The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1150 Depleted Flesh

A golden light flickered in Lu Kun's eyes. He flew thousands of miles in the sky, then hid his figure, ran for six or seven hundred miles on the ground, and finally got into a desolate hill with demonic energy.

He occupied the cave of a wild bear and sensed the nerves of his lower body. He didn't find any special induction, so he breathed a sigh of relief and slumped directly to the ground.

The muscles of the whole body are full and sturdy, as if they have lost moisture, and the skin becomes extremely pale. His consciousness is surging, and an exquisite gray figure appears beside him.

"Pavilion Master, you are injured!" Shi Yin'er was startled.

"The physical overdraft is too large, and I need to reply immediately, protect the law for me, and kill any immortal cultivator who approaches." Lu Kun said weakly, and a pile of flags appeared on the ground at the same time.

"Yes, pavilion master." Shi Yin'er seemed to know the seriousness, and set up the magic circle in earnest. At the same time, the spiritual consciousness of the middle stage of Nascent Soul spread vaguely around, and probed for the troubles within a range of dozens of miles.

Lu Kun sat paralyzed on the wall of the cave, enduring the pain of throbbing and weakness all over his body. With the help of a little blood left in his body, he mobilized the magic stones and high-level spirit stones in the rib space.

As the rich and pure demonic aura entered the depths of the bones, a trace of fresh blood gradually emerged from the bone marrow. Although his expression was relieved a lot, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"The blood has bottomed out. If it is delayed for a while, I am afraid it will be discovered."

Not long ago, Lu Kun had a conversation with several gods, and he looked imposing, with no signs of injury, and even showed the mighty power of qi and blood.

But only he himself knew that these powers of qi and blood were manifested with the help of the life essence of monsters. In fact, the blood had been exhausted to the extreme, and he could only barely maintain the appearance of full muscles. The blood vessels and internal organs in the body were seriously lacking. blood state.

Without the resilience of flesh and blood provided by blood, any attack at the level of vitality transformation can damage the body. If the muscle fibers are destroyed, the body's cultivation will even go backwards.

Fortunately, there is still some remaining magic energy, which can motivate the bone treasure, otherwise he will not be able to fly out of the Wanren Mountains.

Lu Kun was so strong that he didn't even leave in a hurry, just to frighten these monks in the spiritual transformation stage. Fortunately, he bet right, those few people knew nothing about physical cultivation, and they couldn't see the power of qi and blood.


As time passed, the bone marrow in Lu Kun's body kept producing fresh blood. The blood did not nourish the shriveled muscles, but poured into the internal organs.

At this time, the internal organs were not only extremely dry, but even a bit grayish-white. Two top-quality spiritual stones were stuck in the middle, which contained the vitality of vitality and slowly circulated in the organs.

The overdraft state of the internal organs this time is even more serious than the first time he used the power of one yuan. He has a deep feeling.

As the blood poured into the internal organs, the speed of the power of life began to speed up, and a feeling of soreness and numbness came from the internal organs, and Lu Kun couldn't help but let out a soothing groan.

"The viscera with 70% of its life strength has already consumed nearly half of it after using a combat technique of vitality. Next, it will forcefully cast the void congealing essence. Although the loss of the viscera has been reduced with the help of the magic dragon blade, the overdraft of the viscera is still amazing."

Lu Kun recalled the scene of the previous battle, still feeling thrilling, how terrifying the power of two god-transforming-level magic weapons attacking at the same time.

At that time, he was bound by the chains of the primordial spirit. If he was rigidly connected with his flesh, the blood of the primordial sword energy alone would be exhausted. Even if he did not die, his flesh and bones would be damaged, and he would have no fighting power. Only to be slaughtered.

"The power of one yuan is really the power that should be controlled in the period of physical cultivation and spiritual transformation. These two guys fought in different places, and the control of the vitality was suppressed by the power of one yuan, and they directly turned from defense to attack."

Under the crisis, he broke out the power of one yuan, condensed his vitality, and used the defensive combat skills created by Pan Yan under the calamity.

