A week later, at the eastern ferry port of Dangling City, a behemoth stayed firmly in the turbulent river.

It was a huge spiritual boat, about 100 feet long and 20 feet wide.

There is a four-story building on the spirit boat. The bottom layer is close to the deck, and there are nearly a thousand small rooms densely packed. The upper part is less than one-third. On the fourth floor, there are only more than 30 very delicate houses.

Lu Kun and Shi Yin'er were sitting by the window of a room on the fourth floor, looking down at this incomparably huge spiritual boat.

Shi Yin'er exclaimed: "There are too many immortal cultivators here. There are more than a thousand people in one transportation."

Lu Kun said: "Ningshui Prefecture is close to Tongtian River. There is a lot of devilish energy mixed in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the cultivation environment is relatively poor. The immortal cultivators here have such a scale. Dazhou is indeed the most prosperous area in the immortal cultivation world."

Not long after, the spirit boat trembled slightly and slowly levitated. A mysterious force of restraint appeared outside, moving towards the north, and the speed was still accelerating.

Seeing the forbidden aura shrouded outside, Lu Kun turned his head and said: "By the way, the method of concentrating blood, let's take a good look at it. If you can concentrate the corpse gas armor into the bones through blood, your strength will be further improved. ."

Shi Yin'er nodded lightly, closed her eyes, and realized the secret technique that Lu Kun gave her a few days ago.

The silver-armored corpse was transformed from a corpse, and did not have some of the body functions of the human race. Although the body was strong, it was different from a body like Lu Kun. Its strongest part was not bones, but flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood of the ninth-level silver-armored corpse has been tempered by the corpse pill for so many years, and its defensive power is already amazing. Shi Yin'er has the blessing of Lu Kun's blood essence, which is extremely elastic and can absorb stronger shocks.

With such a flesh-and-blood defense, Shi Yin'er's newly realized corpse qi armor supernatural power is somewhat redundant in terms of defense power, but the bone spurs that extend out of the joints can enhance a bit of attack power.

However, because the bones of the silver armored corpse are weaker than flesh and blood, the impact force of the joint spurs and sharp claws is limited. If it is too violent, it will hurt the bones.

Lu Kun's idea was to let the corpse gas armor only leave bone spurs, and the rest of the corpse gas would be transferred to the depths of the bones to increase the strength of the bones.

The power of the nine-level silver armored corpse can support the borrowing force of 500,000 jins. The hard bones can better withstand the reaction force of bone spurs and sharp claws. Combined with the power of cold and corpse energy, it is Shiyin. The best way to fight.

However, for the Yinjia corpse, the corpse qi is not so easy to restrain. Only Lu Kun's blood concentration method can condense all the corpse qi and transport it to the designated location.


Shi Yin'er was comprehending the secret technique, while a jade slip appeared in Lu Kun's hand and read it carefully.

"Taixuan Sect's Supreme Elder, Gu Deming, has a wood-type celestial spirit root qualification. He formed pills at the age of 80, condensed Nascent Soul before the age of 200, and entered the late Nascent Soul at the age of 400."

"When he was less than seven hundred years old, he triggered the vision of heaven and earth vitality, tried to break through the transformation of the gods, and was suspected of being hindered by Qingyunmen. The first time he hit the bottleneck failed."

"A few years ago, at the age of 900 years, Gu Deming took advantage of the fact that the three sects of the god-turning cultivators went to the Shattered Realm to hit the bottleneck in the dry spirit swamp where the spiritual energy was scarce in Dayuan Prefecture, and successfully broke through, becoming the first time in the history of Taixuanzong. Three cultivators of the Spirit Transformation stage."

Lu Kun read the information inside, and his eyes flashed with amazement. This Supreme Elder of Taixuanzong is not only terrifying in aptitude, but also terrifying in patience.

Breaking through God Transformation in Da Zhou, in addition to the shackles of the bottleneck of cultivation, also needs to prevent the interference of other monks in the transformation period.

