The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1122 Exchange

Zhalei Yasha also felt incredible in his heart. He has the longest consciousness among the corpse kings. He has a lot of knowledge.

However, he had a faint feeling that although the body of the person in front of him was terrifying, it had not yet reached the level of divine transformation, but even so, he could suppress the corpse kings of them.

He was silent for a while, then suppressed the shock in his heart and said, "It turned out to be Pavilion Master Lu. I waited for the corpse king to live in the Middle Ming Mountain for a long time, but I didn't know that this world of cultivating the immortals, there was a line of cultivation and cultivation of immortals."

"Let's not talk about the rest, this king wants to ask Pavilion Master Xia Lu, who secretly spied on me and the people who fought with Gu Deming, is that Your Excellency?"

Lu Kun smiled slightly, but before he answered, the silver-winged Yaksha in the distance suddenly pointed at Shi Yin'er behind him, and said in a trance: "You are that silver-armored corpse, why does the body of the silver-armored corpse look like this!"

From the beginning of the battle, part of Silver-winged Yaksha's attention was placed on Shi Yin'er, and now he finally remembered why the other party's breath was so familiar, the ninth-level silver armored corpse he encountered in Chixia Mountain.

"What! Is this a silver armor corpse?"

"It seems that there is an aura of yin and cold power in the body, but this is impossible. How can the body of the silver armored corpse be so active?"

These corpse kings, and even Zhalei Yaksha, were attracted by Shi Yin'er. They forgot the question to ask Lu Kun before, especially Zhalei Yaksha, whose eyes were full of incomparable surprise, and couldn't help feeling carefully. stand up.

Shi Yin'er looked at the five zombies with some disgust, the corpse energy poured into the face, a silver fang grew, and an unpleasant roar was emitted.


Perceiving the strong corpse aura, several corpse kings took a deep breath. This seemingly delicate human woman turned out to be a silver armored corpse.

Why is her body exactly the same as the human race? Why is her control of the corpse aura so subtle that she can hide the aura of the silver-armored corpse so deeply that none of the corpse kings can tell them apart?

How did she cultivate, and are the dantian meridians in her body the same as those of the human race?

A series of questions popped up in the minds of these corpse kings. If Lu Kun hadn't stood by, they would have rushed over directly.

A look of surprise flashed in Lu Kun's eyes and said, "I didn't expect Silver-winged Yaksha to be so sensitive. That's right, Yin'er and Lu were in Chixia Mountain at the time."

Zhalei Yasha suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and said solemnly: "So, pavilion Lu, the death of Elder Taixuanzong, put the blame on Zhongming Mountain."

Lu Kun said with a light smile: "If Lu hadn't captured Qingyang Daoist's Nascent Soul alive and stuffed it into Silver-winged Yaksha's body, I'm afraid there would be only four corpse kings left in Zhongming Mountain. You should thank Lu Moucai. right."

Zhalei Yasha snorted coldly: "The storage bracelet of Taoist Qingyang, and the Hunyuan gourd inside, is it possible that it was also a gift from Pavilion Master Lu?"

Lu Kun said calmly: "That's right, Lu wants to use imitation Lingbao as a reward, borrow your hands to test Gu Deming's strength, and besides, if Lu hadn't been hiding on the side, how could that old guy let it go so easily? past you."

Zhalei Yasha said in silence: "We were forced to fight with Gu Deming, and the loss was huge. Although the imitation Lingbao and the top-quality Lingshi were both returned to Gu Deming, Nian Zai Luge Master saved Silver Wing's life, and the two sides were considered a write-off."

"However, Pavilion Master Lu will tell you this, so you're not afraid that I will reveal it?"

As he said these words, the expressions of the other corpse kings became tense, their eyes shifted from Shi Yin'er, and they stared at Lu Kun vigilantly.

Lu Kun said in a cold tone: "Not only those guys from Chixia Mountain, but also Peng Yuanhua of Taixuanzong and three other Nascent Souls also died in my hands. If it wasn't for Gu Deming's warning from Tongtian Lingbao, Lu might have died. re-inflict it."