With the huge source force field, the Primordial Sword Qi and the Demon Essence Knife were swept into the Primordial Qi vortex of the flesh, and the strength of the Primordial Qi that he had condensed was rebounded to the enemy.


Lu Kun sighed heavily. In fact, he used the power of one yuan to break free from the chains of the primordial spirit, and then he could escape completely.

But he didn't want to just let it go. He just used his vitality combat skills. Only by showing the powerful supernatural powers that matched the gods, could the high-level monks in Da Zhou truly fear the body refining pavilion.

Thinking of the next counterattack, Lu Kun couldn't help but look at the soft rib space, where the Purple Gold Magic Axe lay quietly.

"I didn't expect that there is such a connection between the physical source and the magic weapon, and it can exert the terrifying power of the magic dragon blade."

"Otherwise, if you continue to fight with vitality combat skills, you will have to fight for one or two more rounds at most, and your internal organs will be exhausted, and you will be seen by the opponent."

At the beginning, Lu Kun didn't find the special features of the magic weapon. He just used the power of the eighth-level demon soul and blood to activate the magic weapon, and with the help of the vitality inside, he resisted the cultivator's power. Normal Attack.

But when he used the magical powers of the heavens and the earth, and the control of his vitality greatly increased, he suddenly found that his physical source power seemed to be able to extend into the magic weapon through the power of blood.

This kind of feeling is like extending his body, the magic weapon is a part of the body, and the source power of the body can help the magic weapon to condense the magic energy.

Under its control, outside the magic axe, a two-zhang-sized axe of vitality was formed, which greatly increased the power of the magic weapon, and then knocked the Hunyuan sword, the heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, into the air.

Lu Kun looked at the magic dragon blade next to the Zijin magic axe, showing a faint excitement.

"This magical power extended from the source of the physical body can also be used on the magic dragon blade, and even with the injection of a large amount of blood essence, the explosive power is far above the magic weapon."

He had seen Tu Lingzi use this treasure, and he could clearly sense that the other party poured into the ground, which was definitely blood and blood magic.

After he grabbed it, through the induction of his own blood, he discovered the energy in the magic dragon blade, mixed with flesh and blood essence, magic power, and a sense of chill.

Those scattered flesh and blood essence and blood magic power can motivate the magic dragon blade. His blood essence is more powerful, why not?

The magic dragon blade also has a magic spirit similar to a magic weapon, can it also carry the source power of the body?

In a hurry at that time, Lu Kun couldn't think about anything, and poured blood and magic energy into the magic dragon blade.

The energy of blood and magic energy mixed in it seemed to be shocked by his terrifying flesh and blood essence and the destructive power of magic energy.

And with the influx of blood, the magic dragon blade is like the purple gold magic axe, which can carry the source power of the body.

Lu Kun simply used the magic dragon blade as the source, and directly used the Void Condensing Primordial Magical Power. With the assistance of the magic dragon blade, the extremely rich devil vitality swarmed in, and was condensed into a twenty-zhang vitality sword by the force of one element.

His source force field was released by the magic dragon blade in a unique way, locking the space around Gu Deming.

Recalling the scene at that time, Lu Kun sighed softly.

"Unfortunately, the Demon Ape Transformation and the Demon Dragon Blade consume too much blood, and the internal organs can't support the Void Congealing Primordial Power, so there is no way to cut down that sword, otherwise this blow, even if it can't kill Gu Deming, it can still be killed. Hit hard!"

"Although this battle is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, it may be irreversible, but the harvest is huge. It not only deterred the existence of Da Zhou's transformation, but also captured the magic dragon blade, and obtained the refining of the magic dragon blade and imitation magic treasure. method."

"The magic dragon blade has been damaged under the influence of magic energy, but if I extend its characteristics, can I refine a higher-level war treasure..."

Next, while Lu Kun flashed various thoughts in his mind, he recovered his depleted body, and the cave fell into peace...

Continue to make up tomorrow, owe 7...

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