The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1133 The Art of Forging Dirty

In the hall of the cave, Lu Kun's appearance changed.

The height of the original six feet has risen to three feet, and the huge body is five times the original size. Muscles are carved into the flesh like rocks, and the gray Zhaling soft armor has shrunk into a pair of shorts, tied around the waist.

He has turned into a sturdy giant, squeezed into the small hall, the original height of four feet, now looks extremely small.

A silver streamer circulated on the surface of his skin, and an invisible force field surged within four feet of his body. The terrifying pressure even stirred up a whirlwind in the hall. Some decorative tables, chairs, and vases shattered inch by inch, and the ground was a mess. .

Countless magic energy light spots surged from all directions, wrapping the giant, and they were attached to the force field outside, forming several thick black circles.

Lu Kun closed his eyes tightly, carefully sensed the position of his demonic vitality, and kept adjusting the changes in his body's source power.

At the earliest in the early stage of bone transformation, with the strength of 1.2 million kilograms after the power of his arms exploded, he created the combat technique of Jeet Kune, intercepting the enemy's vitality for his own use.

After entering the middle stage of bone transformation, the radiation range of the source force field has increased to four feet, which can spontaneously stimulate vitality. If you bless the combat skills of Jeet Kune, it is equivalent to weakening the enemy and strengthening yourself.

At this time, the magical powers of the world and the earth have caused the coverage of the source field to skyrocket by five times, and the control of the heaven and earth vitality has also increased sharply. According to Lu Kun's experience in many battles, the ability to control the vitality in this state is equivalent to that of a great monk. Imitation Lingbao.

At this moment, Lu Kun clearly felt that with his full strength, the demonic energy within a range of 20 meters was attracted by the source force field and gathered together, but at this time, he was not fighting with the help of demonic energy, but is to introduce it into the body.

With the help of the supernatural power of the Chaos Five Elements Demon Bone, he constantly adjusted the source force field while sensing the orientation and flow of vitality.

With the passage of time, the silver streamer outside the body gradually converged to the position of the torso, and the invisible force field distorted the air, forming a fuzzy funnel shape above the waist, and a reverse funnel below.

The magic element light spots that were swirling around were gradually attracted, like a halo nebula, rushing to the top of Lu Kun's head.

These two source funnels, although the openings are opposite, their suction is from top to bottom, trying to introduce vitality from the head and discharge it from the lower body, so as to penetrate the internal organs.

With the accelerated rotation of the upper and lower source funnels, the vitality nebula submerged into the huge head with a somewhat reluctant feeling.

Lu Kun's nervous face suddenly relaxed, and then a strange look appeared.

In the past, the magic energy was attached to the attack, and he only felt the powerful power contained in it. Now that these unmaintained vitality are introduced into the body, the body does not feel anything special, but these vitality actively avoid the bones and muscles. It seems that It rejects the magic in it.

The black starlight cloud followed the blood vessels, passed through the internal organs, and finally left the body from the reverse funnel of the lower body, and then returned to the head through the attraction of the source force field, forming a water-like circular light curtain outside the body.

It looks like a huge black light apple, and Lu Kun's body is the core inside.

"Let the demonic energy simply pass through the body, and the internal organs don't have much reaction. It is still necessary to use the power of life to first try to see if the vitality can be captured by blood essence like the spiritual power crystallized by the ghost spirit."

Lu Kun's mind moved, and the blood where the demonic energy passed began to stagnate, turning into a semi-crystalline state, trying to lock the demonic energy.

Who would have thought that these demonic vitality were different from the vitality in the top-quality spirit stones, and seemed to be somewhat intangible and invisible, and the blood could not condense them.

"Since you can't catch it, try to guide."

Lu Kun's thoughts turned, and the incomparably thick energy of qi and blood rolled around in his body. The semi-crystalline blood changed and turned into a spiral shape, exuding bursts of suction to the outside, rushing in the blood vessels.

Although most of the demon energy was still indifferent, there were still a small number of them, caught by the huge blood suction force, barely attached to it, and then these spiral blood crystals rushed to the internal organs.

At this moment, the internal organs are very small compared to the blood vessels and the huge body. There is only a small group hanging behind the sternum. The life force waiting for the opportunity in the internal organs circulates quickly.

