The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1097 Arranging the harvest

Lu Kun soon returned to Moyuan's cave.

Originally, when he went to Shi Yin'er, he planned to hand over the Nascent Soul of Daoyi Zhenren to her, but who knew the changes he encountered with the sacred worm.

Because of the rich blood essence and corpse pill, this thing transformed Shi Yin'er's body, and also gave him a direction to solve the hidden internal organs.

It's a pity that Shi Yin'er's blood energy is too weak for him to stay in his body for a long time, so he can only try it after he breaks through to the ninth-level silver armor corpse.

Lu Kun walked through the Broken Dragon Stone passage and came to the underground cave. He took off his Jinzhuang shirt, and there were eight or nine storage bracelets hanging on his belt. With a wave of one hand, all kinds of glittering objects covered most of the ground. .

Recently, he has been fighting one after another. Although his internal organs have been injured due to the use of the power of one element, the gains are extremely amazing.

Lu Kun looked at the treasures in the front.

The falling magic ring, the Xuanqing ruler, and the magic knife of Huang Chong are all imitation spiritual treasures.

He sighed softly: "Unfortunately, these three imitation spirit treasures cannot be activated by the magic energy of body repair."

Lu Kun pondered for a while. The treasure of Xuanqing Ruler was made of Taiyi bluestone, and it stimulated the Void Spirit Sword Qi with amazing attack power, which was most suitable for Yue Longfei to use.

Soon, he will rush to Da Zhou. If this late Nascent Soul sword cultivator has Xuan Qingchi in his hand, he will attack with his fierceness and surprise, and he is afraid that he can seriously injure or even kill an ordinary great cultivator.

With such a powerful Yue Longfei sitting in the Body Refinement Pavilion, he felt more at ease.

Putting away the three imitations of Tongtian Lingbao, Lu Kun called with one hand, and a small three-legged cauldron floated in front of him.

Although there is no imitation of the Tongtian Lingbao, but with the help of the ethereal meaning, the defensive supernatural powers exerted are very close to the imitation Lingbao, and it is also a great treasure.

Lu Kun rubbed the lid of the cauldron. The treasure itself, the cauldron, was of no use to him, but the remaining emptiness in it was of great reference value for self-comprehension of the power of will.

The ethereal cauldron turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the rib storage space. Lu Kun solemnly looked at a five-foot-long giant axe on the ground, the surface of which was covered by a layer of gray dragon-breaking stone.

The power of the void surged, and Lu Kun held this huge weapon in his hand.

"The Heavenly Hammer has been completely damaged, and this magic tool is not only intact, but also has a strange tool soul inside. I am afraid that among the magic tools, it is a fine product."

He shook it lightly, and the Dragon Broken Stone powder was suspended, and his fingers lightly rubbed the Mozu pattern on it.

I don't know if it was hurt by magic energy, or for some other reason, the magic weapon that used to be full of spirituality has now turned into a lifeless appearance.

Lu Kun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his spiritual sense penetrated into it cautiously. After a while, he showed a bit of a strange look. At this time, just like the previous Hammer, there was no consciousness inside.

"The real power of this magic weapon is definitely not weaker than that of the real Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure."

Lu Kun recalled that when he crossed the tribulation, he relied on the divine power of the Heavenly Hammer to offset a lot of the power of the robbery. With his current knowledge, he understood that it was the supernatural power of vitality.

"According to the experience of crossing the robbery, the body of the magic ape can activate the magic weapon, but after using it, its internal lines may be damaged."

"Immortal cultivators can refine heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, magic weapons of the demon race, and also possess the power of vitality to transform into shapes, and battle treasures of physical cultivation. Why can't they become treasures of this level?"

"The most powerful part of Tongtian Lingbao and imitation Lingbao is to use the power of magic treasures to control the vitality of heaven and earth."

"This magic weapon should be preserved for future research."

"Zhanbao is refined with reference to body cultivation. I am in the middle stage of bone transformation now, and the power of one yuan is still far away. I am afraid that it is difficult to study the battle treasure at the level of Tongtian Lingbao, but it is the level of imitation Lingbao. You can try it. "

"There are a lot of imitation spirit treasures in hand, but Yue Yangzong does not have the method of refining such top treasures. It seems that only when he went to Da Zhou, he tried to collect them. With the refining method, you can do it well. Study the upgrade of War Treasures."

The thoughts flashed in Lu Kun's mind, and he looked at the giant axe, showing a headache.

If this top magic weapon can only be researched and cannot be used, it would be too wasteful.

"Maybe there are other ways. After the demon ape changes, in addition to the magic energy, it is the power of blood and the meaning of true demon..."

Lu Kun hesitated, took out the jade bottle containing the water of true demons, swallowed the water of true demons, and the incomparably pure blood flowed out of his body, and the two collided in his chest in a unique way. .

