The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1136 The effect of alien consciousness

Half an hour later, an invisible shock wave of consciousness rippled through the internal organs, and the organs hanging on the blood vessels were crystal clear and did not seem to suffer any damage.

"How come you're unscathed..."

Lu Kun's face was sluggish, and he carefully probed it several times without belief, and the life force containing pure spiritual power circulated for a few more rounds.

The true demon inside has been dissipated, but the blood and water of the internal organs are still full of vitality, as if the shock wave of consciousness just now did not exist.

Lu Kun felt a little unbelievable. Since he has practiced, the principles of physical body tempering have basically not changed. One is to nurture and improve with energy, and the other is to gradually strengthen through continuous damage repair.

The newly concluded technique of forging the internal organs also conforms to this rule. One way is to introduce the vitality of heaven and earth into the body, nourish and nourish the internal organs with the cooperation of the force of life, and enhance its strength.

The other is to use the shock wave of consciousness to violently damage the internal organs, and then repair it with the vitality of heaven and earth. This tempering speed is astonishing.

But he hasn't tried it a few times, and the method of forging dirty with the shock wave of consciousness has failed, and the internal organs are not damaged, how can it be repaired and improved?

Lu Kun took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

"The internal organs are defined by the strength of life, which is different from other parts of the flesh. There must be something I overlooked."

"This situation is somewhat similar to the previous repair of internal organs. The inability to treat damage to internal organs is due to the use of the corresponding vitality. The current situation is that the shock wave of consciousness cannot damage the internal organs. The problem is also the attribute of willpower?"

Lu Kun analyzed in his heart.

"From the point of view of the will attribute, the internal organs are immune to the will shock wave of the demon attribute at this time, but even if the internal organs strength increases, it should reduce the damage, not the immunity."

"Or is it that the internal organs are only immune to the meaning of true demons?"

His eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, the power of will is different from vitality. The vitality of heaven and earth only has demon vitality and spiritual vitality. In addition to vitality attributes, willpower itself contains different wills, brutal, frenzied, and endless..."

"Could it be the shock wave of the same will that can only temper the internal organs once? After that, the internal organs will become immune to the shock wave of this will?"

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, he hesitated, and with a wave of one hand, a light flashed in front of him, and a three-legged bronze tripod with a dragon-head tripod mouth appeared, and an ethereal will faintly appeared from it.

It was the misty cauldron that was obtained from Daoyi Zhenren.

A hint of hesitation flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, but he still opened the lid and poured in a cloud of silver blood. After a while, a silver blood crystal flew out, wrapped in that ethereal meaning.

"Then use a different power of will to try the tempering of the internal organs."

Lu Kun opened his mouth and swallowed it, and then under the transport of the blood in the body, the ethereal meaning entered the blood vessels of the internal organs.

Then his mind moved, the blood crystal melted, and the power of will to break free hovered for a while, as if looking for the soul.

After finding nothing, he burrowed into the depths of his internal organs.

"Hey, if there is no special guidance, these willpowers will give priority to looking for the soul. If they can't find it, they will be combined with the internal organs."

Lu Kun put the misty cauldron aside, and the crystals of the ghostly spirit re-suspended. He spit out a turbid breath and said, "Yin'er, come again."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

Under the control of the two, the pure spiritual force entered the internal organs under the package of blood, and was then absorbed into the deep internal organs by the force of life.

Just like before, the ethereal meaning emerged directly from the depths of the internal organs, and after finding that there was no way to escape, it rushed towards the spiritual energy as if returning home.


A shock wave of consciousness spread out to the internal organs, and the current-like throbbing pain penetrated the soul, and the blood and water in the internal organs trembled, and it also spread to the brain.

Lu Kun's pupils shrank, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough, it's a matter of willpower. The shock wave of consciousness of the true devil's intention exploded once, and the internal organs were resistant to this brutal thought, so the second time was not hurt."

This thought flashed through his mind, and Lu Kun focused on the connection between this shock wave of consciousness and the central nervous system. It was not until the energy completely dissipated that he came back to his senses.

The strength of the internal organs has increased, and the pain has decreased slightly. He felt more clearly than last time, but there was still something he couldn't figure out, and he frowned.

"The method of spiritual consciousness cultivation is not so easy to comprehend. Let's first try to see if the internal organs will improve this time. The meaning of the ethereal belongs to the nature of spiritual vitality, and it can be restored by attracting demonic vitality into the body."

Lu Kun took a deep breath, the magic energy surged in his body, and he used the magical powers of heaven and earth.


After a few hours, Lu Kun returned to its original state, and the power of life surged into the internal organs, entering as much as 70%. If it weren't for the huge consumption, the magic energy would not be able to stabilize without the power of life.

Lu Kun slowly opened his eyes.

"In this way, every power of will can only temper the internal organs once."

