The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1114 Zhongming Mountain

Somewhere in the sky in Dayuan Prefecture, Lu Kun was galloping fast, guessing in his heart that Taixuanzong should start to act.

Not long ago, after searching the soul of Daoist Qingyang's Nascent Soul, he stuffed it into Silver-winged Yaksha's belly. With the digestion of Nascent Soul, his spirit gradually dissipated, and the great monk of Taixuan Sect died completely.

The silver-winged Yaksha in the rib cannot be nourished by the power of cold and cold, and the injury is getting worse. Lu Kun wants to hide in the dark, and naturally he will not use his blood to help him heal. In order to better blame China Mingshan simply took advantage of Qingyang Daoist's Nascent Soul.

The corpse pill of the tenth-level silver-armored corpse can easily absorb the power of the primordial cultivator, convert it into the essence of energy, and repair the injury. Soul wounds are not so easy to recover.

Guaranteed the life of the silver-winged Yaksha, Lu Kun locked a jade slip in the storage bracelet and checked it carefully.

Dayuan Prefecture is extremely vast, and it is still a long strip. With its speed, it takes a whole day to fly to the middle area. During this time, he was distracted and checked the spoils.

The storage bracelets of several Nascent Soul cultivators, as well as a great cultivator, for other immortal cultivators, this is simply a windfall, but from Lu Kun's point of view, the magic weapons and medicinal pills inside are of little use. On the contrary, the jade slips that recorded the anecdotes of the secret technique helped him more.

The jade slip he is looking at now comes from a loose cultivator killed by Taoist Qingyang.

After a while, Lu Kun was a little surprised: "It's no wonder that those few loose cultivators took the risk to snatch the top-quality spirit stones. It turned out that the vitality of heaven and earth contained in them can be refined and absorbed by the cultivators of the Nascent Soul."

"Normally speaking, only the monks in the spiritual transformation stage can absorb the vitality of the refining world."

The description of the top-quality spirit stone's vitality in the jade slip, coupled with a small amount of information from the soul search of Qingyang Taoist Yuan Ying, gave Lu Kun a deeper understanding of the monks in the spiritual transformation period.

Immortal practitioners at the peak of the late Nascent Soul comprehend or integrate the power of will to make it compatible with the primordial soul and form the power of the primordial spirit. This is a sublimation of the power of the primordial soul.

After attaining the Primordial Spirit, the cultivator of the Spirit Transformation stage can truly control the vitality of the heavens and the earth. In addition to raising his hands to trigger the vitality to attack the divine power, he can also introduce it into the body to refine and transform his mana into the unique real essence of the Spirit Transformation period.

True Yuan is a higher level of energy than mana, just like the power of Yuan Ying is used to deal with the Core Formation Stage, it has a crushing advantage over low-level energy.

In the spiritual transformation stage, cultivators need to refine the energy of heaven and earth in addition to absorbing the pure spiritual energy to cultivate and restore the true essence.

However, in today's Immortal Cultivation World, top-quality spirit stones are rare, and they are rarely used even in the Spirit Transformation Stage.

In this jade slip, it is stated that when a monk in the spiritual transformation stage breaks through, his body will be baptized by the vitality of heaven and earth, and both the strength and the meridians will be improved.

If a cultivator in the Yuan Ying stage absorbs vitality through the top-quality spirit stones, although he does not have the power of the primordial spirit, he cannot form true essence, but these vitality can nourish the body and slightly purify the physical body.

In addition to treating the dark wounds of the physical body, it can also strengthen the affinity with the vitality of the heavens and the earth. The monks at the peak of the middle Nascent Soul, with the help of the best spirit stones, will have a much higher chance of breaking through.

This loose cultivator has suffered a lot of dark wounds in his body because of the years of fighting, and his cultivation base is stuck at the peak of the middle Nascent Soul. He is extremely eager for the top-quality spirit stones. Nascent Soul Stage can resist.

After reading this jade slip, Lu Kun showed a thoughtful look.

"The vitality of heaven and earth has nourishing effect on the body. I haven't tried it yet. Now that the internal organs are in the recovery period after healing, I can try to absorb the top-quality spirit stones and see if it works."

