The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1123 Meteor Crater

Dayuan Prefecture, Julu Mountains.

This mountain range is one of Taixuanzong's resource points. In addition to having a giant spiritual stone vein, its unique soil environment is suitable for the cultivation of dragon whiskers.

Dragon's Beard Grass is one of the main materials used to assist the formation of elixir and is very precious.

Such an important resource point is naturally stationed by many Taixuanzong disciples. In addition to the ban on the formation of the large formation level, there are also Nascent Soul monks sitting in the town. In addition, in the Taixuanzong territory, no one dares to make an idea.

But now, the Julu Mountains have become silent, the forbidden aura of the mountains is extremely dim, and there is a forbidden hole of dozens of meters in the central core position.

A trace of cracks spread along the hole in all directions, but the formation nodes all over the mountain range were intact, barely maintaining the restricted operation.

And below the hole is the mountain where the core of the big formation is located.

But now, not to mention the formation center, even this mountain of hundreds of meters has collapsed, leaving only a broken fractured mountain body.

Beneath this half-collapsed mountain is an arc-shaped pothole that spans hundreds of feet.

The original Dragon Beard Herbal Garden here is no longer visible. There are gray rocks and dust everywhere, and a few broken blue rhizomes are occasionally caught in the crumbling soil.

Around the pothole, there are dilapidated medicinal fields, and only three or four hundred meters away are still intact.

Five deep-breathing Taixuanzong Yuan Ying elders flew around with solemn expressions, and used various secret techniques to explore the remaining traces around them.

A middle-aged man with white hair stood in a pothole as large as one hundred feet.

A cyan gourd was suspended in front of him, walking around the pothole, and strands of white halo kept pouring out from the gravel and soil on the ground, sinking into the gourd.

After a while, the other four Taixuanzong elders gathered in turn.

"Elder, no remains of extraterrestrial meteorites have been found."

"There is no scent of the magic of the cultivator."

"The cracked peaks and ground are caused by the fall of some kind of heavy object, and the impact is extremely strong, much faster than the magic weapon of the great monk."

"It was checked that Junior Brother Zhu's mana remains, but there is no magic weapon aura. It seems that he has fallen before using the magic weapon."

Mo Hongcai listened to the words of the people around him, with a heavy expression on his face. He didn't speak, but looked at the Primordial Gourd in his hand and threw it with one hand. This imitation spirit treasure floated above everyone's heads.

Then he moved a series of mysterious magic tricks with both hands, and in the mouth of the Hunyuan gourd, a thought that nourished all things gradually poured out, and wisps of blue aura emerged from it.

They intertwined, turned into an oval shape, and fell diagonally downward. As the speed increased, the aura on the surface became more and more dazzling.

When this thing was close to the ground, all the auras gathered in the front section, forming a dazzling light spot, a slight dust rose from the ground, and the elliptical aura dissipated.

"Elder, what is this?" The other Nascent Soul elders felt a little puzzled.

Mo Hongcai continued to look at the gourd in his hand, seeing that there were no further illusions in it, his face was a little ugly, he took a deep breath and said:

"Uncle Shi re-visited Taixuanzong's territory not long ago, reinforcing the meaning of life and life. As long as the area is inspired by the vitality of heaven and earth, his old man can restore his vitality scene with the power of Yuanshen in his true essence."

"What I just showed is the change in the surrounding heaven and earth vitality when the suspected meteorite fell."

When the others heard the words, they thought of the change in the spiritual light just now, and their expressions suddenly became solemn.

"Meteorites falling from the outer domain are impossible to arouse the vitality of heaven and earth."

"As the falling speed of this thing accelerates, it absorbs more and more heaven and earth vitality, and it even condenses into a little bit in the end. It is obvious that someone is behind it."

"If it's a spell, such a terrifying power can't be left without aura, it may be a top-level magic weapon."

"Could it be a late Nascent Soul cultivator? Now that my uncle has entered the God Transformation Realm, who would dare to provoke my Taixuan Sect?"

Mo Hongcai listened to everyone's words and said slowly: "Not only that, through this spell taught by my uncle, we can judge the approximate power, the heaven and earth energy that the meteorite from the sky, which is suspected to be a magic weapon, is almost ordinary. Four or five times as many monks."

He said solemnly: "It should be a strong monk at the level of a great monk. With the help of a certain imitation spirit treasure, the power he exerted, the elder Taishang is paying attention to the situation in the country. It is best for me not to go out alone, in case of unexpected events. ."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look awe-inspiring. Because the great cultivator can bless the vitality of heaven and earth, his supernatural powers far exceed those of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and the imitation spirit treasure in hand, his strength is even more terrifying.

