The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1137 The situation in Yunlu State

Yunlu State, a barren hill.

There was a layer of light black mist shrouded here, and there were nine figures sitting cross-legged below. These people had a deep breath and exuded a strong pressure of the magic way. Most of them were monks in the middle of the Nascent Soul.

An old man with a withered complexion and gray hair said with a bit of surprise: "Xingyun, didn't you reject Xie's invitation, why, have you changed your mind?"

Opposite it is a deep-breathing white-haired old man wearing a dark blue starlight robe, who is the old demon Nebula.

He didn't know when he arrived at Yunlu State from Starfall Lake, and when he heard the question from the old man, he said slowly: "Xie old monster, it's not like you don't know, my cultivation base has been stagnant for a long time. After thinking about it, I'd better come and try. Try your luck, after all, the opening of the Broken Kingdom will be delayed until a hundred years later, so this time cannot be wasted like this."

Old Monster Xie let out a sigh. Like Old Demon Nebula, his cultivation base has been stuck at the peak of the middle Nascent Soul for hundreds of years, but it is a pity that for a loose cultivator like them, breaking through every small realm is extremely difficult.

Especially in the late Nascent Soul, it is even more difficult, if there is no special opportunity, it is impossible to break through.

"With Nebula you joining, our group of loose cultivators has gained momentum. Even if Yuan Mozong joins the battle, I'm afraid they won't care about me, and the security has improved a lot."

"By the way, this fellow Daoist next to you, wouldn't you introduce me?"

Old Monster Xie's gaze turned to Old Demon Nebula. There was a burly bald man in a gray suit. He only exuded the magic fluctuations of the Foundation Establishment period, but faced with so many Nascent Soul Old Man Strange, no stage fright at all.

The corner of Old Demon Xingyun's eyes twitched slightly, and he coughed lightly: "This fellow Daoist Zhang Tianbiao is a loose cultivator I once met in Wulonghai, and his strength is amazing. He just came to visit Starfall Lake not long ago, old man He was specially invited to help out."

Zhang Tianbiao bowed his hands to the crowd and said, "Zhang is here to see with fellow Daoist Xingyun. Don't mind everyone."

"It turned out to be a fellow Taoist from Wulonghai."

"With the help of Daoist Zhang, my strength is even better."

"Haha, the more people there are, the more fearful those sect forces are."

The surrounding Demon Dao Loose Cultivators greeted Zhang Tianbiao one by one. Although everyone showed a kind smile, they were quite afraid of him.

Everyone present could not see the depth of this Zhang Tianbiao, but could only perceive the magic fluctuations of the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment. How could a magic cultivator who can interact with the old Nebula Demon be a low-level cultivator? I am afraid it also exists in the middle of the Nascent Soul. .

Wulonghai is the sphere of influence of the demon clan, and if one can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage there, the supernatural power is definitely extraordinary.

These people don't have too many repulsive colors. In this kind of sect melee, the stronger the overall strength of the loose cultivator, the more fearful other sects are. As long as they don't participate in the core area, the sect forces will not waste their energy to provoke them. .

After everyone chatted, Old Demon Nebula asked, "Old Monster Xie, how is the situation of the Holy Demon Sect now, haven't the rest of the Demon Sect started yet?"

Xie Laoguai looked right and said: "Now the blood beast gate and the coalition of other sects have harvested all the resource points of the Holy Demon Sect and forced them to be a hundred miles away from the Tianren Mountains."

"I originally planned to force the attack, but who knew that at this critical moment, a group of old bald donkeys from Huatian Temple came."

When Old Monster Nebula heard the words, his face changed slightly: "Buddhist also joined in?"

The surrounding loose cultivators all showed fear. Speaking of which, Buddhism was a special existence in Dazhou, and there were dozens of various monasteries in Huatian Prefecture.

Huatian Temple is only the largest dojo in Buddhism, but even so, its strength ranks eighth in Dazhou.

If it weren't for this group of monks, there were no monks in the spiritual transformation stage, and the overall strength of Buddhism would be a bit stronger than the first Five Spirit View.