Lu Kun's face was gloomy. The news of the Body Refinement Pavilion was known to the other party. What such a person wanted would never give up, it was just a matter of time.

"Taixuanzong Zhenzong's treasure, Hunyuan sword, Tongtian Lingbao, refined by the second god-turning monk in the history of Taixuanzong, the power is unknown."

His face became more and more ugly. From Peng Yuanhua's memory, he found some information that the Xuanqing ruler was made by Gu Deming by imitating the Hunyuan sword when he had not yet broken through the transformation of God.

It can be seen that this old guy's use of the Primordial Sword is absolutely as pure as fire.

"I broke out the power of one yuan, and I barely used the spiritual power of the spirit transformation stage. With the cooperation of the heavenly treasure, this old guy's strength must far exceed my strongest state."

"I am definitely not an opponent within the scope of the heaven and earth vitality under his control. If he is led to a magical environment where the heaven and earth vitality is scarce, maybe he can fight a few moves."

Lu Kun calmed down and continued to read.

"The Great Elder of Taixuanzong, Mo Hongcai, formed pills at the age of 100, entered the Nascent Soul stage at the age of two hundred, and entered the late Nascent Soul at the age of seven hundred..."

After spending a little time reading all the information on this jade slip, Lu Kun slowly exhaled a turbid breath. Combined with the scattered information in Peng Yuanhua's soul, he considered that he had a comprehensive understanding of Taixuanzong.

Even if Peng Yuanhua and several Nascent Soul stage elders were lost, the remaining strength of Taixuan Sect was beyond imagination. There were three great monks and thirty other Nascent Soul monks.

"I don't know what kind of magical powers the monks in the spirit transformation stage have in addition to their vitality. I must be cautious in this trip. If there is a chance..."

At this moment, Lu Kun's expression changed, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and a black jade talisman appeared, and divine consciousness penetrated into it.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, this pavilion has just received news that there is a surge of spiritual energy in the Chixia Mountains in Dayuan Prefecture, and it is suspected that there are top-quality spiritual stones in the world. Although this mountain is not within the sphere of influence of the Taixuan Sect, it will definitely send monks in the Yuan Ying period. , preferably within three days."

"The method of imitation spirit treasure refining that fellow Daoists are looking for can only be possessed by the seven major sects before the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Another message is attached. The spatial changes in the Shattered Kingdom tend to calm down, and the cultivators of the various sects may have returned."

"The news is delivered, we do not owe each other, if you have other confidential information, please continue to cooperate with this pavilion."

After listening to this sentence, the black jade talisman darkened again, Lu Kun frowned, and another jade slip appeared in his hand, which contained the regional map of Da Zhou.

"Our current location is Guiyuan River between Ningshui Prefecture and Huatian Prefecture, and Dayuan Prefecture to the north."

Dayuan is the largest state in Dazhou. It is located on the west bank of the Guiyuan River. It has a vast area, which is equivalent to the combined state of Qi and Chu.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this state is extremely pure. In addition to Taixuanzong, the fourth sect, there is also the Qingyunmen, which ranks second in Dazhou. There are dozens of other forces, large and small, all over the Guiyuan River. .

Lu Kun followed the map and quickly found Chixia Mountain, and his brows could not help but wrinkle.

"Chixia Mountain, so close to Taixuanzong's site..."

Chixia Mountain is just a medium-sized spiritual vein. Although it is not within the sphere of influence of the Taixuan Sect, it is only separated by a few small sects. Lu Kun followed the map and found the Dry Spirit Swamp, his face a bit ugly.

"The breakthrough method of pseudo-transfiguration integrates the vitality of heaven and earth in a large area. If the dry spirit swamp is the core, Chixia Mountain seems to be within the scope of its vitality."

"The top-quality spirit stone stores the vitality of heaven and earth. For the peak of Nascent Soul and the great monk in the middle stage, it can improve the probability of breakthrough. Taixuanzong will definitely not let go of such a treasure."

"Chixia Mountain is far away from Qingyunmen, and there is no opponent of the same level. Gu Deming should not take action for such trivial matters..."

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