One of them couldn't help but said: "So, Elder Zhu was killed by this strange great cultivator?"

Mo Hongcai was silent for a while and said: "In the demonstration just now, no other changes in the vitality of heaven and earth were found. That is to say, the opponent killed Elder Zhu without using any means of adding vitality."

Several other people were shocked when they heard this sentence.

"Elder Zhu didn't have time to cast the magic weapon. With such an amazing attack speed, how could there not be the blessing of heaven and earth?"

"Could it be that the other party is proficient in top-notch illusions, and with the great cultivator's huge consciousness, it is possible to confuse Elder Zhu."

"Maybe the enemy still has helpers..."

Mo Hongcai listened to everyone's words and said slowly: "Anyway, we must act cautiously before the uncle finds out the enemy."

"Next, the major resource points will be temporarily stationed by the disciples of the formation stage. I will walk through them one by one and arrange the array plates modified by my uncle to strengthen the protection of the resource points."

"Yes, Great Elder."

These Nascent Soul Stage elders couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The strength of several of them was similar to that of the dead Elder Zhu. If they were attacked by hidden enemies, they would be more fortunate.

Mo Hongcai summoned a flying boat and flew up with everyone.

Although his expression is quite calm, his heart is more uneasy than everyone else. These elders do not know, except for this elder Zhu, Qingyang Taoist and Peng Yuanhua, two Taixuanzong cultivators, and the other eight Yuanying elders , have fallen.

Taixuanzong's high-level combat power has been reduced by more than one-third.

Not long ago, Gu Deming went out to track down the culprit who killed the Taoist Qingyang. Although he got back the gourd, he saw that the uncle's face was still heavy, and it seemed that he had not solved the enemy.

Mo Hongcai had a vague hunch that the guy who destroyed this resource point was the murderer who killed the Taoist Qingyang.

In Da Zhou, except for the old bald donkey of Huatian Temple, no great monk dared to provoke the spirit transformation period, and Huatian Temple has always regarded peace as the most precious thing, and it is impossible to provoke war on its own initiative.

"Junior Brother Peng and the others died in the Southwest Immortal Cultivation Realm. Could it be that they are the powerhouses of the Body Refinement Pavilion?"

"Although this sect intends to cultivate the body, it is us who suffer. There is no need to take the risk to kill the body."

Mo Hongcai flashed a few ideas in his mind, mobilized the spirit boat, and flew everyone to the nearby resource point.


Mo Hongcai didn't notice that on the top of their spirit boat, there was a handsome man with a hidden figure.

It is the Supreme Elder of Taixuanzong, Gu Deming, who has the cultivation of God.

After he returned from Zhongming Mountain, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it could not be Qingyunmen.

Half a year ago, he went to the Shattered Kingdom to meet with several great gods.

Although Gu Deming was secretly obstructed by the old guy from Qingyunmen when he tried to break through for the first time hundreds of years ago, the two sides forged a grudge, but he has entered the stage of spiritual transformation.

Moreover, the ancient battlefield of the Shattered Kingdom in a hundred years will also require the cooperation of several great gods. Even if other gods want to suppress Taixuanzong, they will definitely wait for the end of the broken country.

Where did this enemy who is suspected of possessing the Heavenly Soul Treasure come from?

As for the Body Refinement Pavilion, it was not in his consideration at all. When Gu Mingde made a breakthrough in the transformation of spirits, when the primordial spirit was in sympathy with the heaven and the earth, he sensed that the vitality of the Southwest Xiu Xianjie was pure, and there was no spirit transformation.

No matter how strong the Body Refinement Pavilion is, there are only two or three late Nascent Soul powerhouses, so how can they dare to cross the border in the face of a behemoth like Taixuanzong who has a spirit transformation stage.

Gu Deming frowned as he looked at the cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage who continued to fly below.

He followed Mo Hongcai secretly because he felt that this secret enemy would make a sneak attack when the elders of Taixuanzong came to check the traces.

"Strange, this person first killed the elder of the sect, and then destroyed the resource point, the purpose is to weaken the strength of the sect, this opportunity should not be missed."

At this moment, Gu Deming suddenly raised his head and looked towards the east. Through the power of will in his vitality, he sensed the gathering of a large amount of the vitality of heaven and earth.

"It's the fluctuation of the meteorite falling before, and the soul capture bird is patrolling around there, and it should be able to entangle the opponent for a while!"

Gu Deming's hidden figure flickered and disappeared in place. The elder of Taixuanzong below did not notice anything unusual...

It's from yesterday, it's still there today, and there's one chapter missing from last week...

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