His eyes flashed ruthlessly: "Even if you don't disclose it, I will reveal it to the world sooner or later. The monks of Taixuanzong actually dare to plot Lu Mou's body training method."

"I want to let the cultivators of Da Zhou know that even if there is a sect in the God Transformation stage, if they provoke the Body Refinement Pavilion, they will have to pay a heavy price. There are only two great monks and eight monks in the Nascent Soul stage. The price is not enough!"

Several corpse kings felt a chill in their hearts when they heard Lu Kun's tone. Just because you plotted your family's practice, you came to kill so many Nascent Soul elders of Taixuanzong, and you still want to hurt the other's spiritual monks?

This body refining pavilion is too overbearing.

Zhalei Yasha agrees with Lu Kun's approach. He is very aware of the virtues of Da Zhou immortal cultivators.

The golden-armored corpse senior in Zhongming Mountain back then, because he was able to control all kinds of heaven and earth vitality without geographical restrictions, he was killed by several great gods, trying to find the mystery of the control of vitality.

If the immortal cultivators of the top sects of Da Zhou knew this kind of cultivation technique that can cultivate the body to be stronger than the tenth-level silver armored corpse, I am afraid that they would be even crazier than when they saw the golden armored corpse.

This Pavilion Master Lu obviously wanted to destroy most of the Taixuan Sect with his own strength. Only by showing great strength can he deter others.

The location of the Body Refinement Pavilion is far away in the Southwest Cultivation Realm. Even if other top sects in Dazhou covet this practice, they would not dare to do it easily in the face of such a vengeful and desperate lunatic like Pavilion Master Lu.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Zhalei Yasha said slowly: "So it is, I can keep it a secret for the time being, but I hope Pavilion Master Lu will not bring Zhongming Mountain with him when he spreads news in the future."

Hearing this, Lu Kun was a little surprised. Seeing the other party's expression, it didn't seem like he was cheating.

Zhalei Yasha breathed a sigh of relief, and said again, "I don't know if Pavilion Master Lu is here, what kind of deal do you want to do with me?"

Lu Kun looked at the corpse kings and said slowly, "Can you guys want to know how Yin'er restrains the corpse aura and cultivates the body in the same way as the human race."

Hearing this sentence, the expressions of several corpse kings became excited. Zhalei Yasha was still calm, and asked in a deep voice: "Pavillion Lu wants to use this secret method to exchange things with us?"

Lu Kun chuckled, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and a jade bottle appeared, which contained some kind of silver liquid, from which an amazing power of qi and blood emanated, he said, "It's not a secret method, it's just Yin'er. Refined a lot of blood essence."

"Blood essence?"

Lu Kun said solemnly: "My body is specialized in refining the physical body, with strong qi and blood. The essence of this blood is made by a secret method, which takes a lot of time to refine, and only one drop can be refined every ten years."

"Yin'er absorbs and transforms the blood essence of Lu Mou through the corpse pill, and the blood in the body gradually fills up. The meridian Dantian is very close to the cultivator, and the cultivation efficiency is amazing."

"It is the essence of blood that Lu took out and traded with a few."

Zhalei Yasha stared at the jade bottle in front of Lu Kun, the blood in it was like the ocean of blood, which was the treasure he had sensed before. Some are just around the corner.

Lu Kun opened the jade bottle, waved with one hand, and a drop of silver blood flew directly to Zhalei Yasha: "The Corpse King might as well feel the effect, and we'll talk about the transaction."

Zhalei Yasha held the silver blood drop in a virtual hand, and felt the pure power of qi and blood inside, and swallowed it directly into his mouth. After a while, the power of qi and blood gushed out of his body. In just a moment, the energy that was lost before was lost. The blood was replenished by most of it.

And through the transformation of the corpse pill, a special force slowly nourished his zombie body.

Zhalei Yasha's eyes flashed with surprise: "We want all these blood essences, I wonder what Pavilion Master Lu needs to exchange?"

Lu Kun smiled slightly, showing his white teeth and said, "No hurry, let's talk slowly."

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