The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1103 chance encounter

Ningshui Prefecture is located in the southwest corner of Dazhou, adjacent to the sea and separated from Qi by a Tongtian River.

Although it is only one state, its area is comparable to that of Qi State. There are many sects of immortal cultivation in the territory, but due to the mixed spiritual energy of Ningshui state, most of them are ordinary sects.

On this day, on the edge of Tongtian River, two strangely dressed men were walking on the ground. They were all bald and hairless, with two rows of ring scars engraved on their heads.

The two of them seemed to be walking normally, but every step they took, they landed several feet away, which was very mysterious.

The older monk had a white beard that was more than a foot long, a pair of thick and narrow white eyebrows, a red cassock, and a dark golden staff with a few small bells dotted on it.

The other monk was much younger, only in his twenties, with clear features, wearing a dark yellow robe, rubbing a string of Buddha beads in his hands, and looking at Tongtianhe with curiosity.

The little monk suddenly spoke, with a clear voice: "Master, we have been walking by the Tongtian River for several days, how long will we be walking?"

The old monk smiled slightly, with a peculiar aura. Before he could speak, he calmed the little monk's eager heart a little, and then the gentle voice came out:

"Ziqing, Tongtianhe is the remnant of the ancient One Yuan sect. There are many dangerous places in it, especially the Xunfeng. It's good that the number is not large. I can still protect you as a teacher. You have to retreat."

"After ten or so miles, it is the place where there are few cracks in the space. There is almost no Sunda wind there. I will be able to pass through it calmly."

The little monk folded his hands together, uttered the Buddha's name, and continued to follow the old monk, but after a while, he couldn't help but ask: "Master, this disciple has always had doubts. There are our Buddhist cultivators in places where the Three Great Gates are located, and even in the distant thirteen countries of Dongyun.”

"Even if there is a Tongtian River in the Southwest Immortal Cultivation Realm, it will not fail to spread the Buddhadharma."

Hearing the words, the old monk slowed down a few steps and said slowly: "It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha, this temple has not entered the world of immortality in the southwest, because there is an agreement with a senior in the southwest."

The little monk stared at Dao Dao: "Master, you are called senior, are you a monk at the spiritual stage?"

The old monk nodded and said, "This senior's philosophy is completely different from Buddhism. My Buddha preaches the equality of all living beings. As long as life in this world is equal, especially the demon race, it should not be suppressed by the human race."

"Only all practitioners in this world are united in order to face the threat of demons at any time."

"But that senior believes that the demon clan is not my race, and their hearts must be different. Only by enslaving the entire race and turning it into a spiritual beast of a cultivator can the strength of the two races be truly integrated."

The little monk said with an unbearable expression: "This senior is too cruel, even if the ancient monks only expel the demon clan after the battle of the demon clan, they did not kill them all."

He added: "And Master, this temple has been in existence since ancient times. Does this senior want us not to spread the Dharma for tens of thousands of years? This temple also had seniors in the spiritual transformation period ten thousand years ago."

The old monk sighed: "This senior's spirit beast is the mysterious turtle demon king, which is equivalent to the combat power of two gods. If they fight across domains, even if three or four gods from Da Zhou go together, they will not be able to please them. "

"As for the period agreed upon by both parties, she is not allowed to preach during her lifetime."

Speaking of this, his face twitched: "But this senior is different from other gods, she has lived for 30,000 years..."

The little monk looked dumbfounded: "Thirty thousand years...isn't the lifespan of a cultivator in the Spirit Transformation stage more than two thousand years? Why..."

The old monk did not answer directly, and his eyes showed a bit of admiration: "Speaking of which, this senior is also an amazingly gifted generation, and the exercises he created are extremely exquisite. Although he enslaved the demon clan, in the process of cultivation, two The cultivation of the clan actually complements each other.”

"The human race uses the demon spirit power of the monster to break through, and the monster can also use the means of the human race to break through the realm more easily, especially the threshold of the eighth-level transformation."

"That senior wants to use the power of his sect to enslave the entire demon clan in the outer seas and become the most powerful sect since ancient times."

The old monk said with a complicated expression: "Who knows, there was also a genius in the Waihai Monster Race at that time, who turned the body of a dragon into the body of a real dragon, became a demon king, blocked this senior, and the two sides fought openly and secretly. The secret method of raising Shouyuan has been stalemate for 30,000 years."

"Not long ago, my senior brother-in-law felt something. The vitality of the world in Chu and Waihai gradually became balanced. These two seniors with amazing supernatural powers are still unable to withstand the passage of life yuan."

The little monk couldn't help sighing and said, "Hey, why does this senior have to enslave the demon clan? With such a practice, he can share it with the demon clan. Maybe the relationship between the two sides will be even closer, consuming his strength in vain."

"Excellent Great Spirit King Buddha."

The old monk chanted the Buddha's name and said solemnly: "Under the regulation of this temple over the years, the relationship between Da Zhou and Wulonghai has become increasingly friendly, and there has been no war in Da Zhou for a long time."

"This time we went to the Southwest Immortal Cultivation World to spread the Dharma, to reduce the internal friction there. If it is successful, it will not only bring countless merits, but will also be of great benefit to our practice."

The little monk turned the Buddha beads with a solemn expression, but before he could speak, a thick male voice suddenly appeared in the ears of the two of them.

"Hey, Buddhist cultivator, are you also thinking about the Southwest Immortal Cultivation Realm?"

The old monk was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to expect that someone was nearby. He followed the voice and looked at the Tongtian River. Two figures gradually appeared in the mist on the river.

What caught the eye was an extremely burly middle-aged man with short hair and a square face, wearing a gray suit, bright eyes, faint golden light flashing, and no breath on his body, just like a mortal.

Next to her was a woman with a graceful figure, also wearing a strong suit, with a beautiful appearance, her gray skin was moisturizing, and her body exuded an icy aura.

When these two people appeared, the staff in the old monk's hand suddenly trembled, and the bells on it were jingling.

The old monk's face changed slightly, and a hidden mana rose from his body. The staff gradually calmed down and floated in front of him. How do you call your friends?"

The burly man cupped his hands and said, "Under Lu Kun, this is my junior sister, Shi Yin'er, and Master Zhi Yuan. You haven't answered Lu's question. Are you two going to the Southwest Cultivation Realm?"

The old monk said: "It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha. The monks don't lie. This time, the old monk is indeed going to the southwest to cultivate immortals and spread the Buddhadharma."

Lu Kun looked at the two monks up and down, and said slowly, "How do you teach the Dharma, are you looking for a spiritual vein to build a temple and recruit disciples?"

The old monk Zhiyuan smiled and said: "The temple is a place to practice and recite the Buddha.

Lu Kun's face sank and said: "Master Zhiyuan has the cultivation of the late Nascent Soul, such a powerful Buddhist monk must be the eminent monk of Huatian Temple."

Zhiyuan was called out of his cultivation base, his expression gradually became serious, and he put his hands together and said, "Lao Na is one of the first ones in Huatian Temple."

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "Master, I advise you to go back. With Lu here, don't say that Huatian Temple, the sixth ranked sect, even if it is the top three sects, dare to invade the Southwest Xiu Xianjie, there is only a dead end. One!"

While speaking, the surrounding air suddenly solidified, and an inexplicable pressure filled the air...

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