The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1115 The effect of the best spirit stone

After the two corpse kings left with the silver-winged Yaksha, Lu Kun, who was hiding in the distance, showed some satisfaction. The two storage bracelets were deliberately placed by him.

There are a lot of treasures in it. In addition to the Taoist Qingyang's sect token, the Hunyuan Gourd is also in it. He also reluctantly put two top-quality spirit stones.

"Just find a place to wait later."

Lu Kun thought for a while, then moved his body, walked nimbly in the void with his physical source, and flew to the north of Zhongming Mountain, which was close to the magical area of ​​Gulingzhou. Pass in this direction.

After flying a hundred miles away, he slowed down. It was beyond the sensing range of the corpse king's territory, and at this distance, he could detect even the battle fluctuations of the great monk level, not to mention Gu Deming and several others. The battle of the corpse king.

After carefully exploring the surrounding dead creatures, Lu Kun found a small hill with a faint cold atmosphere and no creatures in a remote corner.

He dug out a cave several feet in size, sealed the entrance, and at the same time used a large amount of broken dragon stone powder against the wall of the inner cave to isolate the breath.

For the bone transformation stage body repair, the broken dragon stone has become the most used material, the ban on the power of the five elements, and the technique of confinement, all use this material to isolate the spiritual power.

The current Treasure Pavilion began to acquire Broken Dragon Stones in Chu and Qi countries, and the ones he brought out from the one-yuan secret realm were no longer enough.

After arranging everything, Lu Kun asked Shi Yin'er to come out to be alert, a flash of light flashed in his hand, a crystal clear stone appeared, and he lowered his head and pondered.

Among the top-quality spirit stones he threw into the silver-winged Yaksha bracelet, one of them was obtained from the tenth-level tortoise monster many years ago. The spirit stone contained only half of the vitality of heaven and earth. Now the one in his hand is full of vitality. .

"According to the method described in the jade slip, the cultivator of the Nascent Soul absorbs the top-quality spirit stones, just like ordinary spirit stones, but when the vitality inside enters the body, it must be refined with the power of Nascent Soul to transform into a special kind of spiritual stone. The power of vitality, nourishes the whole body."

"Bone Transformation Stage Body Cultivation and Nascent Soul Stage Cultivator are different... Suck it into the body first and then look at it."

Then Lu Kun held the top-quality spiritual stone in one hand and began to absorb it. The wisps of spiritual energy containing vitality entered the muscles from his hand. After hesitating for a while, he converted it into mana.

At this moment, a burst of destructive energy suddenly swayed in the body, and the muscles of the arm holding the spirit stone suddenly swelled in a circle, and bloodshots emerged.

"Can't the formed vitality and mana coexist with magic energy?"

Lu Kun's face changed slightly, and the moment the spiritual energy was converted into mana, the magic energy rolled violently, repelling the mana containing vitality.

So his arm trembled slightly, and the converted vitality mana was sent into the blood.

In the middle stage of bone transformation, the bones and muscles are full of magic energy. According to Lu Kun's speculation, in the later stage of bone transformation, magic energy can be stored in the blood.

Today's blood is still very pure, and the vitality and mana are successfully preserved in it.

"There is magic power in magic energy, which conflicts with the vitality of heaven and earth. Unless the magic energy is exhausted, this kind of vitality mana cannot enter the muscles and bones."

"Now in the Zhongming Mountain, you may fight at any time, and you can't disperse the magic energy, then try the internal organs."

Lu Kun didn't have any hope for other parts of the vitality quenching. The focus was on the internal organs. This body part, because of the shock wave of consciousness generated during the previous healing, became exhausted and weak, and needed repair and nourishment the most.

When he thought about it, the blood wrapped a part of the vitality and mana, and entered the internal organs through the capillaries.

The inner organs were tempered at the earliest stage of physical cultivation, the cultivation stage of the Vajra Art. At that time, the simplest aura was used for tempering and preliminary strengthening. When the inner organs were tempered, they were nurtured through mana.

In the Gubao period, the internal organs are improved through the gradual increase of blood, which is subtly nourished, and the improvement is very small.

At the stage of bone metamorphosis, the entire body becomes a unified whole. On the one hand, the strength of skeletal cells gradually spreads throughout the body, strengthening various parts, and the speed is very slow. On the other hand, it is through the cultivation of life force to strengthen the internal organs.

At this time, Lu Kun used the mana cultivation method during the forging period, but after several rounds of vitality and mana, the weakened and depleted internal organs did not react at all. Even if he changed several routes, the result was the same.

"The vitality inside can't be in close contact with the internal organs. Is it because this mana is only at the peak level of Foundation Establishment, or is it because the vitality has not been refined?"

While Lu Kun continued to run this blood vitality mana, he fell into contemplation.

"The cultivator of the Nascent Soul is refined through the power of the Nascent Soul, but I don't have this kind of energy, the magic energy I possess is incompatible with it, and the source power of my body is an apparent supernatural power."

"Or... the power of life?"

"Before the breath of the sacred worms, there was no way to enter the depths of the internal organs, isn't it the same as the current vitality mana?"

Thinking of this, he mobilized the life force in the body, entered the internal organs through the spine, concentrated blood essence, wrapped the vitality mana, and entered the internal organs and blood vessels.

With the operation of the life force, the blood essence was gradually absorbed by the life force, but the vitality mana inside did not respond.

"By the way, life force cannot absorb mana."

Lu Kun raised his brows and used the method of blood condensing to disperse the converted mana into pure aura, only wrapping the vitality inside.

As soon as all this was done, these vital energy and blood were sucked into the internal organs, and they were absorbed and refined by the force of life.

Lu Kun showed a hint of joy, urging this life force containing vitality to circulate. With each circle, a strange energy radiated from the life force and spread to all parts of the internal organs.

He was pleasantly surprised when he sensed the slight changes in his internal organs.

"That jade slip is right. No, it should be underestimated. The nourishment of vitality to the internal organs is beyond imagination. With just a little vitality, the weak internal organs have recovered a lot."

"It may be that my internal organs are strong and can fully absorb the effect of Yuan Qi, or it may be because the body is refined with the power of life rather than the power of Yuan Ying."

"Hey, the vitality is exhausted..."

With the slight recovery of the internal organs, the force of life returned to its previous state, and the vitality in the essence and blood disappeared.

Lu Kun continued to absorb the top-quality spirit stones without converting mana, and directly introduced a pure spirit with vitality into his blood. In addition to circulating like before, he also tried the cultivation method of life force.

After a few rounds, he found that from the perspective of cultivation, after the power of life absorbed vitality, it did not increase, and its improvement was still through the consumption of blood essence.

This shows that the vitality is the same as the previous aura of the sacred objects of the Ming family, which is equivalent to an additional attribute.

The attributes of the aura of the holy relic will cause great conflict with other powers of will, and they can be destroyed and dissolved. The vitality in the top-quality spirit stone, when combined with the power of life, has the effect of nourishing and repairing the internal organs.

"If there are enough top-quality spirit stones, the internal organs in the body that have been depleted due to the shock wave of consciousness can not be recovered quickly, the consumption of blood essence and blood in the process is greatly reduced, and the healing time is shortened?"

Thinking of this, Lu Kun couldn't help showing a bit of pain in his flesh. He knew that he would only put a top-quality spirit stone in the silver-winged Yaksha.

"Look at the next development, if there is a chance, find a way to grab it from several corpse kings."

After calming down, he continued to absorb the top-quality spirit stones, using the vitality inside to repair the wounds of his internal organs.

Chapter 2 Tomorrow to make up... The pain in the shoulders and neck is sore, go to the big sword...

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