The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1152 Blood Cloud Cave

The Blood Cloud Cave is located in the northeast of Yunlu State. It is an underground cave that stretches for hundreds of miles. Because it is adjacent to the Tongtian River and the border of the Shattered Kingdom, there are space cracks all over the sky, like a natural prohibition.

Occupying this place is the seventh-ranked sect in Da Zhou, the Blood Beast Sect.

Now that the Holy Demon Sect is in decline, the Blood Beast Gate can be regarded as the second largest demon gate in Da Zhou, but for some reason, this sect has blocked the Blood Cloud Cave, and various restrictions have been opened in it. Hold the handle, as if any enemy will attack them at any time

On this day, in a cave in the depths of the Blood Cloud Grotto, a woman with a black mask was suspended in mid-air. Under her body was a square pool with a length and width of about 10 feet. A monster in the shape of a cheetah.

This woman exudes an incomparably strong magical pressure all over her body, and it is Xu Yao, the second elder of the Blood Beast Gate, nicknamed Fairy Yumo.

She was pinching some kind of mysterious magic in her hand, and a special breath circulated in her body. After a while, her mouth opened slightly, and a dark red magic force was spit out, as if flesh and blood were squirming inside.

Following its magic power, this group of magic power crossed an arc in the air and fell into the mouth of the monster in the pool below. Scaled Cheetah.

Xu Yao slowly opened her eyes, revealing blood-red pupils, she looked a little tired: "Two months of non-stop cultivation, I finally used the blood spiritual sense freely, so that I can pass the attachment. Spiritual secret technique, the magic power of blood beasts is absorbed into the body, thereby activating the magic weapon."

She seemed to have thought of something, and smiled bitterly: "But what about this, without the treasure of divine soul defense, if you activate the magic weapon two or three times, your mind will be eroded by the devil, and the soul will be damaged at light, and the mind will be lost at worst, taking such a risk , In the face of the cultivator of the Spirit Transformation stage, it is just a little more confidence to escape."

Two months ago, Xu Yao was only ten miles away from the battlefield. With the help of a magic eye technique, he could barely see the situation on the battlefield.

"Senior brother underestimates the old monster of the God Transformation stage."

Xu Yao observed from the outside and could see very clearly that Tu Lingzi was attacked by the magic knife, and the changes in the battle later showed that Old Demon Wu had already moved his hands on this magic treasure.

"I didn't expect that the magic dragon blade of the Holy Demon Sect would attract so many strong men, such as Zhiyuan Abbot, Wu Laomo, Gu Deming of Taixuanzong, and even a black ape demon king, even if the senior brother really controls the magic dragon Blade, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape."

Recalling the scene at that time, Xu Yao's terrified eyes suddenly flashed a trace of doubt.

"However, that ape demon king, why can he activate the magic dragon blade, with the characteristics of demon spirit power, even if it is a heavenly treasure, it needs to practice the treasure art, and my brother also activates it through blood spirit and blood magic power. Dragon Blade."

"This treasure is a magic treasure that can reach the sky. At least it needs to be activated with magic power. Or, this demon king is a magical beast at the level of a god?"

Thinking of this, Xu Yao laughed at himself: "Only when the Shattered Kingdom is opened, the space cracks in the ancient battlefields may appear Yuan Ying-level monsters, and there are very few demon kings. Maybe that demon king has some special talent and magical powers. , that's why the Demon Dragon Blade was activated."

"The existence of the demon king is not something I can speculate."

Xu Yao shook her head and didn't think about it. A flash of light flashed in her hand, and a short knife several feet long appeared, with a bit of happiness on her face: "Two months have passed, and Old Demon Wu has not come to ask for trouble, it seems that Disdain to hold us accountable.”

"Although the Altar of Ten Thousand Beasts and two magic weapons have been lost, there is still one magic weapon left. In addition to the current captive qi and blood beasts, this sect does not hurt its foundation like the Holy Demon Sect. In the late stage of the advanced Nascent Soul, the strength of this sect ranked first in Yunlu Prefecture."

At this moment, the entire cave suddenly trembled, like an earthquake. Even though there were many restrictions, there was still a continuous sound of vibrations coming from a distance.

"what happened!"

Xu Yao's expression changed, a jade pendant appeared in her hand, and a panicked voice came from it: "Senior sister is not good, the banning formation of this sect has been broken, and a person... No, a monster broke in."

"Before a few of us could react, we were knocked off by an invisible force, and the enemy broke into the Blood Cloud Cave directly."

Xu Yao's face changed, and she said solemnly: "Junior Brother Bai, make it clearer, whether the person here is a human or a demon."

The voice on the other end of the jade pendant calmed down a bit, he took a breath, and hesitantly said: "It should be a man, but this man is three feet tall, like a giant, one of his arms is covered with black hair, holding a The purple-gold giant axe directly split the forbidden formation."

As soon as Xu Yao heard this, he immediately thought of the battle he observed two months ago, and his face became extremely pale: "The three-zhang giant, the giant axe magic weapon, is the black ape demon king..."

Brother Bai on the other end of the jade pendant heard Xu Yao's words, and his voice trembled: "Master... sister, you... mean... the demon king who appeared in the Wanren Mountains?"

Xu Yao took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. A flash of light flashed in her hand, and a disk of light flashed inside, which outlined a complex labyrinth image.

The dark red aura above kept going out, like a terrifying existence, rushing into the blood cloud cave abruptly, and there was no restriction that could stop it.

"Such a terrifying speed of breaking the formation can only be achieved by an existence at the first level of God Transformation. Wait, Junior Brother Bai, how many of you have been injured?"

The junior brother Bai was stunned for a moment and said, "Although the other party knocked me off when he raised his hand, it doesn't seem to hurt anyone."

Several thoughts flashed through Xu Yao's mind, she gritted her teeth, and seemed to have made some kind of decision.


Somewhere in the blood cloud cave where the passages meet, five or six monks from the blood beast gate are full of horror, and their bodies are firmly attached to the wall at the top of the rock passage, as if there is an invisible force pressing them, no matter what. The aura of protecting the body will be instantly dissipated.

Among these people, there was also an old man in the early Nascent Soul. Although he barely held up the magic shield, he still had no resistance against this force.

Below them, stood a burly man. The man's right arm was covered with black hair, like the arm of some kind of monster. It was intertwined with thick python-like muscles. Purple-gold axe.

A line of purple-black light appeared in the nearby demonic energy, converging toward the giant axe, forming a substantial halo axe shadow.

A palpitating aura filled the air, and the surrounding magic cultivators squeezed against the wall, including the early Nascent Soul cultivator, felt the magic within their bodies shrink in horror.

The burly man ignored the others, raised his black-haired arm, and was about to slash at the thick formation aura in front of him, but before he could make a move, this layer of restraint collapsed on its own, revealing the passage behind him.

A respectful female voice came from the surrounding formation nodes.

"Xu Yao, on behalf of the Blood Beast Sect, welcomes the senior demon king to come to the sect, and also ask the senior to wait for a while, and the junior will come to greet him in person!"

The burly man seemed a little surprised, and then the purple-gold giant axe disappeared in his hand, and the thick and ferocious black-haired arm quickly returned to the appearance of a normal human race. Then he waved one hand, and the invisible giant force filled the passage disappeared. trace.

These blood beast sect demon cultivators, because of the magic power retracted in their bodies, fell unprotected from the top of the 10-foot-high passage, enduring the pain one by one, not daring to take a breath...

I'm busy again... owe 8

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