The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1111 Silver-winged Yaksha

Daoist Qingyang urged the escape light, and at the same time raised his right hand, a dark green iron ring was wrapped around his wrist, and a flash of light flashed on it.

The misty silk threads near the silver figure in the distance seemed to be instructed to gather inward, densely packed, trying to condense this strange figure into a cocoon.

The silver figure snorted coldly, and a thick gray whirlwind spewed out from its body. With the extremely cold fluctuations, the white silk thread seemed to hit a strong airflow and was blown away directly.

Daoist Qingyang finally saw the appearance of the silver figure at this time, with silver scales all over his body, and fleshy wings several feet long.

His face became extremely ugly: "Zhongmingshan Corpse King, silver-winged Yaksha!"

This monster, called Silver-winged Yaksha, ignored the Taoist Qingyang. It stretched out its eagle-like palm, and two crystal clear stones floated upwards.

"Don't think about it!"

Daoist Qingyang's magic trick flashed, and a dark blue aura spewed out from the mouth of Hunyuan's gourd, which sank into the iron ring on his wrist.

On the white silk thread that was blown away in the distance, a layer of light green halo suddenly appeared, and it directly turned into a light green sword energy.

The silver-winged Yaksha was startled, felt the breath above, with a dignified expression on his face, the fleshy wings behind him folded, wrapping his body, and a layer of gray whirlwind emerged from his body.

"Boom boom boom..."

As if the explosions of gun battles sounded one after another, these sword qi attached to the vitality of heaven and earth bombarded the scales outside the fleshy wings like a storm.

The extremely cold corpse qi collided with these dense sword qi, and invisible qi waves surged in all directions, and the two crystal stones gushing out of the ground gap were blasted out by these ferocious qi waves.

At this time, Taoist Qingyang came to a distance of several dozen feet. It was a coincidence that these two top-quality spirit stones flew towards their positions. He was stunned for a moment, then showed a happy expression, and threw his sleeves away, throwing these two treasures away closed.


An angry roar came out, the meat wings of the silver-winged Yaksha suddenly opened, and dozens of gray wind blades flew out, smashing the remaining sword qi around.

Then the monster turned into a breeze and disappeared in place.

Daoist Qingyang's face changed, the bracelet on his wrist trembled slightly, and the white silk threads around him gathered and woven into a white network to protect his body.

Then he threw the dark green iron ring in his hand and landed on the mouth of the Hunyuan gourd, the mana in the body surged, and the whole gourd was filled with dark blue aura.

As soon as he finished all this, a silver figure appeared not far behind, and dozens of extremely cold gray wind blades shot out.

Daoist Qingyang seemed to have expected it long ago. As soon as he turned his magic, a large number of white silk threads nearby instantly turned into cyan sword energy and faced the enemy.

The cyan sword energy at this time seems to be much stronger than the previous one, condensing more heaven and earth vitality, and the gray wind blade is not an opponent at all.

The silver-winged Yaksha snorted coldly, a golden luster bloomed in his eyes, the surrounding scene became blurred, the gray wind blade that was retreating seemed to have never appeared before, and the cyan sword qi lost its opponent and stayed in the same place hesitantly.

Daoist Qingyang narrowed his eyes, and the power of divine consciousness poured into the Hunyuan gourd, and an endless force of will that nourished all things spread out in all directions. Those vague illusions seemed to have encountered natural enemies, like a mirror. broken.

More mist threads gathered inwards, and within its close range, there was a circle of sword energy with a cyan halo.

After arranging these measures, Daoist Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If it weren't for the help of the Primordial Gourd and the Space Breaking Formation, he would not dare to easily fight against such terrifying monsters.

This silver-winged Yaksha is one of the corpse kings of Mingshan Mountain in the Great Zhou Dynasty, a mutated tenth-level silver armored corpse.

Its fleshly body was transformed from the corpse of a wind spirit cultivator, and it was born with the ability to display various wind attribute magical powers.

The erratic wind escape technique, the unpredictable illusion technique, this silver-winged Yaksha is fierce and powerful in Da Zhou, killing many monks in the Nascent Soul period, and even the big monks died at his hands.

Daoist Qingyang took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Silver-winged Yaksha, this old man advises you to leave quickly, even if it is Zhongmingshan, if you offend this sect, there will be no good results!"

The figure of the silver-winged Yaksha appeared ten feet away, and a low and hoarse voice came out of his mouth:

"What's wrong with Gu Deming coming to Zhongming Mountain? Our Corpse Kings also want to know how much power a monk in the Spirit Transformation stage can exert in an environment without the vitality of heaven and earth."

