The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1112 Misfortunes lead to the east

A green aura flickered wildly in the broken body. Daoist Qingyang wanted to use the teleportation technique, but for some reason, under the invisible squeezing force around him, he couldn't move it at all.

The face of the Nascent Soul villain was full of fear. Before he could make any extra moves, a layer of gray powder shrouded in it, exuding an icy aura that cut off spiritual power.

Daoist Qingyang felt that Yuan Ying's mana was stagnant, and then fell into darkness.

The silver burly figure who killed him was Lu Kun. He sneaked in when the Chixia Mountain magic formation changed, but he never showed up.

After seeing the silver-winged Yaksha, he made up his mind to fish in troubled waters. The two top-quality spirit stones fell into the hands of Taoist Qingyang under the influence of him. Shi Yin'er was also released when he was stuck. The purpose is to let this The two guys had a big fight.

Lu Kun put away Daoist Qingyang's storage bracelet, looked at the Primordial Gourd in his hand, and was amazed.

"This person has the help of such treasures and magic circles, and it is indeed difficult to kill them head-on."

He hesitated, and instead of putting away the blue gourd, he hung it on his waist, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

It took only a few breaths from his appearance to the time of killing and stealing treasures, and it was not until the aura of Taoist Qingyang disappeared that the Taixuanzong cultivator in the distance reacted.

"Senior Brother Qingyang!"

"Zhongmingshan dispatched two corpse kings?"

"No, there is no corpse gas, what kind of monster is this!"

"Run away!"


Then there was the sound of fierce fighting in Chixia Mountain.

Lu Kun's current combat power is equivalent to that of a top cultivator, and his speed and defense are even more amazing. With Shi Yin'er's help, even if these Nascent Soul cultivators scattered and fled, none of them escaped alive.

After half an hour, Lu Kun reappeared in Chixia Mountain, and he came to the position of the silver-winged Yaksha.

At this time, the corpse king of Zhongming Mountain was lying on the ground, the body armor was shattered, revealing the body of a zombie covered with green hair, and the fleshy wings showed black bones, exuding a rotten corpse aura. .

Lu Kun sensed it carefully and found that not only did it have a free breath, but even its spirit was so weak that it fainted.

"As expected of the corpse king of Zhongming Mountain, he has a bit of strength. First, he was hit by the will of the gods, and then he was directly subjected to the sword of vitality at the level of the gods, but he didn't die."

Shi Yin'er has returned to her normal body, and she fell to the side, looking at this miserable kind with curiosity.

Lu Kun glanced at the next two silver armored corpses, shook his head and said regretfully: "Although this wild silver armored corpse has special supernatural powers and has a tenth-level realm, its physical body is terrible."

"The defense is not weak, but due to the limited blood essence, there is no recovery ability. Such physical trauma, I am afraid that it will take a lot of cold energy and the blood of the cultivator, and then spend time training to restore it as before."

As he spoke, he waved one hand and wrapped it in powder of broken dragon stone. These extraordinary materials even penetrated into the broken flesh and blood, wrapping it into a gray stone pupa.

"You have leaked some corpse gas."

Shi Yin'er sighed softly: "Yin'er let go of her breath specially, if you are a cultivator with a high level of cultivation, you should be able to detect it."

Lu Kun nodded with satisfaction. With a wave of his hand, he put away the gray human chrysalis on the ground and said, "Take care of him in the spirit beast space, and let me know if there is any sign of awakening."

Shi Yin'er nodded, and turned into a flash of light, which disappeared into one of Lu Kun's soft ribs.

Then Lu Kun's spiritual consciousness in the late Nascent Soul surged out and scanned the entire Chixia Mountain. There was nothing unusual, so he restrained his breath, turned into a silver streamer, and flew away into the distance.

He checked a jade slip in the rib storage space while identifying the direction to fly.

In the entire battle of Chixia Mountain, only when Shi Yin'er made a move, two loose cultivators escaped, and the others were all dead.

These two were also deliberately let go by Lu Kun. In their memory, Daoist Qingyang of Chixia Mountain and Yin-winged Yaksha fought each other, and a new silver-armored corpse appeared, so it is natural to compete with Taixuanzong for the power of the best spirit stone. It is Zhongming Mountain.

When Lu Kun eavesdropped on Zhongmingshan, he planned to throw this disaster on this force.

