The Ancestor of Body Repair

1126 Shocked Retreat

Lu Kun covered his chest with one hand, and the muscle fibers in it quickly recovered under the operation of blood essence.

After a while, a layer of crystal clear silver blood crystals re-covered the sturdy chest muscles, and the Zhaling soft armor shrunk to the waist also spread up, turning into gray armor.

On the belt of the Zhaling soft armor, there is a high-level spiritual stone. This treasure is motivated by the spirit control magic circle, not mana. As long as the mind moves, it can respond. Unfortunately, in the face of vitality-level spells, The power of the weakening is limited.

Although the vitality bursting flame of the soul capture bird did not reach the level of vitality transformation, it was very close. After spending a lot of blood essence, he completely wiped it out.

After recovering from the injury, Lu Kun's eyes turned in a different direction, and the golden light of his pupils aimed at the back of his head, staring at Gu Deming in the distance.

He has the hidden power of divine consciousness, and the madness of Lingming Yaogu can't be affected, let alone this newly promoted cultivator, but in this state, he can't release his divine power, and he can only observe the opponent's position through the magical power of golden eyes. .

"This guy has greatly increased his escape speed with the help of Tongtian Lingbao. I am afraid that I will be caught up before I leave the field of vitality. In such an environment, I can't fight him at all. I can only use the method I thought of before."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Lu Kun's physical consciousness probed into the internal organs of his body, and he felt a little puzzled in his heart.

"Strange, the meaning of ferocity is related to the meaning of true demons, and it's not a problem to be attracted into the internal organs. Why does Gu Deming's eternal meaning also run into the internal organs."

The blood crystal armor on the surface of the skin is to block the power of will from entering the body. Who knows that the soul-killing bird attacks the supernatural power through the soul, ignoring this layer of defense, and penetrates the mind into its body.

This sonic supernatural power is almost exactly the same as the soul sword light used by Huang Chong of the Holy Demon Sect.

Whether it's a sound wave aimed at the flesh or a direct impact on the soul, it can't hurt him, but the power of will contained in it cannot be ignored. If it remains in the body, it will be locked by the opponent.

Lu Kun mobilized the power of his blood vessels, and displayed his golden eyes as he did against Huang Chong.

Not to mention that this soul attack could not find the soul, the power of will also dissipated most of it, and it naturally collapsed.

But who knows that some of the remaining meanings of life and life inside, rushed into the internal organs, and disappeared in the depths of the internal organs.

"I already have a method to eliminate the will of the internal organs, so I should deal with the crisis at this time first."

Afterwards, Lu Kun calmed down and watched the enemy through his golden eyes. The distance between the two sides kept getting closer, forty miles, thirty miles, twenty miles...

As Gu Deming approached, the vitality of heaven and earth in the surrounding aura became extremely active, and the sky within dozens of miles nearby was filled with a large azure glow.

The unique pressure of the monks in the spiritual transformation period is getting stronger and stronger. If the general Nascent Soul late stage, in this environment, the mana in the body will be greatly suppressed. Not to mention the speed of escape, the use of magic will also be slow.

However, different from the traditional cultivator, the bone transformation stage body cultivator possessed extremely domineering magical energy, and was not afraid of the pressure of the real essence at all, and the speed did not decrease.

Suddenly, Lu Kun's expression changed.


There was a cracking sound in the air, his figure flashed, and he crossed an arc, dodging a seemingly ordinary white cloud in front of him. The next moment, this white cloud bloomed with a cyan halo and turned into a A network of clouds.

"Gu Deming's magical powers in the field of vitality are so terrifying that he can control the vitality of heaven and earth ten miles away."

Lu Kun's expression was solemn, sensing the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, constantly moving and shifting his body, dodging various magical powers that appeared out of thin air nearby, and for a while, the escape speed dropped sharply.

An icy voice came from a distance through the huge consciousness.

"Little guy from the Body Refinement Pavilion, you have no way to escape. It's better to let Gu know what kind of magical powers the body training method has."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Kun flashed a blue cloud rope, and suddenly burst into laughter.

The incomparably thick sound wave even scattered a few clouds nearby.

"Taixuanzong really still covets the practice of this pavilion. Gu Deming, I'm not afraid to tell you that Lu came to Dazhou this time to bring down Taixuanzong. I want to let Dazhou's sect know that if I provoke my body training pavilion, I will What a tragic end!"

Gu Deming snorted coldly: "The tone is not too small. If you want to use Taixuanzong to kill chickens and monkeys, you will look down on yourself too much. Gu must see if you have the combat effectiveness of the spirit transformation period."

