The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1105 Dangling City

Dangling City is the largest immortal cultivator's square in Ningshui Prefecture. It was built on the plain and spanned hundreds of miles, surrounded by layers of complex spiritual gathering circles.

It is adjacent to the Tongtian River in the south, and is close to a magnificent river in the east. This river is the only tributary of the Tongtian River, which is thousands of miles wide.

Its mainstream river, which leads directly to the broken country north of Dazhou, is the relic of the ancient Yuan Dynasty, so it is called Guiyuan River.

On this day, on the main road of Dangling City, several figures were wandering around. A vague aura was surrounding them. .

After feeling this unfathomable aura, many immortal cultivators who were intertwined with it all showed awe, and they distanced themselves from it, for fear of colliding with the seniors.

Within the vague aura, the two people in front were a burly man and an old monk in a red cassock, and behind him was a beautiful woman who was looking around, a young monk. Whenever the woman asked something, the young monk had a pleasant expression. 's explanation.

"Speaking of which, Guiyuan River is not full of space cracks like Tongtian River. The only troublesome thing is the aura storm, and the large spiritual boat in Wanxianwu was built entirely to restrain such natural disasters."

"There are many cultivators in Dazhou, and there are also many places of natural danger. The Guiyuan River, a river that spreads throughout Dazhou, has instead become a major transportation route, and Wanxianwu is jointly established by the major sects to provide immortal cultivators in various states. convenient."

"Calculate the time, it will be the day of Wanxianwu's sailing in a week. No matter where Pavilion Master Lu goes, it will be a lot faster to take the spirit boat."

Lu Kun listened to the introduction of the monk Zhiyuan, while observing the scene in Fang City. There were hundreds of immortal cultivators around, and the talismans for sale were all very sophisticated. many.

Lu Kun said slowly: "On the way, Master Lao introduced Da Zhou's situation. Within a year, I will definitely visit Huatian Temple. If the yin evil silk has not been melted away, Lu will help Master to remove it. "

Hearing Lu Kun's words, Zhiyuan knew that he couldn't walk with the cheek, so he groped out a jade pendant in his hand, with the three characters Huatian Temple engraved on it, and a vague Buddha statue on the back.

Zhiyuan said solemnly: "This is the token of the distinguished guests of this temple, the Lingfo jade, please accept it from Pavilion Master Lu. As long as this jade is presented, the disciples of this temple will receive it with the highest standard."

Lu Kun took the jade pendant and cupped his hands: "Then let's say goodbye, there will be a period later."

Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, and folded his hands together and said, "It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha, although I don't know what's important for Pavilion Master Lu to come to Dazhou, but I still hope that Pavilion Master Lu will do less murder."

Lu Kun said indifferently: "There is no need for the master to worry about it, farewell."

After speaking, he and Shi Yin'er flickered, turned into a few afterimages, and quickly disappeared on the street.

Zhiyuan looked into the distance and sighed softly: "Lu Ge's intention is firm, I didn't expect such a terrible force to appear in the southwest, Ziqing, you will turn against the temple later on your own, and take the first step for the teacher, this matter must be as soon as possible. Tell the abbot and senior brother."

The little monk said with a cute face: "Yes, Master."

"I hope that the sects of Da Zhou can live in peace with the Body Refinement Pavilion. The broken kingdom is about to open. It is unwise to have conflicts at this time."

After murmuring a few times in his mouth, the old monk turned into two steps in one step, and his figure was confused a few times, and also disappeared on the street.

The little monk glanced left and right, scratched his head, and walked to an attic called Zuixianlou not far away.


The two of Lu Kun turned a few street corners, and when they appeared again, they had already changed their appearances.

Lu Kun turned into a thin, bald man. Although Shi Yin'er didn't have this kind of muscle-transforming supernatural power, he could restrain blood and dry up his skin, turning him into an old woman with a withered complexion.

The two walked for a while and came to an inconspicuous small bungalow. Above the wooden door, there was a cyan plaque with three words crookedly written on it, Dark Spirit Pavilion.

"This should be the place where the little monk told you about buying and selling. Go in."

Shi Yin'er coughed twice, her body exuding a hint of cold energy, she pushed open the door and walked in first, with Lu Kun following behind.

After entering, the eyes of the two of them lit up slightly. It seemed that there was something special inside, which was much larger than the bungalow outside. It was obvious that they used the method of space magic.

The area of ​​about ten feet in length and width is divided into small tea rooms, and thick auras are arranged on the screens, which are some kind of deep isolation circles.

"The two Taoists are friendly, welcome to the Dark Spirit Pavilion." A middle-aged man stepped forward.

"Qing'er retires, this fellow Daoist has a profound cultivation base, and this old man personally receives it."

Hearing the words, the middle-aged man bowed and retreated. In the middle of a house, an old man with long beard walked out. His body was full of aura, and he had the cultivation of the early Nascent Soul.

