The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1108 Undercurrent turbulence

The Blood Beast Gate is located in Yunlu State, northeast of Dazhou. It is the seventh-ranked martial art in Dazhou. Its strength ranks after the Holy Demon Sect. In addition to being proficient in many magic methods, it is especially good at cultivating monsters. .

On this day, in a cave in the depths of the Blood Beast Gate, a naked middle-aged man with strange runes engraved on his body was immersed in a square pool with a length and width.

It was filled with a thick black liquid, almost as high as the man's waist, and it kept infiltrating into his body.

As time passed, the man's body became more and more majestic, and purple-black scales appeared on the surface of his skin. There was even an iron whip-like tail behind him, and a sharp horn was faintly raised on his forehead.

The black liquid kept sinking, and a scrawny forest wood appeared in the pool, like a lion-like beast, it was crawling on the bottom of the pool, with its eyes closed, it seemed to have fallen asleep.

After the water in the pool was exhausted, the middle-aged man had turned into a half-animal half-human creature, with strong muscles, hard scales, and black sharp horns on his head, exuding the power of qi and blood.

He closed his eyes, as if he was comprehending something. After an unknown amount of time, a red light suddenly erupted from his body, and traces of black liquid were repelled from the gaps in the scales.

The scales on the body surface and the tail behind him gradually dissipated, and even its majestic body shrank, and the blood-red runes on the body surface were dull and disappeared on the skin.

The repelled liquid turned into a thick waterline, squeezed in through the nose and mouth of the scrawny male lion, and its body swelled up rapidly, similar to the man's previous appearance, with purple scales and black horns, but still the same. Sleepy.

After a while, the middle-aged man opened his eyes. He slowly floated up and landed outside the pool. He was the Great Elder of the Blood Beast Gate, Tu Lingzi.

Tu Lingzi recalled the scene of the fusion just now, and pondered: "No wonder the senior's handwriting records that the Blood Beast Heart Sutra must be cultivated to the late Nascent Soul before using this secret technique."

"If there is no strong magic protection, I am afraid that my body will be swallowed by that blood magic."

Tu Lingzi frowned as he looked at the sleeping monster: "Although this so-called qi and blood monster can be made quickly, no matter how much flesh and blood it feeds, even the flesh of a monster of level 8 or 9, it can't break through the threshold of level 8."

"Under the urging of this enchanting secret technique, I can only temporarily raise the legal body to the level of a seventh-level monster."

"Although the magical power has increased a lot, it is not a big threat to the strong cultivator. It just improves the physical defense."

"But if I can raise my physical body to the level of an eighth-level monster, it will be different."

Thinking of this, a light flashed in Tu Lingzi's hand, and a piece of animal skin appeared, with a hint of spiritual light flashing inside, and many words printed on it.

"In the records of the patriarch, there was a line of disciples in the One Yuan Sect who specialized in the method of refining the body, but this method is extremely imperfect."

"Some of those disciples have cultivated into monsters that are neither human nor demons, and some have turned into demonic bodies, lost their minds, and the strongest physical bodies are only at the peak level of dandan."

"As a disciple of the Yuan Sect's captive beasts, the patriarch of this sect also used this incomplete body refining technique to create this spiritual technique."

"If the cultivators in the Core Formation Stage or the Early Nascent Soul Stage can use it, the strength of this sect can be improved to a higher level."

"But if only great monks can use it, its value will be greatly reduced."

Tu Lingzi's eyes flashed, showing a puzzled look.

"Why didn't the patriarch pass down the body training method, because it was an inaccessible road, and he didn't want to distract future disciples?"

"I, Tu Lingzi, have amazing aptitude and are not weaker than the founder of the school. If there is a body training method of Yuanzong in my hand, I might be able to perfect the spiritual technique."

Thinking of this, Tu Lingzi looked at the animal skin in his hand.

"Yuanzong's training places for the body-refining line are in the Warcraft Garden and the Demon-Refining Cave. There may be body-refining exercises in these two places."

"But where are they? Except for the ancient battlefield, the other places in the Broken Country have been explored. Is it possible that they were involved in the cracks in space?"

