The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1106 The Method of Healing

After half a day, Lu Kun and Shi Yin'er left the Shadow Pavilion. They mixed into the crowd of immortal cultivators and changed their bodies several times.

"I didn't expect that the business of Dazhou Xiuxianjie was so prosperous. The shadow pavilion alone is not weak."

Lu Kun turned into a bald man, sighing in his heart as he walked.

According to that Huo Feng, the Shadow Pavilion in each state's Fang City has Nascent Soul monks in charge, and there are at least six high-level monks. Even if they are in the early stage, they can be regarded as a first-class sect in the state of Chu.

But in Da Zhou, the Shadow Pavilion was barely considered an upper-middle-level force.

"The Holy Demon Sect is located in Yunlu State, in the northeast of Dazhou. The journey is long, and it will take a lot of time to get there. It is better to release the news first and let its competitors suppress it first."

Lu Kun's consciousness glanced at the few jade slips in his ribs, showing satisfaction. With his worth, there was no shortage of spirit stones at all. On the contrary, the information provided by the Shadow Pavilion was very important to him.

His consciousness locked on one of the jade slips.

"I said that Taixuanzong didn't move. It turned out that there was a change in the space crack of the Shattered Kingdom. The monks in the Great Zhou Dynasty went to investigate. As for the other elders of Taixuanzong, after discovering that Peng Yuanhua and others fell, I'm afraid they didn't have the courage to go. Southwest Region."

Lu Kun lowered his head and pondered: "According to the news from the Shadow Pavilion, due to this spatial change, the Shattered Nation may be delayed for a period of time, that is, a hundred years later."

"The broken country, the monks of the Great Zhou Dynasty will go there, but in the gap of a hundred years, the old guy of Taixuanzong has time to find the trouble of the body refining pavilion."

"The first stop is to go to Dayuan Prefecture where Taixuanzong is located. Hmph, if the Yuanying period elder loses more than half of it, I don't believe this old guy dares to leave the sect."

After wandering around in the market for a while, Lu Kun and Shi Yin'er rented a temporary cave.

The Immortal Cultivator's Cave Mansion in Dangling City is located in the central urban area. The spirit gathering circle here is quite exquisite. In addition to gathering spiritual energy, it also attracts magical energy from Tongtian River.

Whether it is an immortal cultivator or a demon cultivator, there is a suitable cave for cultivation, and what Lu Kun rented is a mixed cave that gathers demonic aura at the same time. Since it was only rented for five days, it cost a lot of spiritual stones.

After Lu Kun entered the cave, he used his spiritual sense to investigate and found that there was no problem, and then asked, "Yin'er, these days, the blood essence in your body has been transformed."

Shi Yin'er nodded and said, "Yin'er's blood has recovered, and the total amount is still more than last time."

Lu Kun felt the situation in his lower body, and said slowly: "It seems that it is the same as what I estimated. Every time I heal an injury, it takes a month. Let's start. It's a little nervous for a week."

While speaking, he took Shi Yin'er into the secret training room in the cave. It was a square room with a stone carving of a dragon's head on the left and right sides, spitting out quite pure magical energy and spiritual energy.

The two sat cross-legged in the middle, Shi Yin'er condensed a cloud of pale silver blood and sent it into Lu Kun's mouth, the latter slowly running the life force in his body.

After the last attempt, Lu Kun has found a way to solve the alien will. First, let the breath of the sacred worm and a small part of the power of life fuse.

Originally, he planned to introduce this breath into his internal organs, but he didn't want to integrate it, but later found that the breath of the sacred object was separated from the essence and blood, so it was not under the control of Lu Kun, and could not effectively contain the alien will, so he needed the force of life to completely remove it. absorb.

Recalling the last spell in his mind, Lu Kun sent part of his life force to the liver, and then, under the action of the concentration method, this organ turned into a pool of visceral essence, like a mass of wriggling blood, hanging on the in blood vessels.