The terrifying power of blood surged out, Lu Kun frowned, his body trembled slightly, and a special energy rushed towards the right arm holding the giant axe.

Its arms swelled up quickly, the hairs on the surface stood up one by one, turning into black hairs, and the palm lines of the palms also became thicker, turning into the arms of the magic ape.

After performing many magic ape transformations, coupled with the enhancement of physical cultivation, Lu Kun has been able to suppress the transformation of supernatural powers and transfer the power of blood to his arms.

However, because the power of the bloodline was transferred, the power of the physical body did not change, and the vision on the arm was only affected by the energy of the bloodline.


A crisp metallic screeching sound emerged from the giant axe, and the strange soul will that had no trace before appeared again, as if cheering for something.

Lu Kun's bloodline energy mixed with the meaning of true demons was quickly absorbed, and the purple-gold axe burst into an astonishing aura.

But the Zijin Magic Axe absorbed a part of the bloodline energy, and it only released its aura, and there was no next move.

On the contrary, the will of the soul was beating endlessly, and he wanted to enter Lu Kun's body, but he was afraid of something.

Lu Kun's expression suddenly changed, a light flashed in front of him, and a jade bottle appeared. The bottle cap was opened, and there was a phantom of a white bear inside. The power of the soul was strong. soul.

Under the wrapping of the power of the void, this demon soul was ingested, and as soon as it approached the purple gold magic axe, a suction force came from it, and the spirit was absorbed into it.

The next moment, Lu Kun's face was delighted, the power of the blood was surging, and a large amount of demonic energy gathered in the purple gold magic axe, and a dazzling purple gold vitality blade appeared outside the magic weapon.

However, with a shake of Lu Kun's hand, he retracted the power of blood into his body, but the light of the magic axe was even more dazzling. After the will of the soul inside absorbed the demon soul, he was extremely excited and seemed to want to burst out this power.

Lu Kun snorted coldly, and the violent magic energy surged and landed on the handle, as if he was about to rush into it in the next moment.

The will of the soul was startled, and immediately calmed down, and the breath of the magic axe also calmed down.

"It's better to be obedient, otherwise Lu will destroy you, but it will only take a moment."

I don't know if I understood Lu Kun's words, but the will of the soul has been hidden again. Unlike before, the consciousness can sense its existence at this time.

With a wave of Lu Kun's hand, the broken dragon stone powder poured out, wrapping the purple-gold axe again.

"After the magic ape turns into a magical power, the power of blood is a pure magic ape with arms. I am afraid that it is similar to the blood of the demon race. With the power of will, it has reached the basis of activating the magic weapon."

"This magic weapon has the spirit of the weapon, and it can activate the devil's vitality on its own, but it requires a powerful sacrifice of the soul. It was possible to possess the devil's corpse to fight for so long before, and it should have relied on the power of the soul of Xue Tianyou and Peng Yuanhua."

"Although that tool soul is weird, at least I have found a way to use it. I still have some monster souls above level 8 in my hand. If I encounter a monk at the God Transformation stage, with this magical tool of the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure level, I can at least have it. The power of resistance."

Lu Kun breathed a sigh of relief. The price of one yuan power is too high to be easily used. If he goes to Da Zhou like this, he still lacks confidence. Now that he can use this magic weapon, he has less scruples.

Putting away the Purple Gold Magic Axe, he looked at what was left on the ground.

These four great monks have an amazing collection. In addition to these top treasures, there are also a lot of cherished materials, magic stones, high-level spirit stones, and ordinary magic weapons, all of which are needed by the Body Refinement Pavilion.

With the expansion of the sect's territory, all kinds of forbidden formations, training places, and the ban on the power of the five elements all require the support of a large amount of materials and spirit stones, which can be regarded as a wave of blood for the body refining pavilion.

As for the rest of the medicinal herbs, they have no effect on body cultivation, and the jade slips that record the secret techniques of the exercises are not worth reference.

Lu Kun used a few storage bracelets to put away these useless things and planned to hand them over to Huang Xiaoyun to deal with them through the newly established Chamber of Commerce.

As a flash of light flashed, in the end there were only two gray corpses left on the ground. They were the two demon corpses in the Demon Island. He was busy fighting before and had no time to study it carefully.

Lu Kun's power of the void surged, and the broken dragon stone powder came off. He came to the half-remaining demon corpse and looked inward from the incision between his waist and abdomen.

There is also a layer of purple sheen flashing inside, giving people the feeling that it has just died not long ago.

"This kind of alien flesh, the power of consciousness can only see the appearance."

He opened his mouth, and a cloud of silver blood flew out, turning into a silver mist, pouring in from the broken waist and abdomen, then closed his eyes, and felt it carefully...

I have finally paid off what I owe, and continue to be stable for 7 updates a week. By the way, I ask for some recommended tickets...

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