

Lu Kun waved one hand and took it in front of him, the golden light flashing in his eyes, and he observed it carefully.

In this drop of blood, in addition to the corpse qi, it also exudes a powerful energy of qi and blood, which is somewhat similar to his blood, but has another unique breath of the sacred worm.

Lu Kun thought: "These mutant flying ants were hatched by me with blood essence. Later, they devoured a special kind of royal jelly in the one-element secret realm. They have a peculiar physique and can absorb the power of cold and magic at the same time."

"I originally thought that their cultivation speed would be much faster. As a result, after so many years, their cultivation base has been stuck at the peak of the fourth level. Now that I think about it, I am afraid that it is my blood essence that limits their bloodline of the insect race."

"And Yin'er, your blood not only contains the aura of a sacred object, but it has also been refined through corpse pills, and it matches these little guys very well."

"The mutant flying ants absorbed your blood and broke the bloodline restriction, but the flesh is somewhat lacking, and instinctively wants to break through by devouring the same kind."

Lu Kun glanced at the sleeping thirteen mutant flying ants, and then looked at the silver blood in his hands. A strange thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

A flash of light flashed in front of him, and a jade bottle appeared, with black liquid surging in it, exuding a brutal aura, it was the real magic water.

Lu Kun opened his mouth slightly, and a trace of silver blood essence merged into Shi Yin'er's blood, and then the blood was sent into the jade bottle.

The sacred object of the worm has the effect of isolating the meaning of the real devil, but when Lu Kun used this feature, he only brought the sacred object closer to the meaning of the real devil, and the method of use was extremely rough.

Now, in Shi Yin'er's blood, he also senses the unique aura of the sacred object. Is it possible to isolate the true devil through this blood?

If this is the case, then he might be able to use Shi Yin'er's blood to solve the problem of visceral alien will.

With this thought flashing in his heart, Lu Kun carefully sensed the movement in the jade bottle.

"Sure enough, it has the effect of isolation." He looked happy, and after the blood entered it, the meaning of the real devil seemed to have the meaning of rejection, just surrounding it.

Then Lu Kun controlled the blood of the silver-armored corpse through the blood of his own blood, and turned it into a small blood net, covering a small group of true magic water.

A hint of true demon inside slammed and jumped left, as if he wanted to leave the blood net, but he didn't want to touch it.

The golden light in Lu Kun's eyes flickered, and the silver blood was suddenly withdrawn, and the blood net instantly turned into a silver crystal. The meaning of the real devil and the black liquid were forcibly sealed inside.

As soon as all this was done, the sealed trace of the true devil's meaning trembled violently, the brutal thought burst out, and the silver blood crystals were scattered by invisible power.

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, and with a wave of one hand, he took back the remaining blood. It was less than half of the original blood, and the breath of the sacred worm inside had disappeared.

He looked at the jade bottle again, and found that the true demon inside was also weakened a little.

Lu Kun was overjoyed. The blood of the silver-armored corpse mixed with the breath of the sacred object could actually isolate the meaning of killing the real devil. He put away the jade bottle and the sacred worm and said quickly: "Yin'er, give me more. Ten parts of blood."

Shi Yin'er nodded, the blood of other silver armored corpses was thin, but she was different. From her plump and moist skin, it could be seen that there was enough blood in her body.

After a while, a large cloud of pale silver blood was swallowed up by her and suspended in front of Lu Kun. The latter opened his mouth slightly, inhaled it into his body, sat cross-legged, and practiced directly on the spot.

Shi Yin'er tilted her head with a curious look on her face. The pavilion master seemed to be using her blood to cultivate, but these blood were refined from the pavilion's blood essence. What is there to the powerful body? help?

Lu Kun's expression was extremely serious. Shi Yin'er's blood was transported in his body and entered the internal organs through various small blood vessels.

Shi Yin'er's blood has the effect of isolating and wiping away the true demon's meaning, and by running it into the internal organs, it may be able to force out the hidden alien will.

With the passage of time, the blood of the silver armored corpse slowly circulated in the internal organs, and just as it entered the liver, two inaudible thoughts suddenly trembled, and then disappeared, as if it was an illusion.

"In the liver?"

Lu Kun looked overjoyed, and focused the blood flow in this organ, but after several rounds of running, those thoughts no longer responded.

"Why is it gone? Hey, this mass of blood..."

His face changed slightly, and it was only at this time that he discovered that after the blood of the silver armored corpse ran many times, most of the breath of the sacred worm inside dissipated.

"Could it be that my blood is too strong, which has virtually wiped out the alien aura in the blood of the silver armored corpse?"

Lu Kun ran it again, and found that it was exactly as he thought. Every time he circulated for a while, the special breath was wiped out by the power of qi and blood. He couldn't control this. Can't get inside.

He stood up slowly, pondered, and said, "Yin'er, you should be on the verge of breaking through now."

Shi Yin'er was stunned and said: "Yes, pavilion master, but the breakthrough of the silver armor corpse requires the power of swallowing the Nascent Soul..."

Before she could finish her words, two Nascent Soul figurines appeared in Lu Kun's hands.

Shi Yin'er's red lips parted slightly, if she didn't feel wrong, these two Nascent Souls were both great cultivators.

Lu Kun said slowly: "Yin'er, you have amazing aptitude. Now your physique has undergone new changes, and you can absorb spiritual energy and magic energy at the same time. The Nascent Soul of these two great monks cultivate magic power and magic power respectively. With their help, It must be a smooth breakthrough.”

Seeing Shi Yin'er happily taking over the two Nascent Souls, Lu Kun said, "Yin'er, start breaking through immediately. After the breakthrough, there is a hidden danger in my body that needs your help."

Shi Yin'er said with a serious expression: "Yes, Pavilion Master."

Lu Kun hesitated, and the eight-sided crystal of the sacred worm appeared in front of him again, and at the same time spit out a cloud of silver blood.

"Your physique is different from the general silver armored corpse. You also hold these two things. Maybe you can use them. After you successfully clear the level, come to Moyuan to find me."

After he finished speaking, his figure flashed, turned into a silver beam, and left the burrow.

Shi Yin'er looked at the four things in front of her, and couldn't help swallowing a spit. No matter which of these things flowed out, their heads would be robbed by other silver-armored corpses.

She has an eighth-level silver armor corpse, and using these auxiliary breakthroughs is simply too extravagant...

This is the chapter owed yesterday, today's will be later...

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