A few days later, Lu Kun returned to the Body Refinement Pavilion from Magic Dragon Mountain, where all the nine formation nodes had been opened.

Strangely, except for the first two, the other seven circles had nothing to gain, and Lu Kun didn't care about it. The only two poison sacs he got were enough for Du An to study for a long time.

In addition, the biggest gain of the Magic Dragon Mountain is the rich mysterious yellow energy there. If Pan Yan can integrate it into the bone treasure, it will definitely be a major discovery for the Yuantu Refining Body Lineage.

As for the strange magic formation of Demon Dragon Mountain, although Lu Kun felt that it was related to the Abyss of Death, he had no intention to investigate it. After all, it was still the site of the Blood Refinement Sect.

If there is any problem with the high-level worm, the Blood Refining Sect will definitely find out immediately that he has been a blood devil, and he naturally knows that this magic sect has arranged many exploration methods near the abyss.


In Moyuan's cave mansion, two silhouettes were quickly intertwined, and there were several afterimages inside, and invisible air waves rolled around, bombarded the wall, and kept making rumbling sounds.

After a while, the two figures stopped. Apart from Lu Kun, the other was a slender figure wrapped in pale silver scales. It was Shi Yin'er who had just broken through.

As a silver-gray aura flashed by, the scales on her skin gradually turned into strong corpse aura, which poured into her body, revealing her bumpy body, and a black robe appeared out of thin air, covering it up. spring.

Lu Kun looked at his arm. A small hole was opened in the skin above, and a mass of pale gray corpse energy was forced out. He looked surprised and said, "I didn't expect you to have such strength after breaking through."

"This layer of corpse gas armor has amazing defensive power, equivalent to a powerful defensive magic weapon, and its fingertips and bone spurs are also extremely sharp. Under the injection of the power of cold, it not only has strong penetration, but also contains corpse poison. ."

"More importantly, this armor condenses all the corpse energy in your body, increasing the activity of flesh and blood and the flexibility of joints. If you get close, even if it is the peak of Nascent Soul's mid-term, it will not be able to stop the continuous offensive. "

Shi Yin'er was very excited. Although Lu Kun didn't exert all her strength, she was able to break her flesh and blood under a head-to-head fight, which was beyond imagination.

Lu Kun's expression is also quite encouraging. With such a ninth-level silver armored corpse, the strength of the body refining pavilion is much stronger. With the addition of two disciples, the level below the great cultivator can be regarded as three strong men who can stand. .

He pondered and said: "Since you have made a breakthrough, then try the previous method to help me heal."

Shi Yin'er nodded, the power of qi and blood surged in her body, and a cloud of pale silver blood essence the size of an apple slowly floated out.

Lu Kun stretched out his palm, sensed it for a moment, and showed a hint of satisfaction. After Shi Yin'er made a breakthrough, not only did the blood concentration increase, but the breath of the sacred worm inside became more intense.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the blood into his abdomen, then sat cross-legged, and the blood in his body wrapped it and transported it along the capillaries towards the liver.

Lu Kun wanted to use the breath of the sacred worm in Shi Yin'er's blood to force out the alien thoughts hidden in his internal organs. The last time he tried, because the blood concentration was too weak, it was not long before he was overwhelmed by his strong qi and blood. The force dissipated most of it.

And he wasted a lot of time on other internal organs, this time he went straight to the place where the alien idea appeared, the liver.

In addition to blood, Lu Kun also mobilized his physical consciousness. He first used his own blood to wrap Shi Yin'er's essence and blood, hiding his breath. After entering the liver, he did not rush to let go, but spread the blood throughout the entire body. Organs.

"The last time Jinghong was broken, he was hidden by those two thoughts. This time I don't know if it can be forced out."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Lu Kun loosened the shackles of blood essence, the aura of the sacred object in Shi Yin'er's blood instantly permeated the entire liver, and two obscure thoughts appeared at once, as if frightened.

"found it!"

The blood of the silver-armored corpse immediately wrapped around the alien thoughts. These two thoughts seemed to be afraid of this breath, wandering around in the internal organs, full of spirituality.

Lu Kun's face sank: "Yin'er, continue to provide blood!"

He opened his mouth, and Shi Yin'er's blood essence with the breath of the holy relic poured into his mouth continuously, and under his mobilization, the entire liver was wrapped in blood.

This is not the first time that Lu Kun has been imbued with the meaning of the real devil. When he was soaked in the magic pool in the Dead Sea Devil's Nest and transformed into a magic ape, he was invaded by a brutal mind, but the power of will at that time was in his body. circulation in the blood.

Finally, through the method of blood coagulation, the brutal idea was sealed.

But the current alien mind is different. It is stored in the depths of the internal organs in a new way. His blood can only cover part of the internal organs and cannot contain them.

"So difficult?"

When Lu Kun thought about it, the entire liver began to collapse inward, softened gradually, and turned into a mass of flesh and blood essence, which was wrapped in the blood of the extremely rich silver armored corpse.

After using the visceral concentration method, Lu Kun's own blood essence can penetrate the entire viscera, but Shi Yin'er's alien blood can't, and is instead excluded.

After a full hour, Lu Kun slowly opened his eyes, revealing a somewhat heavy color, the blood of the silver armored corpse could not penetrate into the essence of the internal organs, and there was no way to force the alien mind out.

And his blood essence and visceral essence cannot use the method of condensing the crystal seal, otherwise it will be sealed together with the visceral cells.

"The alien will is so difficult to deal with, and the internal organs are like their home. I am afraid that the breath of the sacred object must be integrated into the essence of the internal organs to force the alien mind out."

"But how can Shi Yin'er's blood aura enter into the concentrated essence of the internal organs?"

"After entering the middle stage of bone degeneration, the concentration of blood has greatly increased. Relatively speaking, the internal organs are weaker than blood. It is also difficult for my own blood to squeeze in."

"It is the energy of life force that can operate freely in the depths of the internal organs."

Lu Kun couldn't help but ponder.

"The force of life is in the same position as those hidden alien wills, but it can't find the will, and it can't force it out..."

"By the way, the cultivation of the power of life requires the consumption of blood essence. Shi Yin'er's blood is of the same origin as mine. It is completely possible to absorb the essence and blood through the power of life to introduce the breath of the sacred worm into the deep internal organs. place."

Lu Kun's expression brightened, and he closed his eyes again. The life force in his body flowed along his spine and rushed to his internal organs, and his liver, under the action of the concentration method, turned into a mass of wriggling flesh and blood essence. , suspended in the blood vessels.

"Yin'er, some blood essence..."

The blood essence of the newly entered Yinjia corpse rushed to the liver again.

"Take the power of life as a guide, and absorb the breath of the sacred worms into it. As long as the alien will be forced to leave the visceral essence, the blood of the outside will be able to crystallize and seal it in one go."

Next, he started the cultivation method of the power of life...

I owe two chapters...

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