The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1162 Half-demon secret method

Wei State Zhongzhou.

This area is very different from many years ago. A large area near the land of death is all divided into Cangzhou, where Tianjiange is located. The remaining area is only half of the former Zhongzhou, which belongs to one of the six body refining pavilions. Five Elements Pavilion.

The Five Elements Pavilion practiced was the Five Elements Body Refinement Technique created by Lu Kun, which had the largest number of physical cultivation techniques. In addition to the mortal disciples who were fused with the spiritual roots, there were also many immortal cultivators who had converted to physical cultivation techniques.

These are the kind of disciples with ordinary aptitude for spiritual roots, but with a physique of three stars or more. Most of them come from the local cultivator families and loose cultivators of Wei.

It has been more than 130 years since the body-refining pavilion was established, and these disciples who were still in the Qi-refining stage or in the early stage of foundation-building have also become strong body-cultivators.


On this day, in a secret room of a cave in the depths of the Five Elements Pavilion, a seven or eight-year-old girl was lying on a jade bed. Her skin was extremely strange, sometimes red and sometimes pale, and her body temperature was changing rapidly.

On both sides of the little girl, a pair of men and women sat cross-legged.

These two are the newly promoted Gubao period body repairers of the Five Elements Pavilion, Wang Hui and Hu Qian.

More than a hundred years ago, they were the direct bloodline of the Zhongzhou Wang family and the Hu family. The former inherited fire-attribute exercises, while the latter had water-attribute exercises. The strengths of the two were mediocre, and there was no connection to the alchemy cultivator.

However, most of the two disciples' physiques were above three stars, which made them more suitable for the practice of physical training than ordinary immortal cultivators. Wang Hui and Hu Qian were the best of the two disciples.

In the past 100 years, their Primordial Fire and Primordial Water Refining Body Refinement has broken through the bottleneck one after another. Half a year ago, they even succeeded in condensing and dissolving bones, entering the early stage of bone treasure.


At this moment, the physique-cultivator couple had serious expressions, their bodies were surging with the magic power of the early stage of the formation of pills, pinching some kind of immortal cultivator's magic, and the Dao magic penetrated into the little girl's body.

As time passed, the little girl's skin gradually turned pink and tender, her wrinkled facial expression relaxed, and a slight humming sound came from her mouth and nose, as if she had passed out.

Seeing this, Wang Hui and Hu Qian slowly put away their mana and looked at the little girl with love in their eyes.

Hu Qian lamented: "Fortune is a fool, if Feifei is a man, the body of true yang is at least six stars or more, but it is a daughter, under the imbalance of yin and yang, it is even worse than one star."

"In addition to the physique, its spiritual roots are also rare five-element spiritual roots. It is difficult to cultivate traditional immortal cultivation techniques. The amount of spiritual energy that blood can hold is extremely limited.

"We can still use mana to reconcile the imbalance of yin and yang in her body, but if she is in her thirties, I am afraid that the mana of the Nascent Soul level will be difficult to protect."

Hearing Hu Qian's words, Wang Hui was silent for a long time before he said, "Qian'er, don't worry, I have already entrusted Elder Pan to transfer Feifei's blood to the pavilion master."

"The pavilion master founded the body refining line, and his understanding of the physical body has reached an unimaginable realm. If the old man is willing to rescue him, Feifei can live a long life even if he can't step into the world of immortality."

Hu Qian said with a bit of hesitation: "After all, Feifei is not a disciple of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and her qualifications are so poor, will the pavilion master..."

At this moment, the bracelet on Wang Hui's right wrist suddenly flashed a red aura, and his consciousness swept away, revealing the color of ecstasy: "It's Elder Pan's communication talisman, the pavilion master and the old man really have a way!"

While speaking, a pale red jade talisman appeared in front of the two of them.

"Really!" Hu Qian was inexplicably pleasantly surprised, as if she had found a life-saving straw, and her consciousness rushed into the communication jade talisman.


Over time, the couple frowned and rejoiced, and their expressions changed.

After a long time, Hu Qian murmured, "Demon Spirit Art? The half-demon body actually has a technique to improve its physique."

Wang Hui took a deep breath and said slowly: "I once heard Elder Pan mention that Hualing Pavilion is studying a secret technique to improve physique, but I didn't expect it to be successful."

