The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1151 Discovery

Two months passed in a blink of an eye, inside a bear cave in a barren hill.

Lu Kun sat cross-legged on the ground, his muscles had become full and hydrated, his body exuded a strong breath of life, and a special vitality circulated in his body.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and a terrifying sense of oppression radiated from his body.

"Finally recovered, I didn't expect that the chilling meaning in the magic dragon blade is a kind of demonic will that is different from the true demon's meaning, and the resulting shock wave of consciousness directly caused damage to the internal organs, the spiritual energy in the top-quality spirit stone, It can also be repaired.”

Lu Kun took a sigh of relief, his expression completely relaxed.

In the past two months, in addition to restoring blood, he spent the rest of his time repairing his internal organs. After the internal organs recovered from the backlash of the power of one element, he then dealt with the cruelty and killing intent hidden inside.

These two powers of will were brought into his body by Wu Wenxuan's primordial spirit. Although a part of it was consumed by the Golden Light Divine Eye, a lot of them still entered the depths of his internal organs.

The meaning of brutality and the meaning of true demons have the same origin. The shock wave of consciousness generated by pure spiritual power and annihilation does not harm the internal organs, but the meaning of chilling is different. Not only does it cause damage, but it can also be repaired by the vitality in the top-quality spirit stone. .

"Ordinary gods and demons can only integrate the meaning of true demons. The senior of the Holy Demon Sect is really not simple. He has actually researched two special true meanings of demon attributes, the true meaning of evil spirits in Qishamen, and the true meaning of evil spirits in the dragon blade. Killing intent."

Thinking of this, he glanced at a jade slip in the lower rib space, which recorded the manuscript of the holy demon king who studied the will of alien species.

After the abbot Zhiyuan found such a thing in the treasure house of the Holy Demon Sect, he directly copied two copies and gave it to him and Wu Wenxuan. It not only has the method of forming the true meaning of the evil spirit, but also expressed the senior's understanding of the will of the devil attribute. .

For Lu Kun, its importance is no less than the magic dragon blade. After Wu Wenxuan got this thing, his mood improved a lot.

"This is not the time to study the power of will."

He looked at the torso again, his expression a little excited.

"After being tempered by the meaning of killing, the internal organs have 80% of the life strength, and two more willpowers can reach 100%. At that time, a battle skill of vitality and a slash of the magic dragon blade will not be at all. If the internal organs are overdrawn, as long as they recover with top-quality spirit stones, they can continue fighting in a short period of time.”

Lu Kun carefully checked one side of his body and found that there were no sequelae. With a wave of one hand, a four-foot-long broad sword appeared in his hand. It is the magic treasure of the sky, the magic dragon blade.

At first, he didn't dare to put this magic knife into his body. Although the blood and magic power in it was not pure enough, it was huge in quantity, and it was dangerous to put it into his body.

Later, after he successfully activated the magic dragon blade, he kept a lot of blood in it, trapping the blood and magic power inside, so he dared to put it into his body.

Now that his physical body has returned to its best state, and the blood is extremely abundant, it is natural to strengthen the seal of the blood and magic power inside.

Lu Kun put the magic dragon blade in front of him, opened his mouth slightly, and spewed out a cloud of silver blood mist, like a little star, falling on the heavy blade and directly submerged in it.

At this time, inside the thick blade, a mass of silver muscle fibers, like countless tiny ropes, wrapped the energy of mixed colors. The rope looked a little loose, and the energy inside had a tendency to overflow.

As new blood enters it, these muscle fibers are replenished, become more coagulated, and the energy inside has to curl up again.

Seeing this, Lu Kun breathed a sigh of relief, and then he controlled a little blood, entered the blood and magic power, and felt it carefully.

"It is indeed a little different. The blood and blood magic power of physical cultivation is only the essence of flesh and blood and magic power, but the magic dragon blade still contains the breath of the soul, more like a kind of life."

He glanced at the position of the knife handle again, and there was no breath there.

"This artifact spirit is also somewhat conscious. It was injured by the golden eye light, and the killing intent was partially wiped out. It simply hid. It seems to be able to control the blood and magic power through these spiritual breaths."

Lu Kun had a faint realization in his heart that the great cultivator of the Holy Demon Sect should use the secret technique to control the spirit of the weapon, thus urging this heaven-penetrating magic treasure.

"As for the flesh and blood essence inside, it's too mixed. In addition to the flesh and blood of the human race, there are also monsters. Hey, this flesh and blood is a bit weird."

Lu Kun's expression suddenly changed, and the silver blood turned into a blood claw, submerged in the blood magic, and after a while, a dark purple energy was pulled out unwillingly.

Hesitation flashed in his eyes at first, and then he found that this flesh and blood aura was very similar to the two demon kings on Demon Island, but in terms of flesh and blood strength, it was much weaker.

"The flesh and blood of the devil? There is some cruelty left in it."

He linked the process of fighting before and after, and suddenly understood: "Old Demon Wu's avatar is made from the incomplete fleshly body of the Demon King. spirit."

Lu Kun put the dark purple flesh and blood back, except for the human race and the demon king's flesh and blood essence, the rest of the blood and magic power contained the breath of monsters.

"This qi and blood magic is somewhat familiar..."

Suddenly, his mind moved, and a black altar with a bloody smell appeared in his hand. It was the treasure of Tu Lingzi that he ingested while robbing the Demon Dragon Blade.

Divine consciousness poured into it, and he found that this was a space magic weapon, which contained a large number of monster corpses, and almost all the corpses contained blood and blood magic.

When Lu Kun saw this scene, his expression was startled, showing a bit of incredulousness: "Qi and blood monsters, these Qi and blood magic powers all come from Qi and blood monsters!"

In the one-yuan secret realm of Qi State, there is a magical beast garden. The monsters in it are extremely deformed. The flesh seems to be mixed with the human race, and they are all half-human and half-beast.

He inherited the bloodline memory of the Tongji Demon Ape, and after reading Hong Yuntian's notebook, he realized that these Qi-blood beasts were the failures of Yuntong's Body Refinement Jutsu.

The disciples who practice Yuntong Body Refinement Jutsu, in order to quickly improve their cultivation, will use their flesh and blood magic to devour the child monsters. If they succeed, they will directly enter the stage of forming a pill. Become a deformed blood monster.

Lu Kun stared at the black altar, thinking in his mind: "The corpses of the beasts here don't have the flesh and blood of the human race. Could it be that the blood beastmen cultivated blood beasts in other ways?"

In his mind, he recalled that Tu Lingzi's body turned into a half-human half-beast before he died.

"Judging from the magical aura in the black altar, the most powerful one is the peak of the Pill Formation. It seems that the Blood Beast Sect has not found a way to break through the Nascent Soul with the blood and magic power."

"Tu Lingzi's body is ordinary, obviously he didn't practice Yuntong Body Refinement Art, so how did they cultivate the blood beasts?"

Lu Kun couldn't help being very curious.

Today's Body Refinement Pavilion has several directions for body refinement, and the road to the later stage of bone transformation is very clear. Apart from the derivation of the realm of God Transformation, what worries him most is the threshold of the bone transformation stage.

Among Lu Kun's five disciples, apart from Pan Yan and Huang Xiaoyun, Qingtian, Xue'er, and Yuxuan all fell under the body-refining thunder tribulation, and physical aptitude was an important reason.

The half-demon body that Hualing Pavilion is studying, in order to improve the qualifications of the disciples of physical training, an inferior demon beast bone-changing technique can serve as a reference, not to mention the blood beast gate, the secret of cultivating blood beasts. technique.

"Da Zhou's business is over, but this blood beast gate, you have to go..."

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