In the hands of the tenth-level tortoise monster, Lu Kun had obtained a top-quality spirit stone. Although he could see the existence of heaven and earth in it, he did not try anything. Now that he has obtained two more pieces, he can test it out.

"Let's go to Zhongming Mountain first."

Lu Kun put away his thoughts and checked the other jade slips while flying.


Zhongming Mountain is adjacent to the Guiyuan River. It is a low hill that stretches for tens of thousands of miles. There is no green, and there are gray-black soil and gravel everywhere. The highest hill is less than fifty feet.

In this tens of thousands of miles high in the sky, there are many small cracks in space, and a gray-black gloomy wind blows from time to time. The power of space inside is very small, and it contains a lot of gloomy and cold power, hovering over Zhongming Mountain. This makes it in a dark tones all year round.

With the passage of time, these cold winds will gradually gather and become strong to a certain extent, and then rain of cold and cold will fall, replenishing the power of cold and cold to this world.

The location of Zhongming Mountain near Guiyuan River is quite quiet, except for the sound of Jiang Tao's waves, only the roar of some dead creatures, which looks gloomy.

On this day, by the Guiyuan River, a pale silver figure suddenly rushed out, with unparalleled speed, rushing into the depths of Zhongming Mountain.

This figure is covered with broken silver scales, revealing the green hair of zombies, and the pair of fleshy wings on its back is even more bloody. Although it is seriously injured, it seems to be flying consciously.

A layer of pale silver light shrouded its body, and wherever it passed, the power of gloom and cold was stirred into gray vortexes by an invisible force, and many dead creatures were startled by this huge movement.

When they felt the familiar silver-winged Yaksha breath inside, they all showed fear, and only a few creatures with high cultivation realm noticed something unusual.

With its rapid flight, the seriously injured silver-winged Yaksha landed in the core area with the most intense cold air, as if unable to hold back its strength, and planted its head on the gray ground.

After just a moment, accompanied by an icy aura, a slender zombie wrapped in silver scales appeared beside Silver-winged Yaksha.

The size of this zombie is slightly smaller than that of the silver-winged Yaksha. There are no fleshy wings on the back, but a row of sharp bone spurs. These bone spurs are ice crystal color and exude an amazing cold air.

The icy mist flowed out from the bone spurs and filled its silver scales, as if a layer of ice crystals formed. This zombie is one of the corpse kings of Zhongming Mountain, the Ice Bone Yaksha.

Almost at the same time, a dark yellow light gushed out from the ground next to it, and a huge zombie emerged, with blue-faced fangs, and a layer of scales covered with rust on its body. King, Wutu Yaksha.

"How could Gin Wing be so badly injured that even the soul fell into a deep sleep..." Etu Yaksha saw Gin Wing Yaksha's body, and his rude voice was full of surprise.

Next to the Yaksha Yaksha, the silver claws stretched out and pressed it on the back of Yaksha Silverwing, and a clear female voice came out from the mouth full of fangs: "Silver Wing is digesting a great monk's Nascent Soul inside, if not With this energy nourished, his physical body may have collapsed long ago."

Then her eyes turned to her wrist, where there were two storage bracelets. Before she could do anything, a dark yellow light flashed and the bracelets floated out.

Ice Bone Yaksha's eyes froze: "Wu Tu, what do you mean!"

Wutu Yasha held the bracelet and said indifferently: "What's the hurry, we corpse kings never compete with each other, can't this king take a look first?"

While speaking, his divine sense penetrated into it, and then the scales on his face twitched and were thrown out.

Ice Bone Yaksha was still a little angry, but after examining the bracelet, shock flashed in his eyes.

"Qingyang Daoist, the third elder of Taixuanzong! The Nascent Soul in Yin Wing's body could not be Qingyang Daoist."

Wutu Yasha said in a deep tone: "Taixuanzong now has monks in the spiritual transformation stage, which is not the same. Let's first gather a few corpse kings to help Silver Wing heal his wounds, and when he wakes up, we will ask the reason."

"it is good."

Then Wutu Yasha held the silver-winged Yasha on his shoulders, and the two corpse kings turned into two auras and flew to the depths of Zhongming Mountain...

Two more tomorrows, it's almost over...

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