The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1132 Falling Star Lake

In the southeast of the Magic Water Plain, there is a lake with a radius of dozens of miles, called Falling Star Lake.

There is a creature called the magic star fish. This magic fish has some magical powers of swallowing spirits. Ordinary monks in the formation stage are surrounded by fish in the lake. Basically, they cannot escape death. Only the power of Nascent Soul can resist them. devour.

Every night, these magic star fish will come to the lake, the scales echo the stars in the sky, and the little stars are reflected on the lake, which is very magnificent.

The magic star fish likes to breathe out the magic energy. Although the magic energy after they swallow it will be reduced, it will be more refined after spitting it out, and it can also attract the magic energy to gather. And pure, forming a cultivation blessed land.

However, the one occupying this place is not a Demon Dao family, but a loose cultivator with great power, Nebula Old Demon.

This person has the peak cultivation level in the middle of the Nascent Soul. He is short-tempered, strange and impermanent. He is a loner. He does not accept any servants and disciples.

Gradually, the Falling Star Lake became a forbidden place in the Magic Water Plain. Within a radius of hundreds of miles, there were almost no traces of unfamiliar Immortal Cultivators.

On this day, Falling Star Lake broke the calm. A large piece of starlight gushed out from the depths of the deep lake. Groups of magic star fish moved upstream, and many even jumped out of the lake, as if there were countless starlight dancing.

If you look closely at the eyes of these demon fish, you will find that the fish eyes full of spirituality are full of horror, as if something terrifying is chasing them.

After a while, an invisible aftermath came out from the bottom of the lake, and the water of the entire Falling Star Lake seemed to be boiled.


A roar came, and a powerful pressure suddenly erupted from the center of the lake. The lake water was stirred up to a height of more than ten feet, and a circle of huge waves that only appeared in the sea rolled around the starlight. Demonic fish and other lake creatures surged in all directions.

As this huge wave rolled away, the Falling Star Lake gradually returned to calm, but the magic star fish still stayed near the lake surface and did not dare to swim to the bottom of the lake.


At the bottom of the Falling Star Lake, there is a vast array of formations. There is a hole in the forbidden light curtain that is several meters in size. It is absorbing the surrounding magic energy and slowly healing. There is a layer of special forbidden power on it. penetrate into it.

Below the hole, is a hundred-zhang-sized courtyard, with several medicinal fields shrouded in prohibition, and a purple-gold building behind it. There seems to be some kind of special spiritual material attached to the wall, which gathers the surrounding demonic energy.

In the hall of this building, Lu Kun stood quietly in the middle. At this moment, he transformed into a bald man with a disgusting face, looking at the murals on the wall in a trance.

Not far behind him, a white-haired old man stood respectfully. His face was pale and his breath was erratic. When he looked at Lu Kun, his eyes flashed with fear from time to time.

If there are other demon cultivators who see this scene, they will be very surprised. Old Demon Nebula, such a violent demon powerhouse, has such a submissive side.

Lu Kun looked at a monster with long and narrow bone spurs and fangs on the wall, and he said, "I didn't expect that you, a loose cultivator of the devil's way, has a lot of knowledge and draws the devils to life. This person who fights with immortal cultivators should be It's a demon king-level powerhouse."

Old Demon Xingyun looked at the image on the wall and sighed a little: "Junior once saw a few seniors fight with a monster with thick bone spurs from a distance, and the aftermath of the battle almost killed this junior. If you want to come to that monster, it may only be a legend. Demon King."

Lu Kun looked startled and said, "You saw it with your own eyes? Could it be that there are still demon kings left in this world?"

Old Demon Nebula hesitated and said: "The demons are indeed extinct, but after the Shattered Kingdom opens, the space cracks in the ancient battlefield will loosen, and occasionally demons will come across the border."

"In the past, most of the demons were at the Nascent Soul level. Five hundred years ago, I don't know why, there was a demon king level existence. I heard that they have been killed by the joint efforts of several seniors."

Hearing this, Lu Kun's eyes flashed and he said, "Interesting, I wonder if the secret realm will open in a hundred years, and whether there will be a demon king. If there is a chance to fight with him, it may be very rewarding."

If others said that, Old Demon Nebula would definitely sneer. Demons are not only physically powerful, but also their magical powers are the source of all kinds of magic tricks, and their combat effectiveness is terrifying.

But he looked at the bald man in front of him and couldn't help swallowing, but he couldn't refute what the strange strong man said in front of him.

This person does not do any defense, and his physical body allows his natal magic weapon and various spells to attack, only a little bit of skin is rubbed, and he recovers quickly, while the opponent's random punch does not contain any energy aura, with pure The power of , easily broke his body protection aura.