Those spiral blood crystals passing through the internal organs began to be absorbed by the force of life, and the traces of magic energy on them were also absorbed.

Lu Kun sensed the change in the force of life, showing a look of great joy. The scene at this time was the same as the absorption of the best spirit stone before, the vitality was brought into the internal organs by the force of life.

As the life force of this demonic vitality circulated in the internal organs, traces of cold breath poured into each organ, and the surface of the dry internal organs faintly glowed with a moist color, and the coldness was accompanied by a feeling of throbbing. , almost made Lu Kun cry out in comfort.

"Haha, as I deduced, the shock wave of consciousness contains the attributes of vitality. With the help of the opposite vitality, the internal organs can be quickly recovered."

Lu Kun suppressed his excitement, restrained his mind, and slowly optimized the method of healing to improve its efficiency.

In this process, the magic energy absorbed by the force of life is only a small part of the amount gathered outside the body, but if the amount of magic energy absorbed is too small, I am afraid that the spiral blood crystals in the body will not be able to capture this. a unique energy.

Time gradually passed, and the speed of healing with the best spirit stone was similar, and the internal organs gradually returned to their normal state, and the original dry appearance disappeared.

After the repair, the strength of the internal organs has been improved. Before, it could hold almost 50% of the life force, but now it has reached 60%, which is a huge improvement.

Lu Kun showed a look of contemplation, but did not stop, but continued to arouse the devil's vitality, and the life force containing vitality circulated in the internal organs.

Gradually, he was first stunned, then surprised, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"This kind of vitality, which contains vitality, can actually improve the internal organs faster!"

In the process, he found that even the intact internal organs were tempered by such vitality and life force, and they were slowly improving, and this speed was faster than simply using life force.

Lu Kun couldn't help sinking into it. Combined with the contact with the vitality of heaven and earth over the years, he had a deeper understanding of this energy.

To put it simply, Yuan Qi is a higher energy than Reiki.

The unrefined vitality is of the same nature as the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth, and the refined vitality, that is, the true essence of the spiritual cultivator, is equivalent to the mana after the aura has been refined.

The introductory stage of body training is to attract spiritual energy into the body to quench the weak body through the changes of muscle fibers. The subsequent body quenching stage is to convert spiritual energy into mana, which is circulated and strengthened in muscles, bones, blood, and internal organs.

At this time, he used the source force to induce the vitality into the body.

"The so-called return to the sect of all methods, is the utilization of the vitality of heaven and earth another cycle of body quenching? In the future, will it be the same as the monks in the spiritual transformation stage, to completely refine the vitality."

"But what can I refine into it? Without the power of Nascent Soul, even if I comprehend the power of will, I can't form a primordial spirit, let alone true essence, or can it be combined with the power of life given by the robbery?"

Lu Kun took a deep breath, the source field around his body gradually returned to calm, and the light spots of demonic energy gradually dissipated and returned to the depths of demonic energy.

The three-foot-tall body quickly retracted, a large amount of blood was detached from the muscle fibers, and the rock-like muscles were also shrinking, gradually turning into the original six-foot height.

He sensed the almost depleted magical energy in his body and shook his head. He was in Da Zhou, and this was not the time to promote the cultivation method.

"Forget about the rest, this time I successfully induced vitality into my body, and I found a way to quickly improve my internal organs."

Lu Kun reviewed the changes in his internal organs in the recent period and summed up in his heart.

"First of all, let a certain alien will enter the depths of the internal organs, then use the pure spiritual power of the crystal of the ghost to purify the internal organs, and generate a shock wave of consciousness to shock the internal organs, and finally use the corresponding vitality for treatment, which can quickly improve the internal organs. strength."

"When I used the power of one element for the first time, my internal organs could only incorporate less than 30% of the life force. After a few shock waves of consciousness, it can now hold as much as 60%."

"The strength has been doubled, does that mean that the internal organs at this time can withstand the display of the power of one element twice?"

A flash of sharpness flashed in Lu Kun's eyes.

"It is very likely that we will have to fight against the monks in the spiritual transformation stage. If the power of one yuan can be used twice, it will be a completely different combat power. You have to spend the water of true demons to try it out."

Then he closed his eyes, a high-level spirit stone and several magic stones appeared in his hand, and he began to restore the depleted magic energy in his body...

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