The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1125 escape

"This guy hasn't shown a trace, he must be hiding his figure, maybe he will appear at any time..."

A golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes. Facing the cultivator of the God Transformation stage, he didn't dare to hold his breath at all. With terrifying brute force, his fists slammed into the neck of the soul-snatching bird.

A layer of cyan halo circulated on the surface of the opponent's feathers, and his enormous power only knocked it back several meters.


A sonic boom exploded in the air. Lu Kun stepped on the void, opened the distance, and fled to the northeast. In Gu Deming's divine transformation field, a monster was so powerful that he could not be his opponent at all.


Almost at the same time, a cyan and red flame flashed through the body of the soul-killing bird, and the entire body disappeared in place, instantly appearing behind Lu Kun, and the sharp claws tore on its skin, making a crisp slamming sound.

"This monster bird..."

Lu Kun had a headache. The opponent's sharp claw attack, whether it was the power contained in it or the attack of the soul inside, could not hurt him, but the strange aura that went straight to the soul gave the soul capture bird a location, making its fire escape technique accurate every time. Locking the position, the opponent is assisted by vitality and willpower, and the source field of more than one million kilograms is difficult to limit.

"Since you want to stick to me, come on."

A ruthless look flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, his figure was twisted, he dodged to the back of the soul-killing bird, raised his arms from under his wings, and then pressed his hands behind his neck, holding the demon bird in his arms, At the same time, the passive source force field wraps it up.

The power of the flesh and the source field have a dual effect, and they are firmly pressed against the chest.

The soul-defying bird is struggling frantically. The power of will in its body is all used to control the defense and teleportation of vitality. In the face of this double physical bondage, unless the defense is given up, it is difficult to break free.

Hundreds of astonishing treasure lights shot up into the sky, and Lu Kun's speed was even higher.

At this moment, the chilling spiritual thought became clearer, and at the same time, there was an endless will.

"Training Pavilion, you are so brave, you dare to kill me!"

Following Gu Deming's words full of killing intent, a force of will that could severely damage the soul of a monk in the Yuan Ying period rushed into Lu Kun's body.

The latter snorted coldly, the power of qi and blood tumbling like a vast ocean, the skin on the surface of the body all turned into the appearance of silver crystals, and the thick blood surging on it, like a thin layer of blood essence Armor, covering the body.

This divine transformation seems to have been hindered and cannot advance an inch.

This is not the first time that Lu Kun has faced the power of will. The earliest true devil's will can be sealed by the method of blood condensing. Recently, he has been looking for various techniques to eliminate the will of internal organs and alien species. method.

The layer of energy on the surface of the body was made of the corpse-like armor of the silver-armored corpse, and the blood was condensed and crystallized.

As he fled, he looked at the soul-killing bird whose chest gave up its struggle, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

This strange bird has strange magical powers, and can even borrow the power of will. It is obviously the great power of Taixuanzong. Since he was discovered by Gu Deming, he simply does nothing to destroy this strange bird.

In the God Transformation region of Taixuan Sect, the vitality of the heavens and the earth grows and disappears, and the brute force of more than 1.2 million catties alone is not enough to break the defense of the God Transformation level.

But if you go outside this area, the soul-killing bird that he is holding in his arms has only one dead end.


A hundred miles away, Gu Deming no longer hides his figure, and his whole body is shrouded in a cyan halo, like a cyan streamer flying rapidly in the air.

That Junyi's face was extremely gloomy. Through his divine sense, he saw the battle between the two sides. The sharp claw attacks of the soul-killing bird were unsuccessful again and again. The speed of the opponent's teleportation was even faster than the fire escape One-up, with physical strength alone, it can even knock out a tenth-level monster with a vitality hood.

The terrifying physical defense, the way of close combat, and such bizarre magical powers are obviously the Body Refinement Pavilion mentioned by Peng Yuanhua's communication.

Gu Deming's expression was solemn. Although he only had a glimpse, he could roughly judge the opponent's strength.

First of all, this person has not entered the spirit transformation period, otherwise even in his vitality area, he can use his real energy to play the magical power of vitality transformation.

Secondly, if the opponent's attack power can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, it will definitely reach the peak of the great monk.

What is even more terrifying is that this person's short-distance eruption is slightly stronger than the fire escape technique of the soul-killing bird, and the speed of flying escape is only slightly slower than his.

This is still under the circumstance that the vitality is limited by the soul-defying bird.

What surprised Gu Deming the most was that the strange armor on the opponent's body could also resist the invasion of the force of will.

"At this speed, I can't catch up with this person in the Taixuan Sect. If I let him escape outside, not only will the soul capture bird be in danger, but his speed may be accelerated."

"You must catch up in a short time!"

Gu Deming waved one hand, and a small gray-white sword appeared in his hand.

Afterwards, the thick True Essence in his body surged, and several dharma seals flashed. A large number of cyan halos emerged from the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth, and a huge cyan sword light shrouded his body.

There were a series of harsh beeps in the air, and Gu Deming's speed soared by 20%. At the same time, the consciousness that contained the meaning of life and life did not try to invade Lu Kun's body again, but went into his arms. The Desperados swarmed away.

The big yellow bird that had stopped struggling suddenly had a sudden surge of will in its body, and a strong cyan light lit up in its sharp beak, and the bird's head suddenly turned backwards, aiming at Lu Kun's surprised face.


A harsh terrifying cry turned into a cyan sound wave and slammed into its head. The strange aura that reached the soul was combined with the strong willpower, ignoring the layer of blood crystal armor and rushing into the head.

Lu Kun looked stunned for a moment, his figure slowed down, and his eyes were dull, as if his soul had been traumatized, but the next moment, a dazzling golden light lit up in his eyes, and two golden spiritual pillars shot out, landing on the soul On the bird's head, ignoring the shroud of vitality, it submerged into it.

The demon bird let out a painful howl, and a large group of fiery red flames mixed with a cyan halo exploded in Lu Kun's chest.


A palpitating wave of vitality spread in all directions, Lu Kun's fast-flying figure was blasted out, Zhaling's soft armor faded, and the blood crystal armor shattered, revealing the wriggling muscles in his chest.

The soul capture bird exploded through the flame, broke free from Lu Kun's shackles, and swayed and floated in the air, with only a dim green glow outside its body, and it looked sluggish.

Lu Kun hesitated for a while, without any other movements, his body was full of treasures, his legs were running wildly in the void, and a slightly distorted arc of air swayed behind him, and the speed was a little faster.

"The soul attacks the supernatural power! The will contained in it is still alive, how is this possible!" Gu Deming showed disbelief.

After a while, he took a deep breath, his expression calmed down, and the killing intent in his eyes became heavier.

"It's no wonder that you dare to come to this sect to be wild, the magical power is really extraordinary, but the meaning of life has been contaminated with the soul, no matter how far you escape, I can feel it. Besides, such an amazing escape speed, its magic power may not be able to last for too long. …”

After this time delay, the distance between the two sides was shortened to fifty miles. The sluggish demon bird in the air was caught in the sword light by Gu Deming, and two terrifying lights, one silver and one green, passed in turn in the blue sky...

There is entertainment... I owe two chapters...

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