The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1153 Source (1)

In a cave hall in the depths of the Blood Cloud Cave, Lu Kun was sitting on the main seat, next to Xu Yao, the great monk of the Blood Beast Gate, her expression was calm, she made a pot of dark red The light tea, said cautiously:

"I don't know what is the important thing for the senior demon king to come to the blood beast gate. If the junior can help, he will not refuse."

Lu Kun glanced at the only remaining demon cultivator in the late Nascent Soul Sect, and said slowly, "You call me the Demon King, do you know Lu?"

Xu Yao even said that he didn't dare to say: "How dare the junior to make friends with the senior, two months ago, the junior was in the Wanren Mountains, and saw the senior's great power from a distance, remembered the senior's handsome appearance, and listened to the descriptions of the juniors. I know that the senior demon king is here."

Lu Kun said with a tsk tsk, "The magical power of the Blood Beast Gate is really not simple. You can see the battlefield from a distance without using your divine sense. It is no wonder that Tu Lingzi can fight against Huashen."

Xu Yao said with some sincerity: "Senior Lu, Senior Brother Tu should have no conflict with the senior, we..."

Lu Kun waved his hand and interrupted: "Don't worry, Lu is not here to trouble you, but to understand a few things."

Xu Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and said respectfully: "Senior, if you have any questions, if the junior knows, you must know everything and say everything."

A flash of light flashed in Lu Kun's hand, and a black jade altar appeared, engraved with the patterns of many beasts, and a dark red light flashed inside.

"This is what Tu Lingzi left behind, it's your blood beast door."

Xu Yao's eyes lit up and said, "It's the altar of all beasts! The junior thought it was taken away by Old Demon Wu, but he didn't expect it to be in the hands of the senior."

"It turns out that this thing is called the Altar of Ten Thousand Beasts."

Lu Kun was thoughtful, and then grasped the void with one hand. A mass of dark red energy gushed out from the black altar and landed on his generous palm, exuding an aura of evil and greed. To drill into the skin, but this layer of skin is like some kind of hard defensive magic weapon, which can be easily blocked from it.

Seeing the seemingly powerless qi and blood magic in Lu Kun's hands, Xu Yao was secretly shocked.

She is very aware of the characteristics of the blood and magic power. The other party did not take any protective measures at all, and allowed the blood and magic power to come into contact with her body, but she was unscathed.

Lu Kun kneaded the qi and blood magic power, and said slowly: "Lu Mou wants to know how the blood beast gate is cultivated with so many qi and blood beasts, and how your exercises control the qi and blood magic power. of."

Xu Yao couldn't help showing a bit of surprise when she heard the other party call out the qi and blood magic power. The qi and blood magic power has always been their most important secret. How did the other party know that the blood beast door has the stone of oath, even the demon king can Difficult to search for souls.

The disciples in the sect are only qualified to practice the secret techniques related to Qi and blood magic power only when they reach the late stage of the formation of elixir.

These beasts are all transformed from the flesh of monsters, and many high-level monsters are also fed in the middle. The Blood Beast Gate uses various channels every year to catch a large number of monsters in Wulonghai.

If these are known to the demon king in front of him, will they be exterminated under the anger of the other party?

Seeing that Xu Yao was silent for a long time, Lu Kun seemed to understand something. He chuckled softly: "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. Lu is the master of the Southwest Xiu Xian World and the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"I'm not a demon king, but a genuine human cultivator. Fairy Xu has nothing to worry about."

"What, senior is a human race!"

Xu Yao covered her mouth, and her eyes flashed an incredible color. Although she didn't see some details of the battle in the Wanren Mountains, she still remembered the situation of the man in front of him changing shape and turning into a giant ape of five feet.

This person even transformed into a giant of 30 feet, wielding a giant axe with a black-haired ape arm, breaking the prohibition of the blood beast gate, this powerful physical body and transformation supernatural power, in her cognition, only the transformation above Only the demon cultivator has it.

This man said he was a human race? The human race can actually cultivate the body to such a terrifying level!

Body Refinement Pavilion, is it a sect that specializes in cultivating the flesh, not to mention the fact that it has god-turning cultivators, and possesses such incredible exercises, even in remote places, it is impossible to remain unknown.

In addition to being shocked, Xu Yao suddenly thought of something, and said respectfully: "It turns out that Senior Lu is a human monk. Since Senior knows the power of blood and blood, is the noble faction related to the body refining line of the One Yuan Sect?"

Lu Kun said lightly: "You actually know the secrets of the One Yuan Sect? The Body Refinement Pavilion has nothing to do with the One Yuan Sect, but Lu Mou and that body trainer have some connections."

"As far as Lu knows, the brothers of the Hong family who were in charge of the body-refining line at that time, one failed to break through and died, and the other turned into a demon. This line has long been broken. Your blood beasts, is it another one of the Yuan Sect? It was researched by body-refining disciples?"

When Xu Yao heard these words, she corresponded with what she knew in her heart, and her expression became more and more respectful.

"It turns out that Senior Lu has some connections with the One Yuan Sect. The patriarch of our Blood Beast Sect is a disciple of the One Yuan Sect, who is responsible for keeping the beasts in captivity."

Lu Kun's eyes showed a look of surprise: "Raising magical beasts in captivity? Are they raising blood-blooded beasts that failed to refine their bodies? Are those secret techniques developed by your ancestors?"

Xu Yao listened to Lu Kun's series of questions, and when she gritted her teeth, a beast skin appeared in her hand, with a dark purple aura flashing on it, and she handed it over and said, "Senior Lu, this is the handwritten note of the ancestor, the answer that the senior wants to find, Including several secret techniques related to blood monsters."

Lu Kun took the animal skin and glanced at it briefly, his pupils shrank, he couldn't help immersed in it, and the hall fell silent for a while.

Xu Yao has already affirmed that this person is definitely closely related to the body refining line of the One Yuan Sect. In the conversation just now, the Hong family brothers, the product of the failure of body refining, were mentioned in the patriarch's handwriting.

The purpose of the other party coming to the blood beast gate is probably for the secret method related to blood and magic.

This senior Lu has robbed the existence of the magic dragon blade from the hands of several gods, and is able to motivate this heaven-penetrating magic treasure. Its strength is beyond imagination. , Xu Yao only gifted the hand letter left by this ancestor.


As time passed, an inexplicable coercion suddenly filled the entire hall, and the hairs on Xu Yao's body could not help standing up, as if her body had encountered a natural enemy. Even horror.

Lu Kun's eyes were cold, and he held the handwriting in his hand, and there seemed to be a hint of anger in his expression.

"It's no wonder that the blood beasts in the Warcraft Garden and the demons in the Demon Refining Cave have been eroded by the true demon's meaning. It turns out that there is another wave of people who use the disciples of the body refining line to test the exercises..."

Before Hong Yuntian's demonic body fell into a deep sleep, he hadn't touched the water of true demons, but the last time when the secret realm of one yuan was opened, the demons in the refining demon cave had the breath of true demons.

In addition, the blood-and-blood beasts that look like half-humans and half-beasts in the Warcraft Garden are all confused, and they also have a cruel meaning in their souls. If it wasn't for Lu Kun's influence from the blood of the giant ape, I'm afraid None of those apes could wake up.

Lu Kun has always been brooding about this, but he didn't expect to find the reason in the handwriting of the ancestor of the blood beast sect...

The 11 chapters I owe can only be repaid slowly, two chapters tomorrow...

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