In two sentences, the distance between the two sides has been shortened to a hundred feet.

Gu Deming's whole body was wrapped by the sword light of the Hunyuan Sword, and a three-foot-long dark green jade ruler appeared in his hand, and a bright blue sword qi shot out from it. It was like a physical long sword with mysterious carvings on it. Rune, exudes the breath of tearing everything.

With the appearance of sword qi, the vitality of the heavens and the earth in the surrounding air cheered, and blobs of blue halos appeared one after another, pouring into it, the vitality inside became more and more oppressive, the speed of the sword light increased sharply, and soon It surpassed Lu Kun's escaping speed.

The sound of air bursts surged, and Lu Kun tried his best to move and flash, but no matter what, this terrifying sword qi pinned his position precisely.

Lu Kun found this scene, his eyes narrowed, his body was still flying, each thick muscle like a python, staggered behind the back, the inverted triangle-shaped muscle pimples, like a mountain sitting on the back, deformed and hideous .

A stream of silver streamers converged on this muscle hill from all over the body. Within four feet, four layers of silver vortices appeared. They merged and squeezed each other, and superimposed them into a bright silver rim. Suction and crushing power.


The cyan sword qi shot up directly, and an incomparably dazzling halo shot up into the sky. Lu Kun didn't stop to take it hard, but used the explosion of this sword qi to speed up his escape.

The silver vortex behind him only supported for a moment, and then it was forcibly shattered, and the aura of Zhaling Soft Armor also dimmed instantly, retracting to his waist, revealing the hideous muscle hill on his back.

Under the impact of the sword energy, those large muscle pimples kept collapsing and dissolving, and at the same time, new muscle pimples continued to form.

The incomparably thick power of qi and blood and the terrifying halo of vitality are intertwined with each other, a two-color streamer streaks in the air, and circles of vitality waves continue to spread around. Immortal cultivators within a thousand miles can feel the outbreak here. terrifying pressure.

After a full ten or so breaths, this muscle hill has been recast many times, forcibly exhausting the power of the cyan sword, and the cyan halo dissipated.

The deformed muscle mass quickly retracted and turned into a normal, broad back, and the skin on it was intact, as if it had not suffered any damage.

This is the defense of Lu Kun's flesh and blood after entering the middle stage of bone transformation. The muscles in the mature stage become extremely hard after contraction, and weaker attacks cannot break through. In the face of powerful attacks, as long as there is sufficient blood essence, Continuously replenish the loss of muscle fibers and consume their power.

After this sword qi attack, Lu Kun was not only unscathed, but also pulled a distance of more than a mile. He laughed loudly, and said with full energy: "The cultivator of the Spirit Transformation stage is really powerful, but you elders of the Nascent Soul stage, you can It's too weak, Daoist Qingyang and Peng Yuanhua, and Lu Mou killed them easily."

Gu Deming seemed to be startled by Lu Kun's body, and said silently: "Two great monks, nine monks in the Nascent Soul stage, the losses are indeed heavy, but the price of being able to get the body training method is worth it."

When Lu Kun heard the words, a smile formed on the corner of his mouth: "Although you can try, Lu is not your opponent, but relying on this physical body will consume at least half a day, but by that time, Taixuanzong's losses will probably be more than that."

"Lu Mou is very curious, if all your sect's Nascent Soul period falls, and you are the only one left, whether Taixuan Sect can maintain its current territory and status, even if you get Lu Mou's body training method, can you keep it?"

Gu Deming's pupils shrank: "What do you mean?"

Lu Kun sneered: "Old guy, haven't you heard of the trick of turning tigers away from mountains?"

"Lu's two senior brothers have long been lurking in the territory of Taixuanzong. I don't know if your senior nephews can resist the supernatural powers of high-level physique cultivation, hahaha..."

When Gu Deming heard this, he couldn't help looking at the storage bracelet, his spiritual sense was submerged in a ten thousand li talisman, and then the talisman flashed and a message was sent back.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression became hesitant. There were only two people left in the late stage of Yuanying of Taixuanzong. If Mo Hongcai was really ambushed and killed by the opponent, then the high-level strength of Taixuanzong would be broken.

Coupled with the fall of a large number of Nascent Soul monks, I am afraid that there will not be enough people to participate in the Broken Kingdom after many years.

Gu Deming sensed the eternal meaning in Lu Kun's body, showing a bit of unwillingness, giving up the chase, Dunguang made an arc in the air, and galloped away in the direction of Taixuanzong...

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