Lu Kun, who was following Shi Yin'er, was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that a branch of the Dark Spirit Pavilion would actually have a cultivator at the Nascent Soul period.

"I don't know what to call this fellow Taoist, but the elder of the Dark Spirit Pavilion, Huo Feng." The long-bearded old man cupped his hands.

Shi Yin'er said lightly, "My old name is Qi."

The long-bearded old man didn't care about his cold attitude. There were many strange people who had cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Qi, please come this way."

The old man led Shi Yin'er to the deep room. He said, "The tea room here is specially prepared for the monks in the Yuan Ying period. Except for the forbidden screen, the stone walls are all made of broken dragon stone, which is extremely safe."

After a few people walked in, there were only two places inside, and there was a coffee table, Shi Yin'er sat on a rattan chair, and Lu Kun stood behind her.

The long-bearded old man brewed a pot of tea and said, "I wonder if Qi Daoyou is buying information or selling information?"

Shi Yin'er said in a hoarse voice: "The more detailed the information about Taixuan Sect is purchased, the better, and it is best to have information about the monks going out in the Yuan Ying period."

The long-bearded old man glanced at Shi Yin'er somewhat unexpectedly, and pondered: "Taixuanzong is now the fourth sect of Dazhou, and the price of its materials is not low."

"Look first."

The old man nodded lightly, and several spiritual lights appeared in his hand, hitting a miniature magic circle on the coffee table. After a while, a flash of light flashed and a jade slip appeared.

The long-bearded old man said: "Fellow Daoist, look at the specific information of these materials, the price is 50,000 middle-level spirit stones."

Hearing the quotation, even if Lu Kun is rich and powerful, he is a little surprised. At this price, he can buy a magic weapon that is not weak. Here, it is just the information of Taixuanzong.

Then Lu Kun quietly separated a trace of consciousness and probed the jade slip in Xiang Shi Yin'er's hand, but he did not find that at this time, the palm of the long-bearded old man holding the teacup trembled slightly, and a flash of fear flashed in the depths of his pupils. color.

Inside the jade slip is a directory.

The distribution of Taixuanzong's forces, the cultivation of the elders in the sect, the supernatural powers, the relationship with the major sects, etc., and even the disciples with extraordinary qualifications in the sect, are all recorded.

Shi Yin'er frowned at Lu Kun's instruction: "The price is fine, but the other party's Yuan Ying cultivator went out to perform tasks, do you have any?"

The long-bearded old man heard the other party's words and coughed softly: "The matters involving the cultivators in the Nascent Soul period have been covered up by all the major factions, and the ten major sects are bound by the stone of oath. Lingshi, this pavilion cannot get such news."

Shi Yin'er didn't say much, just took out a storage bag and threw it away.

"Fellow Daoist." The long-bearded old man shot another aura at the miniature magic circle, and after a while, a jade slip was released.

Shi Yin'er grabbed it in her hand, briefly glanced at it, then put it away, and said hoarsely: "I still have information about the Holy Demon Sect for sale."

The long-bearded old man was just about to exchange a few words. Hearing this sentence, he looked stunned and said, "I don't know what it is about?"

Shi Yin'er said lightly: "The first elder of the Holy Demon Sect, Huang Chong, and the third elder, Xue Tianyou, news related to their lives."

The face of the long-bearded old man changed slightly: "Fellow Daoist Qi, if the information is correct and there is enough evidence, the Shadow Pavilion is willing to issue 200,000 intermediate-level spirit stones."

Shi Yin'er said lightly: "First, pay 200,000 intermediate-level spirit stones, and let me tell you the content of the news. As for the evidence images, pay another 300,000."

The long-bearded old man's expression changed, he glanced at Lu Kun behind Shi Yin'er, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, but fellow Daoist wants to conclude a contract on the stone of vows of this pavilion. If it is false news, the stone will be doubled back. ."

"it is good!"

Then the old man took out a white stone, the two sides concluded a contract, and he counted a storage bag over there.

"Friend Qi, please speak."

Shi Yin'er said indifferently: "Huang Chong and Xue Tianyou of the Holy Demon Sect have already lost their souls."


The long-bearded old man couldn't help standing up, his face changed wildly, even if he was a little mentally prepared, he never expected such amazing news.

This is the fifth sect of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Two great monks died at once, which will lead to changes in the forces of the Wei Kingdom's Demon Sect.

He took a deep breath and said, "There is no basis for saying that, as long as fellow Daoists can produce evidence, this pavilion is willing to pay double spirit stones."

Shi Yin'er waved one hand, and a few flashing objects appeared in front of her.

The long-bearded old man glanced at his spiritual sense and muttered: "The elder token of the Holy Demon Sect, Huang Chong's ghost axe, that is Xue Tianyou's natal magic weapon, the dark spirit hammer."

"The refining aura above is gone..."

Three chapters are over today, tomorrow I'll see if I can code four chapters...

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