The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1109 Chixia Mountain

Dayuan Prefecture, in the southeast, has a low and flat-topped mountain range that stretches for dozens of miles.

There is not much vegetation here, but the location is very strange. As long as it is located in the mountain, the red sunset can be seen in the evening. It is called Chixia Mountain by the nearby immortal practitioners.

Chixia Mountain's spiritual energy is not obvious, but it is a medium-sized spiritual vein, containing a spiritual stone ore vein, which is jointly occupied by two small sects.

A layer of pale white mist shrouded the mountain range, and the spiritual pressure inside was surging, which was a rather clever restriction.

On this day, at an altitude of ten miles outside Chixia Mountain, there were three looming figures flying in the air, and several spiritual thoughts at the Nascent Soul level were communicating with each other.

One of the women said: "Brother, are we taking too much risk this time, the top-quality spirit stone is obviously a must-have item for the Taixuan Sect, if there is a direct conflict with it..."

A gentle male voice interrupted: "Second sister, the eldest brother has a seventh-level earth armor dragon, and he is born with the ability to detect treasures. We are likely to find the top-quality spirit stone first, even if the amazing aura unearthed by it is discovered by Taixuanzong, the three of us will. Brother and sister join forces, Escape Speed ​​is even stronger than the big cultivator, and can escape safely."

The woman was a little worried: "But Taixuanzong has a spiritual monk in charge, maybe he has the means to detect the best spirit stone, if..."

A thick man's voice interrupted: "If Taixuanzong discovers the top-quality spirit stone first, we will immediately evacuate."

"This Taiyi Spirit Talisman can completely cover our breath. As long as we don't fight, the great cultivator is difficult to detect, which ensures our safety."

The gentle voice before said again: "Second sister, relax, we have taken advantage of Qingyunmen before, isn't it okay?"

"But unlike last time, this place is very close to Taixuanzong..."

The thick male voice sighed:

"Second sister, you may not know the magic of the top-quality spirit stone. In addition to the extremely pure spirit, it also contains a ray of the essence of heaven and earth. Only through this kind of spirit stone, the cultivator of the Yuan Ying stage can refine it. Transform into the vitality of heaven and earth."

"That is the high-level energy that can be absorbed by monks in the spiritual transformation stage. After refining, the monks in the Nascent Soul stage can not only improve their affinity for the vitality of heaven and earth, but also have a special nourishing effect on the body."

"Big brother, I have suffered a lot of trauma, and the dark disease of the body can only be recovered through the best spirit stone.\

,"He said with a bit of excitement in his tone: "Obtaining it, the chance of someone Yu becoming a great cultivator has increased by 30%."

The other two were refreshed: "We will definitely help Big Brother!"

The thick male voice paused for a while, and then said: "Today is the third day of the supernatural spirit stone vision, and its pure spiritual energy will gradually be exposed. We only need to fly two laps at a low altitude, and the earth armor dragon can detect it."

"Don't expose your spiritual sense at will. You observe the surroundings with your spiritual powers. I will activate the imaginary talisman and escape into this place to be banned."

"yes, Sir."

The invisible light of the three of them fell to the flat-topped mountain below, and the flight speed also slowed down.

However, the three did not find that in the high sky of Chixia Mountain, outside the fog restriction, there was an invisible burly figure looking in their direction.

Lu Kun came to the vicinity of Chixia Mountain half a day ago. He didn't sneak into the mountain. This spiritual vein is only more than 30 kilometers away. He can see it all with his golden eyes and supernatural powers without the need for spiritual exploration.

Since the last time he used the golden eyes to kill Huang Chong of the Holy Demon Sect, the magical power of these eyes has been improved.

Although the prohibition of the mountain range below is brilliant, it is still far from the level of the Great Forbidden Array. He can see clearly the mountain in the white mist and the immortal cultivator who is secretly looking for the spiritual stone.