Zhongming Mountain is located in the center of Dazhou. It is next to Guiyuan River to the west, Gulingzhou where Yuan Mozong is located to the north, and Huatian Prefecture where Huatian Temple is located to the south.

Except for some space cracks, it is the pure and cold power. It is said that it was one of the intrusion points of the worms in the ancient times. Now the worms have disappeared, and Zhongmingshan has become a place for zombies to practice.

The five corpse kings inside are all in the realm of tenth-level silver armored corpses. They are powerful, and there is no spiritual energy in Zhongming Mountain. Immortal cultivators are not interested, and they have been peaceful for many years.

Lu Kun looked at the Hunyuan Gourd at his waist and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I didn't expect that the magical powers of the monks in the transformation period were so terrifying. Just the separated real essence and the vitality of the heavens and the earth in the realm of the gods can make the imitation Lingbao exert the power of the Tongtian Lingbao."

Lu Kun recalled the words said by Taoist Qingyang before, and the terrifying sword of vitality, his expression was quite dignified.

This level of attack, if he doesn't weaken the law and other magical powers, and if he resists with his physical body, although he can resist it, it will cost a lot of blood essence to repair the loss.

A great cultivator can make such an attack with the help of the Spirit Transformation True Essence and the imitation Spirit Treasure. If it is Gu Deming himself, I am afraid that the magical powers that he uses at will can achieve such power, not to mention that in the opponent's hands, there is still a A true treasure of heaven.

If he and Gu Deming fought in Dayuan Prefecture, he would definitely be looking for a dead end.

Thinking of this, his divine sense went to the jade slip again.

"Zhongming Mountain stretches for thousands of miles, full of cold power, and there is no vitality of heaven and earth. If Gu Deming really goes to the Zhongming Mountain Corpse King, I can spy on the combat effectiveness of these pseudo-god cultivators in other environments. "

Lu Kun became more cautious after seeing Hunyuan Gourd's vitality sword supernatural power.

The injury to his internal organs has not yet healed. Although he has the magical tool of the Purple Gold Demon Sword in his hand, he cannot exert its proper power in an environment without demonic energy.

With his current amount of blood essence and physical defense, an attack like the Primordial Qi Sword, as long as he hits him six to seven times in the front, the blood essence in his body will be depleted by repairing the flesh and blood.

The physical defense of body repair in the bone transformation stage is limited. The source power needs to consume magic energy, and the damage to the body needs to be repaired with blood essence. If the blood essence and magic energy are completely consumed, then you are in danger.

Lu Kun is currently in the middle stage of bone transformation, and his muscles have strong defenses. Only an attack of a cultivator or above can cause some damage.

The higher the enemy's attack power, the greater the loss of muscles, which needs to be compensated by blood conversion. The increase in defense power means that more blood will be repaired after damage.

Not to mention Tongtian Lingbao's energy-transforming supernatural powers, even if it is an attack of imitation Lingbao, Lu Kun will consume a lot of blood if he takes it hard.

And the bones in the flesh, although they are blessed by the silver dragon meteorite iron, have better defense, but after all, they are the magic weapon of human bones, and it is better to withstand one or two high-level attacks on the front.

But if the attack exceeds the limit, which will lead to a great loss of spirituality, the inner spiritual circle and the solid circle will be damaged, and I am afraid that the display of the physical source will have an impact.

The Body Refinement Pavilion is developing faster and faster, and sooner or later, he will face the cultivator of God Transformation, and he also has to find the way of physical cultivation and transformation.

It is the best opportunity to lead Gu Deming to Zhongming Mountain.

"The fall of a great cultivator and five Nascent Soul elders is still near Taixuanzong, and with the appearance of the silver-winged Yaksha, this old guy is likely to investigate it himself."

"He should be able to perceive the aura of the Primordial Gourd, and use this thing to guide his tracking."

"From here to Zhongming Mountain, the fastest route is to fly to the central part of Dayuan Prefecture, and then cross the Guiyuan River. I don't know the speed of the monks in the spiritual transformation stage. Just in case, we have to speed up."

Thinking of this, many bone treasures in his body flashed one after another treasure light, and at the same time, the power of qi and blood rolled, suppressing the treasure energy of the bone treasure, making a harsh sonic boom, rushing away into the distance...

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