"I used the crystallization of the underworld spirit to digest four kinds of willpower, the fierce meaning, the true devil's meaning, the eternal meaning, and the ethereal meaning just now. In retrospect, each type of will is similar. Increased life strength by 10%."

Thinking of this, he showed a bit of regret.

"It's a pity that there is no other will in hand, otherwise we can continue to improve. 70% of the life strength should be able to support two close-quarters condensing primordial powers, and even play two primal qi combat skills."

Lu Kun hesitated for a while, but did not urge the magic monkey to change, to test the vitality of the combat skills, the remaining vitality of the two top-quality spirit stones was only enough for him to quickly recover the backlash of the power of one yuan, and it could not be used easily until the time of crisis.

He was in the Demon Realm again, and his spiritual energy was thin. It would be too time-consuming to introduce the energy into the body to repair the power of one yuan.

There is not much difference between Yuan Qi combat skills and Yuan Li combat skills, but with the support of the power of one Yuan, they can bless Yuan Qi and transform into supernatural powers.

Lu Kun felt that it would be better to try it directly in the battle. Faced with different situations, the types of combat skills to be displayed are also different. At this time, the experiment is purely a waste of the true devil's meaning and the best spirit stones.

With the in-depth research on the art of forging the internal organs and the power of one element, he discovered the importance of the best-quality spirit stones and the will of the alien species. Needless to say, the best-quality spirit stones must be used as a trump card and will not be used in cultivation.

And all kinds of willpower, he has to find a way to collect, with the current method of quickly improving internal organs, he still needs three kinds of willpower to increase the internal organs strength to 100%.

If the internal organs have this strength, he can at least perform melee condensate three times, and the explosive power will increase greatly. In addition, he can greatly improve the training speed.

From the early stage of bone transformation, the cultivation of life force has been extremely slow, because each time the cultivation cycle, only the part that enters the internal organs can be improved.

When he first entered the middle stage of bone transformation, 30% of his life strength and life force needed to cycle for more than three rounds before he could practice all of them.

Whether it is the early stage or the middle stage of bone transformation, the longest time is the cultivation of life force. If the internal organs are strengthened to 100%, the training speed in the middle stage of bone transformation will be greatly accelerated.

"There is a sense of madness in the mountain of oath of the Refinement Pavilion, but I released the golden eye divine light once in the past, and there seems to be no residue in the internal organs. Go back and try it first."

"The sword valley of Tianjian Pavilion still retains the sharp meaning of the ancient swordsmen. The Yin predecessors of Hualingzong fell into the open sea, and the lazy meaning may be taken away by the Jiaolong family."

"By the way, and the power of will of the Dragon King, it seems that after the trip to the Great Zhou Dynasty, we have to go to the outer sea."

Lu Kun searched for Peng Yuanhua's soul, knowing that the heaven and earth in the outer sea were also pure. Obviously, the dragon king had fallen, and the power of his will was naturally in the hands of the Jiaolong clan.

"It's a pity that this method of quickly improving the internal organs is only suitable for me. If Huang Xiaoyun and the others' internal organs are strengthened, the speed of cultivation will not be the same, and they can reach the peak of the early stage of bone transformation as soon as possible."

He showed a bit of regret. There are several prerequisites for this method of forging dirty with the power of will.

First of all, the blood must contain the attributes of the underworld, and secondly, there must be a mysterious technique of the soul to avoid the erosion of the power of will.

If Shi Yin'er enters the realm of the tenth-level silver armored corpse, she can take the initiative to draw out the pure spiritual power of the crystal of the ghost, but other body cultivators have no spiritual defense means, and rashly integrates the power of will into the body, which is very risky. The soul will be wounded.

"As for the method of inducing the vitality of heaven and earth into the body to temper the internal organs, other body cultivation disciples can only use it in the late stage of bone transformation."

According to Lu Kun's inference, blood can be transformed into skeletal cells in the later stage of bone transformation. Even if there is no silver dragon meteorite iron, the bones can become larger, which can produce magical powers of heaven and earth, and greatly increase the induction of heaven and earth vitality, thus attracting vitality into the body. Clean the internal organs.

"The power of one element needs strong internal organs to support it. The strength of internal organs must be the foundation of the body cultivation and spiritual transformation stage. The cultivation direction in the later stage of bone transformation should focus on the internal organs."

Lu Kun felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect that he found a cultivation direction in the later stage of bone transformation by coincidence.

After sorting out these gains, he put away the ghost crystal, took out the magic stone, and left when he was ready to restore the magic energy.

As for the old demon Nebula, Lu Kun did not intend to silence it. In this person's impression, the one who appeared in the Falling Star Lake was a demon cultivator at the level of a demon king. If it leaked out, it would distract the attention of the cultivator of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Good thing for him.

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