He stood up, walked back and forth in the hall, thought for a moment and said:

"True Yang belongs to a special fire attribute power, which is equivalent to the different fire. In the records of our Wang family, it belongs to the top immortal cultivation qualification. With the idea of ​​​​physical cultivation, this true Yang body is a combination of the ultimate fire attribute, into the bloodstream."

"Feifei is a woman, and this kind of blood is not compatible. With the increase of age, the conflict with the organs in the body becomes more and more intense, and the internal organs will accelerate the failure and waste life."

"The idea of ​​the pavilion master is to start with the bloodline, through the cultivation of the demon spirit art, and the fusion of the bloodline of the extremely cold monsters, there is a great possibility to neutralize the true yang attribute in Feifei's bloodline."

Hearing this, Hu Qian couldn't help but say, "But this Demon Spirit Art seems to be more risky than the Body Refinement Art."

"In the stage of cultivating the Vajra Art, it is necessary to exchange bones with the cubs of monster beasts. The conflict between the alien bones in the body will damage the life span of twenty years, and Feifei's internal organs are weaker than ordinary people, and I am afraid that the lifespan will be lost more. Maybe you can only live to be thirty years old.”

Wang Hui shook his head and said, "With you and me, I will give my all to help. With Feifei's spiritual roots, there is still a chance to cultivate to the bone-hardening stage, and the loss of life essence can be tolerated."

"After reading the description of the pavilion master, you should know that the key to this half-demon body is the breakthrough of the coagulation period."

He rubbed the jade talisman and said, "The disciple of Hualing Pavilion experimenting with demon spirit art, because of the scarce blood energy in his bones, he gathered all the blood in his body and could only break through the bone marrow cavity of his sternum to refine a small amount of demon blood."

"However, the sternum at this time can greatly absorb the qi and blood energy of the monster. Through repeated bone replacement and breeding, with the help of the monster's blood essence and qi and blood energy, the other bone marrow cavities in the human body can be refined in reverse, and then gradually Improve the blood of the whole body, completely integrate the blood of the monster, and achieve the body of a half-demon."

When he said this, he looked at the little girl who was sleeping soundly on the jade bed, and a smile appeared on his face: "Qian'er, have you noticed that this kind of breakthrough in the coagulation period is more suitable for Feifei."

Hu Qian was stunned for a moment, then she reacted and said with a happy expression: "Yes, Feifei only has one star physique, and the amount of mana contained in the blood is extremely low, so it is almost impossible to break through the normal coagulation period."

"If you use the method of the Demon Spirit Art, with the help of qi and blood energy, only one bone marrow cavity can be opened, but there is a great chance."

Wang Hui said with an excited expression: "Although the blood coagulation period of the demon spirit art requires a long period of retreat and practice to truly break through, but as long as the blood coagulation period is entered, the hidden dangers of Feifei's true yang body can be solved by integrating the bloodline of the extremely cold monster. Most of it!"

"When the forging period is reached in the future, not only can we completely get rid of hidden dangers, but maybe our physique can be greatly improved."

"Based on this analysis, this Demon Spirit Art is completely prepared for immortal cultivators with too low physique. Feifei's one-star physique has the opportunity to cultivate to the coagulation stage, and others can also."

"The appearance of the Demon Spirit Art has given more people the opportunity to cultivate their bodies and cultivate immortals."

Hu Qian seemed to have thought of something at this time, and said with a worried look: "According to the judgment of the pavilion owner, the extremely cold bloodline of the monster has a good chance of success, but in case there is no neutralization, if there is a conflict..."

Wang Hui narrowed his eyes and interrupted: "It depends on what kind of extreme cold monster it is. After we catch the monster, we can first use the blood control technique to test the compatibility of the extreme cold blood and Feifei's blood in advance."

"As long as the blood is suitable, the success rate will not be low."

When Hu Qian heard the words, her expression gradually became firmer. She clenched her fists and said, "Okay, let's do it like this. This is Feifei's only chance to cultivate immortality."

"First bring Feifei to worship in the Hualing Pavilion, learn the magic spirit art, and then go to the outer sea to find the extremely cold monsters, and you can also collect demon pills for the sect."

"Let's go, let's go to Hualing Pavilion."


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