This kind of terrifying flesh is beyond his cognition.

Old Demon Nebula carefully glanced at the position of his shoulder, where there was a small blood hole with a pale silver nail inlaid inside it. Not only did it exude an astonishing power of blood, but he also felt a trace of the will to join the vicious aura.

This breath is somewhat similar to the true devil's meaning he once felt. When he touched it slightly, he felt a shudder. If the power of will burst out, his soul would be hit hard in an instant.

This kind of will of the god level is not something that a cultivator in the Nascent Soul period can resist.

With a terrifying body, majestic power of blood, and means of willpower, Old Demon Nebula suspects that the bald man in front of him is actually a demon king at the level of a god.

Old Demon Nebula was a little uneasy. He didn't know what it meant when such a strong man broke into his cave and didn't kill him.

Do you want to forcibly enslave him, and the monsters take the immortals as pets?

Lu Kun turned around, looked at the cranky old Demon Nebula, and said with a harmless smile: "Zhang has no other intentions, passing by here, only to see that the demonic energy here is quite pure, and I want to use your cave to cultivate. days."

Old Demon Xingyun was stunned for a moment, then nodded again and again: "No problem, Senior Zhang can practice as long as he wants. If you don't dislike it, please move to Junior's training room."

Lu Kun took two steps forward, put one hand on the other's shoulder, and said kindly: "No, Zhang thinks this hall is good. There are magic marrow stones all around, and the magic circle is quite exquisite."

Although he didn't exert any force on his hand, an invisible force permeated, and Old Demon Nebula immediately felt the air around him tighten.

Old Demon Xingyun laughed dryly and said, "No problem, let's go to the training room to avoid it, so as not to disturb the senior's cultivation."

Lu Kun nodded lightly, took his hand away, a silver light flashed around him, and a strong cold force spread out. A ferocious monster with gray-faced fangs, covered with silver scales, and bone spurs in the joints appeared beside him. .

"Ninth-level silver armor corpse!"

Old Demon Nebula's pupils shrank slightly.

Lu Kun said lightly: "This is Zhang's companion. It's better to accompany her to drink some tea in the courtyard. When I finish my practice, I will leave and remove the willpower from your shoulders."

Hearing Lu Kun's words, Old Demon Nebula breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, senior."

Then he bent down, took two steps back, and Shi Yin'er, who exuded a strong corpse aura, left the hall and came to the outside courtyard.

At this time, the forbidden hole in the sky had been repaired. Old Demon Nebula looked at the sharp claws of the corpse on his shoulder. For some reason, he felt a chill on his neck. What is the name of the corpse fellow?"

Shi Yin'er glanced at him lightly, but didn't say anything, instead the claws on his shoulder tightened.

The old demon Xingyun said with a bit of embarrassment: "There is a pavilion there, make some good tea and greet the next Daoist friend."

Seeing that Shi Yin'er didn't speak, Old Demon Xingyun tried to walk forward, but found that the claws on his shoulders did not increase his strength, so he walked slowly into the pavilion and sat down.

There was a set of tea sets on the stone table. He skillfully took out the tea leaves, cast a flame spell, boiled two cups of tea, and made a few polite words. After finding that the Shining Armor Corpse was indifferent, he drank the tea in the cup.

Old Demon Nebula looked at the closed hall, not thinking about running away, but focused on the silver nails in the flesh and blood on his shoulders, not talking about the power and will of blood inside, just talking about its material, I am afraid it is the same as a mature magic weapon almost.

After observing for a while, the expression of the old demon Nebula became a little strange, which seemed to be the nails of the human race.

"What kind of monster is his body, and he didn't reveal any demon spirit energy during the battle. Could it be that the existence of the demon king is such an existence, and his physical body alone is so terrifying?"

Just as he was thinking wildly, the surrounding demonic energy became frantic, surging in the direction of the hall, and there were even black halos, gushing out from these demonic energy, turned into a little ball of light, and floated toward the hall.

A terrifying aura rose into the sky in the hall, and the strange aura that made him shudder before became even more turbulent, as if a wild beast was coming towards him.

Old Demon Nebula looked at this scene and was stunned for a moment, but then he thought of something and lost his voice: "The demon's vitality manifests..."

The teacup in his hand fell, and he was very excited.

Ordinary great cultivators can only absorb some vitality when they cast magical powers, so many scenes of demonic vitality manifesting can only be created by cultivators in the spirit-transforming stage.

If he comprehends these demonic energy, it might be of great help to his breakthrough in bottlenecks.

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