Xie Laoguai said: "With the help of Buddhist monks in the Holy Demon Sect, the number of monks in the Nascent Soul period is even more than before. Not to mention the magic dragon blade, it is difficult to conquer the great formation of ten thousand blades guarding the mountain gate."

Old Monster Nebula frowned and said, "In this case, wouldn't the blood beast gate and other demon gates be evacuated?"

Old Monster Xie chuckled: "How could they give up such a rare opportunity in ten thousand years? If they don't do it now, I think they are waiting for Yuan Mozong's support."

"Yuan Mozong!"

Xie Laoguai nodded lightly and said, "The magic dragon blade is a rare magic treasure that can reach the sky, how could the old demon Wu from the Yuan Mozong give up this opportunity, I think when the Yuan Mozong people arrive, they will Invade the Heavenly Blade Mountains."

"These people must focus on capturing the core mountain gate where the Demon Dragon Blade is located, and the remaining resource points in the Tianren Mountains. I can at least get a piece of the pie. If I encounter some seriously injured Nascent Soul monks, then I will make a profit."

These people are all loose cultivators of the magic path who have cultivated alone. Like this kind of knives licking blood, they are extremely skilled in burning, killing and looting. When they hear this, their eyes glow with red light.

Before the major sects invaded the resource points of the Holy Demon Sect, they followed behind and drank a lot of soup, and they entered the base camp of the Holy Demon Sect, and the benefits were naturally more.

Xie Laoguai looked at the expressions of everyone, and his eyes narrowed: "Now that everyone is here, I will make a new agreement. The treasures of the Holy Demon Sect will see their own opportunities, but within a thousand miles of the Tianren Mountains, we can't wait for each other. Fight, but if you are thousands of miles away, even if you join forces to ambush the old man, it will be fine."

"Friend Daoist is joking, how can I deal with you, thank you old monster."

"The major factions do not welcome the loose cultivators, we will naturally watch and help each other."

Old Monster Xie listened to these words, his face was expressionless, and a gray page appeared in his hand, which looked like it was made of some kind of stone, exuding a ghostly aura.

"In that case, let's make a contract on this Styx page."


There is a small mountain range a hundred miles away from the gate of the Holy Demon Sect. There is a fiery magical aura surging here. A large number of ghost flame flowers are planted in it. It is an auxiliary material for cultivating a kind of magic fire supernatural power. Ghost Flame Mountain is an important resource point. , has now been captured and has become a temporary residence for the blood beast gate.

At this time, at the highest point of the mountain, there were two figures standing.

One of them was a middle-aged man with a strong physique. The surface of his exposed skin was engraved with strange runes, and his magical aura was extremely thick, which had already reached the late Nascent Soul realm.

This person is the Great Elder of the Blood Beast Sect, Tu Lingzi.

The other person was a woman with a black mask. Only through the mask, she could see a pair of red eyes that flickered. Her aura was slightly inferior to that of Tu Lingzi, but she was also a great cultivator.

She is the second elder of the Blood Beast Sect, Xu Yao, nicknamed Fairy Yumo. She has two magical beasts that have reached the peak of the mid-Yuan Ying. Because she walks around all year round, her reputation is even better than that of Tu Lingzi.

The two stood quietly on a rock and looked at the west. After an unknown amount of time, Tu Lingzi suddenly said, "Calculate the time, the people from Yuan Mozong should be here soon."

A hoarse and low voice came out of Xu Yao's mouth: "Senior brother, the rest of the Yuan Mozong are fine, but if Old Demon Wu personally takes action, we can't fight against it, and the Dragon Blade probably won't have a chance..."

Tu Lingzi was silent for a while and said:

"Old Mo Wu, the main focus must be Qi Ruyan who holds the magic dragon blade, and the second is the old monk Zhiyuan. Facing the cooperation of these two people, he would not be afraid if he was in Yuan Mozong's territory, but here, It's not that easy to take."