Lu Kun controlled the power of life with his physical consciousness and made it circulate in the liver essence, and Shi Yin'er's blood had already been transported to the nearby blood vessels.

The life force of the liver absorbs this blood essence energy, and the strange aura carried by the sacred object is also integrated into it.

After all, the sacred worm is a foreign thing, and Lu Kun dare not absorb it completely, so he found a way to separate and operate the force of life, so that it can circulate in an internal organ and absorb blood essence.

Because this method does not have a big cycle, it cannot increase the power of life, but it can absorb the breath of the sacred object.

With the passage of time, Shi Yin'er sent more and more blood, and the liver essence was also filled with an inexplicable aura. The two hidden alien wills had long been revealed, floating in places where the power of life could not reach.

Finally, the aura of the sacred object in the power of life reached its peak, and Lu Kun thought about it. This special energy surrounded in all directions, forming a pale white hemisphere, squeezing away from the two alien wills.

The two wills have no way to retreat, and they don't seem to want to withdraw from the liver, and collide directly against the force of life.


A shock wave of consciousness, centered on the liver, erupted in the internal organs.

Lu Kun's face was ferocious, and his consciousness was all shrunk into his spine, resisting the twitching of his internal organs, mobilizing a large amount of blood essence to pour into his internal organs, looking for something in this shock wave of consciousness.

After a few breaths, the shock of consciousness gradually dissipated, and the two alien wills in the liver were hidden again.

In the liver at this time, the power of life has disappeared, and the surrounding blood is surging, condensing five or six invisible silver blood groups, which are wrapped with a trace of will residue mixed with vicious energy, which are transported to the fingernails the root.

Lu Kun felt that the will of alien species was reduced by a section, and his expression was relieved. This healing method was discovered by accident last time.

Originally, he wanted to use this special life force to force the alien will out of the body, and then seal it with the method of blood condensing. Who knew that the alien will was forced to the last moment and did not choose to leave the internal organs, but perished with the force of life. .

The shock wave of consciousness in the body just now is the product of the life force containing the breath of the sacred object and the mutual destruction of the will of the alien species. If it is not for Lu Kun's innate ability to hide the soul, I am afraid that this wave of shock will severely damage the soul.

This shock wave of consciousness is also strange. It has no effect on other parts of the body. It only causes a lot of damage to the internal organs.

In addition to this shock wave, there are also some strange remnants of will overflowing. It seems to be a mixture of the breath of the sacred object and the two wills at the same time, which is extremely unstable. Fortunately, it can be sealed by blood essence.

This is what Lu Kun calls Yin Shasi that penetrates into Zhiyuan's body. As long as the seal of blood essence is released, the unstable energy inside will cause a slight shock wave of consciousness.

This Yin evil silk and its nails combined, it has become a not weak supernatural power.

Lu Kun summed up the method of healing. The indispensable part is Shi Yin'er's blood. Unfortunately, although her blood essence is pure, it is very different from physical cultivation, and it is only enough to absorb her life force. Five rounds.

The body of the silver armor corpse does not generate blood. It needs to suck the blood of Lu Kun, and then transform it through the corpse pill. This process takes a certain amount of time.

The shock wave of consciousness that finally appeared, with the strength of Lu Kun's internal organs, was barely able to withstand four times, and then it would take life's power to conceive.

Destroying the will of alien species also consumes the power of life, and this special energy can only be recovered through blood essence.

Therefore, after each healing, most of the blood essence in Lu Kun's body will be lost, and it will take at least a month to recover.

Judging from the number of alien wills destroyed each time, he still needs to heal five times, and in half a year, he can completely eliminate the alien will.

Lu Kun didn't dare to wait for half a year. If there was a delay, it would be troublesome to let the old guy from Taixuanzong come out, so he brought Shi Yin'er to Da Zhou.

Lu Kun sighed, feeling the strength of his internal organs, and said in surprise: "Hey, with preparations this time, the internal organs seem to be able to last one more round, Yin'er, let's continue."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

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