At this moment, Tu Lingzi suddenly raised his brows, and moved a magic sword in his hand. A jade slip flew into the cave, and a red light bloomed in it. It was obviously some kind of urgent matter.

"Elder, the Shadow Pavilion has sold a piece of important news. Huang Chong and Xue Tianyou have both lost their souls, and at the same time, a dozen or so elders of the Nascent Soul period have perished, and the strength of the Holy Demon Sect has dropped dramatically!"

"how is this possible!"

Tu Lingzi lost his voice, but then he closed his mouth. There are several images attached to the back of the jade slip, which are the tokens of the two great monks of the Holy Demon Sect and the magic weapon of life, as well as the images that detect the traces of refining.

His expression changed for a while, and it took a while to calm down.

"The natal magic weapon and token cannot be faked, but just in case, let's try it out. If the strength of the Holy Demon Sect really drops, it is impossible to plan well. That magic dragon blade, but the magic cultivator can use. Heavenly Demon Treasure."

"If there is such a deterrence of treasures, my blood beast gate will also have the opportunity to give birth to a monk of the god transformation period!"

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, and with a single wave of Tu Lingzi, he collected the magical beasts in the pool, turned them into a ray of light, and flew out of the cave.


Guling Prefecture, west of Yunlu Prefecture, is the second Demon Territory in Dazhou. It houses the third-ranked sect and the first sect of the magic way, the Yuan Mozong.

On this day, in the Primordial Demon Sect's discussion hall, four immortal cultivators were sitting together, each exuding incomparably thick magic fluctuations, all of which were late Yuan Ying cultivation.

A horse-faced old man in the lead said: "Several junior brothers, you already know the news, I don't know what to think."

A middle-aged woman with a charming expression said excitedly: "This is an excellent opportunity. If there is a way to capture the Demon Dragon Blade, this sect will definitely gain momentum, and its comprehensive strength will probably surpass Qingyunmen."

"In this way, we can win a few more places in the ancient battlefield."

Another dark-skinned young man frowned and said slowly: "Senior Sister Li, if this sect fights across borders, the group of bald donkeys headed by Huatian Temple will definitely join in, and instead let the Holy Demon Sect get a breather. ."

"The magic dragon blade is not an ordinary heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure. It has not been used for more than a thousand years. It has accumulated a lot of chaotic magic power. If it breaks out completely, even the old master and his old man will not be willing to face it."

The middle-aged woman raised her brows and said, "What does Junior Brother Han mean, we have to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

The swarthy youth shook his head and said, "Of course not. Although we can't make it clear, we can secretly support other demon sects. The blood beast sect will not join forces with us, and other demon sects are different."

"There are also two great monks among these demons. If they have the help of imitation spirit treasures, their strength will be greatly improved. Even if these people get the magic dragon blade, they will not be able to keep it. It is better to divide the Holy Demon Sect with our support. Territory and resources.”

The horse-faced old man nodded lightly and said, "Junior Brother Han, it's up to you to deal with the Holy Demon Sect. I have already reported the matter to Uncle Master. If Uncle Master takes action in person, nothing will be lost."

The swarthy youth cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Senior Brother."

Then he hesitated and said: "If Uncle Shi and his old man take action, will the old monk Zhiyuan of Huatian Temple..."

The horse-faced old man waved his hand and said, "Uncle Shi will judge by himself, we don't need to worry about it."

Then he looked at the last black-haired old man who didn't speak, and threw a jade slip over and said, "Junior Brother Wang, I have spent more spirit stones in exchange for this image from the Shadow Pavilion."

The black-haired old man took the jade slip, swept away his consciousness, and saw the image of a thin, bald man and a haggard old woman.

"The news of the Holy Demon Sect is provided by these two people, and they also took out Huang Chong and Xue Tianyou's natal magic weapon. That old woman has a mid-Nuan Ying cultivation base and cultivates some kind of Yin-cold attribute exercise. That thin man, but A great monk."

"There are also traces of Huang Chong and Xue Tianyou in the jade slips within a hundred years. It is very strange that so many people have fallen from the Holy Demon Sect. You can investigate the reason."

"Yes, brother."

Hey, at the current level, at most three chapters a day on weekends, and I still owe one chapter...

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