It looked at nearly a hundred cyan swords in front of it, and said lightly:

"Old Daoist Qingyang, you rely on Lingbao and this strange magic formation. This king can't help you, but the other Nascent Soul monks in Taixuanzong don't have the ability to do so, so if you know each other, you will hand over the top-quality spirit stones. The king slaughtered all these people."

Taoist Qingyang's expression changed slightly, just as he was about to say something, a miserable cry suddenly came from the same place.

Daoist Qingyang and Yin-winged Yaksha looked stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but forget the past.

I saw that in a distant battlefield, at some point in time, a monster with silver scales and bone spurs appeared in its joints, exuding a thick cold force and corpse energy, and the sharp claws were coming from Tai. A Yuanying monk of Xuanzong took it out from the back of his head.

The Nascent Soul in this body seems to want to fly out, but it seems to be hindered by an invisible force, making a desperate cry.

"Senior brother, save me..."

Afterwards, the Nascent Soul was caught by the monster's other sharp claws, and the gray cold power wrapped it and threw it into the mouth full of fangs.

This silver monster was imposing, and rushed towards another monk in the middle of the Nascent Soul. Strangely, when the surrounding white silk thread was about to hinder it, it automatically collapsed, as if an invisible force was destroying it.

The two scattered cultivators who had been besieged before saw this scene and were overjoyed.


"Ninth-level silver armor corpse!"

Silver-winged Yaksha was stunned for a moment. No wonder he felt a rather cordial atmosphere after he came to Chixia Mountain. It turned out that there was a ninth-level silver armor corpse hidden here. Is the head wild.

The Taoist Qingyang on the side saw this scene, and said angrily: "Zhongmingshan came prepared! Silver-winged Yaksha, is it true that the old man can't help you?"

As he spoke, he bit the tip of his tongue and stimulated a mass of blood essence, a large amount of Nascent Soul power surged out, the Primordial Gourd was radiant, and the spirit-transforming thought nourished by all things condensed a small sword and shot out.

Silver-winged Yaksha's face changed, this sword of thought hit his body almost instantly, a lot of bloodshots appeared in his empty eyes, and a bloodthirsty thought emerged from his body to compete with it. .

Daoist Qingyang continued to cast the spell, and the light blue sword energy around was mixed with the vitality of heaven and earth, all pouring into the mixed gourd.

Immediately afterwards, a cyan short sword engraved with mysterious runes flew out from the mouth of the gourd, and layers of light cyan halos poured out from the surrounding aura, converging towards it.

The thick halo of vitality of heaven and earth, like a dazzling tail flame, made the power of the vitality sword more than three points, and that amazing pressure made all the cultivators in Chixia Mountain feel heartbroken.

Silver-winged Yaksha's scales stood up all over his body, and he smelled the breath of death. He said it loudly, but if he was really hit by the sword energy stimulated by this divine essence, he would be severely injured if he didn't die.

With a ferocious look on his face, he forcibly resisted this group of spirit-transforming thoughts with a hint of bloodthirsty in the corpse pill.

Who knew that this incomparably condensed sword energy seemed to sense something, the speed increased sharply, and it actually turned a corner and bombarded a blank place.


The incomparably terrifying power of heaven and earth energy rose into the sky, and a cyan halo like the sun shrouded the staggering figure of the silver-winged Yaksha, and there were countless roars of sword energy, and layers of spiritual pressure surged in all directions. .

Daoist Qingyang kept moving, Fa Jue kept breaking into the Primordial Gourd, the cyan calabash trembled slightly, and shot out two cyan sword qi.

Although they did not turn into daggers, the power they contained was still terrifying, and with a strong halo of heaven and earth vitality, they continued to blast towards the silver-winged Yaksha.

Daoist Qingyang's face was pale, and he used several supernatural powers of the Primordial Gourd at once. Although he was deeply cultivated, he also felt weak for a while, but it was completely worth it to be able to kill this famous silver-winged Yaksha.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a terrifying squeezing force emerge from the surrounding air, and the remaining white silk threads around his body were instantly squeezed into nothingness, and even his body-protecting aura flashed frantically.

Behind Daoist Qingyang, at some point, a burly figure wrapped in a silver streamer appeared.

"Someone ambushing..."

Before he could react, the burly figure waved his right hand to grab it, with several silver conical vortices on it, blasting towards his head at an astonishing speed.

"No!" Daoist Qingyang showed a look of horror. He had just exploded his mana, and in such a short period of time, it was too late to do anything.


The claws exuding terrifying penetrating power directly shattered his protective aura, and the terrified head of Taoist Qingyang shattered like a watermelon...

This chapter was from yesterday, and there is another chapter to read tomorrow morning...

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