"I didn't expect Jipin to attract so many high-level immortal cultivators. This is already the third wave, but I'm afraid that guy has found out about these situations."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Lu Kun looked at the only peak of Chixia Mountain, where the control of Chixia Mountain was banned. There were several figures standing inside, one of whom had a very strong mana aura, and was a late Nascent Soul cultivation base.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Kun's mouth. Since the Taixuan Sect dispatched a great monk, the purpose of his trip has been achieved.

"This man's mana is lower than Peng Yuanhua's, and it's easy to kill him by force, but this belongs to Gu Deming's God Transformation area, and changes in the vitality of heaven and earth may be sensed by him."

"It's better to wait for the top-quality spirit stones to appear. When these people fight with each other, look for opportunities to kill with one blow, and it's best not to arouse the vitality of heaven and earth..."

At this moment, a spiritual sense suddenly came from a soft rib of Lu Kun, his face became a little strange, and he looked towards the north.

"You said that you sensed the aura of a similar kind? It's fine if the Yuan Ying cultivator came over, but there are actually silver armored corpses and Taixuan Zong's tiger mouths grabbing food?"

"Hey, that guy seems to be wrapped in a layer of corpse armor..."


Dozens of miles away, a silver creature was scurrying in mid-air. It was covered in dark silver scales. Its face was a bit like an ape, with sharp fangs. There were no eyeballs in its eyes. With a faint golden light.

Behind this hideous-looking monster, there are also two silver wings of seven or eight feet long, exuding a dazzling silver light, but its body is covered with a layer of fuzzy light, like some kind of magic magic power, covering the figure. .

As he got closer to Chixia Mountain, the skin between the monster's eyes wrinkled, and his eagle-like claws scratched his head, seeming a little confused and puzzled.

After a while, he shook his head, and his body accelerated, as if he had turned into a breeze, and silently merged into the cloud restriction of Chixia Mountain.


On the peak of Chixia Mountain, stood an old man of immortal style. He was wearing a cyan robe, with a yellow gourd on his waist. He was holding a magic plate with a cyan arrow on it. Unclear direction.

This old man was the third elder of Taixuan Sect, Taoist Qingyang. There were five people standing behind him, two of them were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and three were in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Daoist Qingyang looked down at Chixia Mountain and said with a sneer: "I didn't expect that the birth of the top-quality spirit stone would attract so many old guys. There is this element-detecting disk refined by the uncle, and other treasure-hunting tricks are not at all. Worth mentioning."

He said indifferently: "Junior Brother Feng, have you arranged the Dharma plate for you before?"

A man in the middle Nascent Soul behind him nodded and said, "It has been arranged and can be activated at any time."

A hint of coldness flashed in the eyes of Taoist Qingyang: "When the top-quality spirit stone appears, activate the magic circle immediately, and wipe out all the cultivators of the Nascent Soul who enter here, so that the night is small."

"Yes, brother."

Daoist Qingyang looked at the two early Nascent Soul monks who were standing at the back, and said slowly, "Daoyou Song, Fairy Qin, how did you think about the old man's previous suggestions?"

The middle-aged man he looked at said with a wry smile: "Qingyu Guan is willing to leave the West Bund Alliance and join the Taixuan Sect."

Another good-looking young woman sighed softly: "Lingyuefang also agreed to be merged into Taixuanzong, and I hope fellow Qingyang Daoist can irradiate more in the future."

Daoist Qingyang stroked his beard and said, "This is a wise move for the two of you. After the official merger, the old man and the first elder will apply for two Qingyuan Pills. With this pill and the subtle secrets of this sect, the two have every chance. Entering the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Qingyang!"

When the two heard Qingyuandan, they showed a hint of surprise, and quickly thanked them.

Daoist Qingyang was quite satisfied with their response. Just as he was about to say something, a beep suddenly sounded from the dharma plate in his hand, and the shaking cyan arrow on it pointed to the southwest direction.

He looked happy and said, "The aura of the top-quality spirit stone has appeared!"

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