Xu Yao heard the words and couldn't help but said: "Senior brother, the old monk Zhiyuan has realized the true meaning of God Transformation, and his strength has almost reached the level of pseudo-God Transformation. The magic dragon blade is really so terrifying, it is more threatening than Zhiyuan?"

A bit of fear flashed in Tu Lingzi's eyes and said: "The magic dragon blade is different from the traditional Tongtian Lingbao. It was made by the first powerhouse in Dazhou, who was known as the Holy Devil King. This blade can absorb the flesh and magic of monks. Then store it up."

"The user can vent out these energy in one go, and exert the ultimate power. Twenty thousand years ago, when the Holy Demon Sect was in the fault of the god-transforming stage, a god-transforming demon cultivator came to the door and tried to capture the magic dragon blade."

"As a result, the great elder of the Holy Demon Sect at that time used the secret technique to activate the greatest power of the Demon Dragon Blade, and severely injured this divine being and escaped. However, this secret is rarely known in Da Zhou, and many people do not know this The magic knife is terrifying."

"Old Demon Wu of the Yuan Demon Sect, he didn't spy on the magic dragon blade after he advanced into a god, but he was afraid of his supernatural powers."

Xu Yao was extremely shocked. Five hundred years ago, she had seen a cultivator at the God Transformation stage in the Broken Kingdom, and that kind of supernatural power almost destroyed the world.

Ordinary great cultivators, even if they have the Heaven-transforming Spirit Treasure in their hands, can only support themselves for a period of time under the hands of the monks in the spiritual transformation stage, which is worthy of self-preservation, but this magic dragon blade can actually make the cultivators in the late Nascent Soul inflict heavy damage on the spiritual transformation stage!

Tu Lingzi squinted his eyes and continued: "My brother brought three qi-blood monsters of the seventh peak this time. With my spiritual skills, I spent a little energy, and I could activate the magic weapon at least three times. At the moment, we may not have the opportunity to win the treasure.”

The red light in Xu Yao's eyes flickered slightly, and her tone was a little worried: "But senior brother, the first great elder in this sect died because of too much activation of the magic weapon, and the soul weakened. You activated it in a short time. Three times..."

Tu Lingzi waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I had good luck for my brother a few years ago, and I got a secret treasure made from the ten thousand year demon wood in Wulonghai, even if the willpower of the monks in the god-transforming stage can be used. Resist, let alone the devil in the magic weapon."

"Unfortunately, I don't have enough magic power. It's the limit to use it three times."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, Junior Sister, did the Ten Thousand Beasts bring you?"

Xu Yao nodded and said: "Bring it, Junior Sister put all the corpses of blood-blooded beasts accumulated in this sect for tens of thousands of years, but Senior Brother, these corpses can neither be used for you to activate the magic weapon, nor can you use the enchantment technique, don't you think? Is there any other use?"

The gleam in Tu Lingzi's eyes flashed: "The reason why the magic dragon blade makes the monks in the spiritual transformation period fear is that they rely on the flesh and blood essence and magic power accumulated by killing the strong, but after the strongest power erupts once, it will be used up."

"Although the qi and blood beasts cultivated by this sect died, the qi and blood magic inside them still exists."

"According to the analysis of the elders of this sect, there is a 70% chance that the magic dragon blade can absorb these blood and blood magic power. If you are lucky enough to win the magic dragon blade for your brother, you can use the altar of ten thousand beasts to temporarily activate this magic treasure."

"After the war, Old Demon Wu and Zhiyuan will naturally be afraid of the power of the Demon Dragon Blade, and this sect will be able to keep this treasure."

A frenzy flashed in his eyes and said: "There are a large number of corpses of blood-blooded beasts to support, the deterrent power of the magic dragon blade has greatly increased, coupled with the magical power of the envoy's magic weapon and the guardian formation of the master, I will wait. Don't be afraid of the interference of those god-turning old monsters, try to break through the god-turning stage inside the door."

After Xu Yao heard Tu Lingzi's words, she squeezed her fist excitedly.

In addition to last week's, I owe 3 chapters, and there will be an update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and I will make up for it on other weekends...

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